2018-05-26 Orekit 9.2 released
Version 9.2 is a minor release of Orekit. It introduces several new features and bug fixes.
New features introduced in version 9.2 are :
- Kalman filter for orbit determination,
- loading of RINEX files
- loading of ANTEX files
- loading of version d of SP3 files (version a to c were already supported)
- on-the-fly decompression of .Z files
- code measurements
- phase measurements (but only a very basic implementation for now)
- specific attitude laws (GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO, BEIDOU) with midnight/noon turns
- possibility to use backward propagation in LS orbit determination
- support for any ITRF version, even if EOP files do not match the desired version
- attitude overriding in constant thrust maneuvers
- FunctionalDetector
- filtering mechanism to insert specific decompression or deciphering algorithms during data loading
- frames for Lagrange L1 and L2 point for any two related celestial bodies
WARNING: phase measurements, GNSS attitude and time-dependent process noise are considered experimental
features for now, they should not be used yet for operational systems
Several bugs have been fixed.
This version depends on Hipparchus 1.3
News summary