
/* Copyright 2002-2022 CS GROUP
 * Licensed to CS GROUP (CS) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * CS licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.orekit.errors;

import org.hipparchus.exception.Localizable;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLConnection;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.MissingResourceException;
import java.util.PropertyResourceBundle;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;

 * Enumeration for localized messages formats.
 * <p>
 * The constants in this enumeration represent the available formats as
 * localized strings. These formats are intended to be localized using simple
 * properties files, using the constant name as the key and the property value
 * as the message format. The source English format is provided in the constants
 * themselves to serve both as a reminder for developers to understand the
 * parameters needed by each format, as a basis for translators to create
 * localized properties files, and as a default format if some translation is
 * missing.
 * </p>
 * @since 2.1
public enum OrekitMessages implements Localizable {

    // CHECKSTYLE: stop JavadocVariable check

    INTERNAL_ERROR("internal error, please notify development team by creating a new topic at {0}"),
    ALTITUDE_BELOW_ALLOWED_THRESHOLD("altitude ({0} m) is below the {1} m allowed threshold"),
    POINT_INSIDE_ELLIPSOID("point is inside ellipsoid"),
    TRAJECTORY_INSIDE_BRILLOUIN_SPHERE("trajectory inside the Brillouin sphere (r = {0})"),
    ALMOST_EQUATORIAL_ORBIT("almost equatorial orbit (i = {0} degrees)"),
    ALMOST_CRITICALLY_INCLINED_ORBIT("almost critically inclined orbit (i = {0} degrees)"),
            "unable to compute Eckstein-Hechler mean parameters after {0} iterations"),
            "unable to compute Brouwer-Lyddane mean parameters after {0} iterations"),
                    "unable to compute TLE after {0} iterations"),
    NULL_PARENT_FOR_FRAME("null parent for frame {0}"),
    FRAME_ALREADY_ATTACHED("frame {0} is already attached to frame {1}"),
    FRAME_NOT_ATTACHED("frame {0} is not attached to the main frames tree"),
    FRAME_ANCESTOR_OF_BOTH_FRAMES("frame {0} is an ancestor of both frames {1} and {2}"),
    FRAME_ANCESTOR_OF_NEITHER_FRAME("frame {0} is an ancestor of neither frame {1} nor {2}"),
    FRAME_NO_NTH_ANCESTOR("frame {0} has depth {1}, it cannot have an ancestor {2} levels above"),
    NO_SUCH_ITRF_FRAME("ITRF frame {0} not found"),
    UNSUPPORTED_LOCAL_ORBITAL_FRAME("unsupported local orbital frame {0}"),
    NON_PSEUDO_INERTIAL_FRAME("non pseudo-inertial frame \"{0}\""),
    DATA_ROOT_DIRECTORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST("data root directory {0} does not exist"),
    NOT_A_DIRECTORY("{0} is not a directory"),
    NEITHER_DIRECTORY_NOR_ZIP_OR_JAR("{0} is neither a directory nor a zip/jar archive file"),
    UNABLE_TO_FIND_RESOURCE("unable to find resource {0} in classpath"),
    NO_EARTH_ORIENTATION_PARAMETERS_LOADED("no Earth Orientation Parameters loaded"),
    MISSING_EARTH_ORIENTATION_PARAMETERS_BETWEEN_DATES("missing Earth Orientation Parameters between {0} and {1}"),
    MISSING_EARTH_ORIENTATION_PARAMETERS_BETWEEN_DATES_GAP("missing Earth Orientation Parameters between {0} and {1}, gap is {2,number,0.0##############E0} s"),
    NO_EARTH_ORIENTATION_PARAMETERS("missing Earth Orientation Parameters"),
