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Re: [Orekit Users] Orekit 6.0 Release Plan

Le 21/11/2011 17:38, Thomas Neidhart a écrit :
> Hi,

Hi Thomas,

> I know that the orekit 6.0 release is somehow dependent on the apache
> commons-math 3.0 release, but I would really like to see a release in
> the coming months.

Yes there is a strong dependency with regards to Apache commons Math
3.0. We would also like very much to have a release soon.

> Are there any updates or plans on this topic?

Unfortunately, no. As far as Orekit is concerned, we could add more
stuff (and some of the improvements we have in our bag are really
interesting). However, we could also publish Orekit with the current
content as the incompatible changes have already been introduced. The
only thing that really prevents us from doing so is that Apache Commons
Math is not released yet.

> Or the other way round, what help is needed to make this happen?

Well, I guess help would be of most use with Apache Commons Math. I will
probably finish the simple bounds adapter for optimizers quickly. I
would like to improve stability of Adams based integrators using the new
high accuracy linear combination methods (because by definition the
linear combinations used in Adams methods introduce lots of
cancellations). I would like to set up again the BDF integrator based on
the work done for Adams, but another perhaps quicker way to have
integrators for stiff problems would be to use some implicit Runge-Kutta
methods. Last part I would like to see fixed is the mapping between
boundary representation and BSP tree in the 2D/3D geometry part.

There are many other developers for Apache Commons Math, though, and
they have different priorities. Some undergoing work is done on the
Bobyqa optimizer, some work on the exceptions (hopefully this should be
stabilized now), some work on the statistical packages and some work on
iterative methods for linear algebra.

You can perhaps ask on the Commons developers list (even referring to
this discussion here if you wish), and help solve some of the bugs and
requests for enhancements we have on Jira there.

thanks for proposing help

> Cheers,
> Thomas