2024-04-22  3rd Orekit Talk: Orekit for the Global Trajectory Optimisation Competition, by Romain Serra

The 3rd session of the “Orekit Talks” was held on the 19th of April 2024.

The subject was “Orekit for the Global Trajectory Optimisation Competition”.
Thanks to all the attendees and a special thanks to Romain Serra who presented how he used Orekit to compute optimal low-thrust interplanetary transfers for the GTOC 12 competition in July 2023 with his team “The Mean Anomalies”.

Here is the material from the talk:

The references on optimization and the GTOC (see at the end of the slides):

And the publications by Romain’s team(s) for GTOC 9 and 11:

Thanks to all the attendees!

We’re always happy to organize this kind of event. If you want to present something related to Orekit please contact me or any of the developers, or propose it directly on the forum!!!

It is open to everyone in the community, you can present your application or product, the only requirement is that it is related to Orekit.

See you soon!

News summary