    NOT_A_SUPPORTED_IERS_DATA_FILE("file {0} is not a supported IERS data file"),
    INCONSISTENT_DATES_IN_IERS_FILE("inconsistent dates in IERS file {0}: {1}-{2}-{3} and MJD {4}"),
    UNEXPECTED_DATA_AFTER_LINE_IN_FILE("unexpected data after line {0} in file {1}: {2}"),
    UNEXPECTED_DATA_AT_LINE_IN_FILE("unexpected data at line {0} in file {1}"),
    NON_CHRONOLOGICAL_DATES_IN_FILE("non-chronological dates in file {0}, line {1}"),
    NO_IERS_UTC_TAI_HISTORY_DATA_LOADED("no IERS UTC-TAI history data loaded"),
    NO_ENTRIES_IN_IERS_UTC_TAI_HISTORY_FILE("no entries found in IERS UTC-TAI history file {0}"),
    MISSING_SERIE_J_IN_FILE("missing serie j = {0} in file {1} (line {2})"),
    CANNOT_PARSE_BOTH_TAU_AND_GAMMA("cannot parse both τ and γ from the same Poissons series file"),
    UNEXPECTED_END_OF_FILE_AFTER_LINE("unexpected end of file {0} (after line {1})"),
    UNABLE_TO_PARSE_LINE_IN_FILE("unable to parse line {0} of file {1}:\n{2}"),
    UNABLE_TO_PARSE_ELEMENT_IN_FILE("unable to parse element {0} at line {1}, file {2}"),
    UNABLE_TO_FIND_FILE("unable to find file {0}"),
    SPACECRAFT_MASS_BECOMES_NEGATIVE("spacecraft mass becomes negative: {0} kg"),
    POSITIVE_FLOW_RATE("positive flow rate (q: {0})"),
    NO_GRAVITY_FIELD_DATA_LOADED("no gravity field data loaded"),
    GRAVITY_FIELD_NORMALIZATION_UNDERFLOW("gravity field normalization underflow for degree {0} and order {1}"),
    NO_OCEAN_TIDE_DATA_LOADED("no ocean tide data loaded"),
    OCEAN_TIDE_DATA_DEGREE_ORDER_LIMITS("ocean tide data file {0} limited to degree {1} and order {2}"),
            "load deformation coefficients limited to degree {0}, cannot parse degree {1} term from file {2}"),
    POLAR_TRAJECTORY("polar trajectory (distance to polar axis: {0})"),
    UNEXPECTED_FILE_FORMAT_ERROR_FOR_LOADER("unexpected format error for file {0} with loader {1}"),
    DUPLICATED_GRAVITY_FIELD_COEFFICIENT_IN_FILE("duplicated gravity field coefficient {0}({1}, {2}) in file {3}"),
    MISSING_GRAVITY_FIELD_COEFFICIENT_IN_FILE("missing gravity field coefficient {0}({1}, {2}) in file {3}"),
    TOO_LARGE_DEGREE_FOR_GRAVITY_FIELD("too large degree (n = {0}, potential maximal degree is {1})"),
    TOO_LARGE_ORDER_FOR_GRAVITY_FIELD("too large order (m = {0}, potential maximal order is {1})"),
    WRONG_DEGREE_OR_ORDER("no term ({0}, {1}) in a {2}x{3} spherical harmonics decomposition"),
    SEVERAL_REFERENCE_DATES_IN_GRAVITY_FIELD("several reference dates ({0} and {1} differ by {3,number,0.0##############E0} s) found in gravity field file {2}"),
    NO_TLE_FOR_OBJECT("no TLE data available for object {0}"),
            "no TLE data available for launch year {0}, launch number {1}, launch piece {2}"),
    NOT_TLE_LINES("lines {0} and {1} are not TLE lines:\n{0}: \"{2}\"\n{1}: \"{3}\""),
    MISSING_SECOND_TLE_LINE("expected a second TLE line after line {0}:\n{0}: \"{1}\""),
    TLE_LINES_DO_NOT_REFER_TO_SAME_OBJECT("TLE lines do not refer to the same object:\n{0}\n{1}"),
    TLE_INVALID_PARAMETER("invalid TLE parameter for object {0}: {1} = {2}"),
    TLE_CHECKSUM_ERROR("wrong checksum of TLE line {0}, expected {1} but got {2} ({3})"),
    NO_TLE_DATA_AVAILABLE("no TLE data available"),
    NOT_POSITIVE_SPACECRAFT_MASS("spacecraft mass is not positive: {0} kg"),
    TOO_LARGE_ECCENTRICITY_FOR_PROPAGATION_MODEL("too large eccentricity for propagation model: e = {0}"),
