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Re: [Orekit Users] Upgrading to Orekit v9.0 : how to handle the Fields ?
"JEANDROZ, Yannick" <yannick.jeandroz@airbus.com> a écrit :
Hi Yannick,
First, many thanks for the release of Orekit v9.0. There is
obviously a tremendous amount of work behind it. Some of the new
features look very appealing to us.
We are currently in the process of switching our existing code base
to v9.0. Most of this process has been painless so far : the few
modifications that we had to perform in order to solve compilation
errors were very intuitive. Good job on maintaining compatibility
despite significant improvements !
Thanks for the kind words, this is greatly appreciated.
However, we have hit a difficulty with our custom AttitudeProviders.
Since commit 73f7d313 they are expected to implement a method
getAttitude() that works with Fields. We were not familiar with this
Fields feature, but it seems extremely powerful. In order to benefit
from the new features, we have to refactor our code, and that is
fine. In particular, it seems that Fields are now required for orbit
Yes, the fields are mandatory for orbit determination. They are not
limited to this use case, though, for example they can be used for
Taylor algebra, which itself is useful for high order uncertainties
propagation or Monte-Carlo simulation.
However, it seems that Fields have been implemented in Orekit v9.0
as a kind of add-on. They do not replace existing methods, probably
to avoid breaking compatibility ? This means that the
AttitudeProviders have to implement two getAttitude() methods, the
regular one and the new Fields one. We have attempted to implement
this without code duplication by implementing the Fields method,
then rewriting the regular method as a kind of wrapper around the
Fields method. We have failed so far. Looking at Orekit
AttitudeProviders, it seems that code duplication could not be
avoided there either.
Yes, the two methods are both required. This allows for example to
use the same force model in both a regular propagation, an
orbit determination, or a Taylor algebra computation.
I would not recommend using the field version underneath the double
version, as this may impair the performances. If this is not a concern
to you, then you can do that, using Decimal64 as the field because
it is simply a wrapped double.
If the two implementations of getAttitude() are completely separate,
I am afraid that bugs could lead to different behaviors between
"regular" propagation, and orbit determination. Those bugs would
certainly be tricky to isolate.
Yes. In order to mitigate this, care must be taken in the unit tests.
For Orekit itself, we regularly use test cases that use the Decimal64
field and compare the results with double. Beware that the results
will not be strictly identical as the optimizing compiler may order the
operations differently in both cases. Consider for example the code
needed to add three values. With fields, you may write it as
a.add(b).add(c) and this enforces b is added to a first and then c is
added. With doubles, you write it as a + b + c and the compiler is free
to compile it as (a + b) + c, or a + (b + c) or even as (a + c) + b,
mainly depending on what values are already in the registers. The
result may be different in the last few bits due to rounding, and if
the result is in an iterative loop, the few bits errors may diverge
Did we understand this evolution properly, or are we missing something here ?
I think you understood the evolution perfectly.
Is there a long-term plan for a tighter integration of the Fields ?
Maybe by replacing existing classes with Field-based ones ? Knowing
this could allow us to plan our refactoring accordingly.
I do have ideas about a tighter implementation, but it really needs
maturing (probably at least one or two years of tinkering with various
options). This would alo involve a major effort to set up the tooling.
So do not expect a seamless integration before that. In the
meantime, we will have to rely on manual maintenance of the consistency.
This is not ideal, but there are some technical challenges and limitations
due to the Java language (no operator overloading, no overriding of methods
base on the return type only, type erasure in generics...)
best regards,
Thank you very much for your input.
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