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Re: [Orekit Developers] Work In Progress for thread safety

Le 13/04/2012 10:28, Thomas Neidhart a écrit :
> On Fri, Apr 13, 2012 at 9:54 AM, Luc Maisonobe <Luc.Maisonobe@c-s.fr
> <mailto:Luc.Maisonobe@c-s.fr>> wrote:
>     Le 12/04/2012 23:37, Thomas Neidhart a écrit :
>     > After debugging into it, I found two problems:
>     >
>     >  - in the TimeStampedCache, the quantum is stored as an int
>     >    but it can lead to over/under-flows when doing the following
>     >    comparison in selectSlot (and maybe somewhere else):
>     >
>     >         if (slots.isEmpty() ||
>     >             slots.get(index).getEarliestQuantum() > dateQuantum +
>     > NEW_RANGE_FACTOR * neighborsSize ||
>     >             slots.get(index).getLatestQuantum()   < dateQuantum -
>     > NEW_RANGE_FACTOR * neighborsSize) {
>     >
>     >    the result is, that more slots as necessary are created.
>     >    For consistency, all uses of a quantum should be long instead
>     of int
>     Good catch!
>     We should be cautious here. Simply changing the types to long may simply
>     move the problem without solving it. The quantum step in the cache
>     constructor is computed as halfSpan / Integer.MAX_VALUE. Blindly
>     changing int to long would lead to change this statement to halfSpan /
>     Long.MAX_VALUE. After this change, the earliest and latest dates would
>     still be of the order of magnitude of min and max values for a long, so
>     the overflow would still occur!
>     So I would suggest to both use long and at the same time use a fixed
>     quantum set. Using 1 microsecond as the quantum step seems reasonable
>     for separating entries even for very fast pace dynamics (when dealing
>     with attitude and transient modes), and allows a signed long to support
>     a range from t0 - 292271 years to t0 + 292271 years.
>     If we use a fixed quantum step, we don't need anymore to limit the
>     earliest/latest dates to finite values as explained in the generator
>     interface javadoc. This would also be a nice improvement as this
>     limitation is quite awkward.
> Yes, I totally agree. In my local fix I have just changed the data type
> of the dateQuantum and kept the quantum step untouched.

I am taking care of this right now, as an issue has been created this
morning (issue #89) which is linked to this.

Stay tuned.

>     >  - UTCScale$Generator: the generator defines its earliest and latest
>     >    date somewhere in the range of 1960 - 2012. When providing dates
>     >    that are outside this range, a new slot is created, which is not
>     >    necessary, as there is no more offset data available.
>     >
>     >    I would propose to add a method like this to the generator, and
>     call
>     >    it instead of cache.getNeighbors directly:
>     >
>     >     private UTCTAIOffset[] getNeighbors(final AbsoluteDate date) {
>     >         AbsoluteDate corrected = date;
>     >         final AbsoluteDate latest = cache.getLatest().getDate();
>     >         final AbsoluteDate earliest = cache.getEarliest().getDate();
>     >         if (date.compareTo(latest) > 0) {
>     >             corrected = latest;
>     >         }
>     >         if (date.compareTo(earliest) < 0) {
>     >             corrected = earliest;
>     >         }
>     >         return cache.getNeighbors(corrected);
>     >     }
>     >
>     >    The idea is to limit the date to the available range of the cache.
>     I understand your rationale. Shouldn't this however be handled at cache
>     level as a general feature ? There is such a protection in the Slot
>     constructor for example, it could perhaps be moved a cache level.
> Actually, debugging the Cache was not so easy, and there were lots of
> side-effects from AbsoluteDate.toString in a debugging view, as it uses
> the UTC scale to display a date (and this is evaluated for any watches,
> affecting the cache ;-( ).
> So I would suggest to implement a fail fast strategy: whenever there is
> something unexpected -> throw an exception
> In the case of the range: imho, the cache should only provide neighbors
> in the range the generator can provide. Any requests outside that range
> should result in an exception.
> Specific uses of the cache have to take make sure that the cache is
> called properly, as the assumption for the UTCScale may not be true for
> other use-cases I guess?

Yes, this seems fine to me.
I'll look at this in a second pass.

>     >  - There should be a possibility to limit the calls to
>     >    Generator#generate. In the case of the UTCScale, there is no use in
>     >    calling it multiple times, as it will not provide additional data,
>     >    but there is an unnecessary overhead involved (i.e. checking the
>     >    result).
>     I'm not sure about that. The case for UTC where we know one call
>     generates everything is quite specific. In ephemerides cases the number
>     of calls is also limited by the files contents, but we avoid reading all
>     files at first, so we don't know beforehand when we will have exhausted
>     the files (and we often stop computation before exhausting them as they
>     cover very large ranges). In analytical model cases (like
>     precession-nutation), there is no limit to the number of calls.
>     One way could be to say that a limit count equal to zero or less than
>     zero means no limits.
>     >
>     >    I have done a first test to reduce the overhead by returning an
>     empty
>     >    list after the first call to the generator, which works, but there
>     >    are surely better solutions:
>     >
>     >    private static final List<UTCTAIOffset> EMPTY =
>     >         new ArrayList<UTCTAIOffset>();
>     >    private boolean generated = false;
>     >
>     >    public List<UTCTAIOffset> generate(final UTCTAIOffset existing,
>     >                                       final AbsoluteDate date) {
>     >        // everything has been generated at construction
>     >        List<UTCTAIOffset> reply = generated ? EMPTY : offsets;
>     >        generated = true;
>     >        return reply;
>     >    }
>     If we decide to set a limit on the number of calls, it would be trivial
>     to implement at cache level, as there is already a counter for calls.
>     Also in the case of UTC, we limit generation because we know nothing
>     more can be added, but in other cases this could be used as a safety
>     net. So in the first case, no error should be triggered if the limit is
>     reached, but in the other case an exception should be thrown.
>     Another possibility would be to improve the checks the cache does. It
>     already knows the earliest/latest date and should not generate more than
>     that. I tried to do that, but obviously failed. There is a dirty trick
>     in the UTC case because there are regular entries between 1960 and 2012
>     (for now), and also two entries at infinity, in the past and in the
>     future. Perhaps these two entries mess up the cache.
> Yes, I would favor something like that, my initial fix was just quick
> and dirty, but a real solution should limit the call to generate itself.
> I did not spend much time digging into the logic of the cache where he
> decides to generate new entries, but I will try to do so this evening.

Please wait a few hours as I am fixing issue #89 and implementing part
of this discussion for the fix.


>     > For the first two issues, I can provide a patch, the third one
>     needs to
>     > be discussed more in detail I guess.
>     >
>     > btw. I know its early work in progress :-), but having more
>     fine-grained
>     > control over the cache settings would be good, i.e. having specific
>     > default values for each cache, e.g. UTCScale cache instead of having
>     > default values for all caches. If you agree, I can also provide
>     patches
>     > here.
>     Yes, please do it. Also if you think we can add more control methods in
>     the same spirit as the various getters for generation calls, evictions,
>     number of slots and so on, do not hesitate to add them.
> ok I will do so.
> Cheers,
> Thomas