Custom filters

As explained on the filtering page, the DataProvidersManager.applyAllFilters method works by looping over all registered DataFilter instances and calling their filter method with the current NamedData. If the filter method returns the exact same instance that was passed to it, it means the filter does not do anything. In this case, the DataProvidersManager.applyAllFilters method just continues its loop and check the next filter. If the filter method returns a different NamedData instance that was passed to it, it means the filter does indeed act on the bytes stream. In this case, the DataProvidersManager.applyAllFilters method sets the current NamedData to the returned value and restart its loop from the beginning.

This algorithm allows the same filter to be applied several time if needed, and it also allows the filters to be applied in any order, regardless of the order in which they have been registered to the DataProvidersManager.

Users may benefit from this general feature to add their own filters. One example could be a deciphering algorithm if sensitive data should be stored enciphered and should be deciphered on the fly when data is loaded.

Implementing a filter

As per the way the applyAllFilters method works, the filter method must be implemented in such a way that it should check the NamedData passed to it and return its parameter if it considers it should not filter it, or return a new NamedData if it considers is should filter it.

Checking is typically done using only the name and looking for files extensions, but it could as well be made by opening temporarily the stream to read just the first few bytes to look for some magic number and closing it afterwards, as the NamedData passed as a parameter has an openStream method that can be called as many times as one wants.

As applyAllFilters restarts its loop from the beginning each time a filter is added to the stack, some care must be taken to avoid stacking an infinite number of instances of the same filter on top of each other. This means that the filtered NamedData returned after filtering should be recognized as already filtered and not matched again by the same filter. If the check is based on file names extensions (like .gz for gzip-compressed files), then if the original NamedData has a name of the form base.ext.gz than the filtered file should have a name of the form base.ext. Another point is that if a filters does not act on a NamedData, then it must return the same instance that was passed to it, it must not simply create a transparent filter that just passes names and bytes unchanged, otherwise it would be considered as a valid filter and added again and again until either a stack overflow or memory exhaustion exception occurs.

The filtering part itself is implemented by opening the bytes stream from the underlying original NamedData, reading raw bytes from it, performing the processing on these bytes (uncompressing, deciphering, …) and returning them as another stream.

The following example shows how to do that for a dummy deciphering algorithm based on a simple XOR (this is a toy example only, not intended to be secure at all).

public class XorFilter implements DataFilter {

    /** Suffix for XOR ciphered files. */
    private static final String SUFFIX = ".xor";

    /** Highly secret key. */
    private static final int key = 0x3b;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public NamedData filter(final NamedData original) {
        final String                 oName   = original.getName();
        final NamedData.StreamOpener oOpener = original.getStreamOpener();
        if (oName.endsWith(SUFFIX)) {
            final String                 fName   = oName.substring(0, oName.length() - SUFFIX.length());
            final NamedData.StreamOpener fOpener = () -> new XORInputStream(oName, oOpener.openStream());
            return new NamedData(fName, fOpener);
        } else {
            return original;

    /** Filtering of XOR ciphered stream. */
    private static class XORInputStream extends InputStream {

        /** File name. */
        private final String name;

        /** Underlying compressed stream. */
        private final InputStream input;

        /** Indicator for end of input. */
        private boolean endOfInput;

        /** Simple constructor.
         * @param name file name
         * @param input underlying compressed stream
         * @exception IOException if first bytes cannot be read
        XORInputStream(final String name, final InputStream input)
            throws IOException {
         = name;
            this.input      = input;
            this.endOfInput = false;

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        public int read() throws IOException {

            if (endOfInput) {
                // we have reached end of data
                return -1;

            final int raw =;
            if (raw < 0) {
              endOfInput = true;
              return -1;
            } else {
              return raw ^ key;