    NO_SOLAR_ACTIVITY_AT_DATE("no solar activity available at {0}, data available only in range [{1}, {2}]"),
    NON_EXISTENT_MONTH("non-existent month {0}"),
    NON_EXISTENT_YEAR_MONTH_DAY("non-existent date {0}-{1}-{2}"),
    NON_EXISTENT_WEEK_DATE("non-existent week date {0}-W{1}-{2}"),
    NON_EXISTENT_DATE("non-existent date {0}"),
    NON_EXISTENT_DAY_NUMBER_IN_YEAR("no day number {0} in year {1}"),
    NON_EXISTENT_HMS_TIME("non-existent time {0}:{1}:{2}"),
    NON_EXISTENT_TIME("non-existent time {0}"),
    OUT_OF_RANGE_SECONDS_NUMBER("out of range seconds number: {0}"),
    OUT_OF_RANGE_SECONDS_NUMBER_DETAIL("out of range seconds number: {0} is not in [{1}, {2}]"),
    ANGLE_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED("angle type not supported, supported angles: {0}, {1} and {2}"),
    SATELLITE_COLLIDED_WITH_TARGET("satellite collided with target"),
    ATTITUDE_POINTING_LAW_DOES_NOT_POINT_TO_GROUND("attitude pointing law misses ground"),
            "{0} seconds transition time for attitudes switch is too short, should be longer than {1} seconds"),
    ORBIT_AND_ATTITUDE_DATES_MISMATCH("orbit date ({0}) does not match attitude date ({1})"),
    FRAMES_MISMATCH("frame {0} does not match frame {1}"),
    INITIAL_STATE_NOT_SPECIFIED_FOR_ORBIT_PROPAGATION("initial state not specified for orbit propagation"),
            "target event date must be before {1} by {3,number,0.0##############E0} seconds or after {2} by {3,number,0.0##############E0} seconds, but target event date {0} is {4,number,0.0##############E0} seconds before {1} and {5,number,0.0##############E0} seconds after {2} so it cannot be added"),
    UNABLE_TO_READ_JPL_HEADER("unable to read header record from JPL ephemerides binary file {0}"),
            "inconsistent values of astronomical unit in JPL ephemerides files: ({0} and {1})"),
            "inconsistent values of Earth/Moon mass ratio in JPL ephemerides files: ({0} and {1})"),
    NO_DATA_LOADED_FOR_CELESTIAL_BODY("no data loaded for celestial body {0}"),
    NOT_A_JPL_EPHEMERIDES_BINARY_FILE("file {0} is not a JPL ephemerides binary file"),
            "file {0} is not a Marshall Solar Activity Future Estimation (MSAFE) file"),
    NO_JPL_EPHEMERIDES_BINARY_FILES_FOUND("no JPL ephemerides binary files found"),
    OUT_OF_RANGE_BODY_EPHEMERIDES_DATE("out of range date for {0} ephemerides: {1}"),
    OUT_OF_RANGE_EPHEMERIDES_DATE("out of range date for ephemerides: {0}, [{1}, {2}]"),
    OUT_OF_RANGE_EPHEMERIDES_DATE_BEFORE("out of range date for ephemerides: {0} is {3,number,0.0##############E0} s before [{1}, {2}]"),
    OUT_OF_RANGE_EPHEMERIDES_DATE_AFTER("out of range date for ephemerides: {0} is {3,number,0.0##############E0} s after [{1}, {2}]"),
            "unexpected two elevation values: {0} and {1}, for one azimuth: {2}"),
    UNSUPPORTED_PARAMETER_NAME("unsupported parameter name {0}, supported names: {1}"),
    TOO_SMALL_SCALE_FOR_PARAMETER("scale factor for parameter {0} is too small: {1}"),
    UNKNOWN_ADDITIONAL_STATE("unknown additional state \"{0}\""),
    UNKNOWN_MONTH("unknown month \"{0}\""),
    SINGULAR_JACOBIAN_FOR_ORBIT_TYPE("Jacobian matrix for type {0} is singular with current orbit"),
    STATE_JACOBIAN_NOT_INITIALIZED("state Jacobian has not been initialized yet"),
    STATE_JACOBIAN_NOT_6X6("state Jacobian is a {0}x{1} matrix, it should be a 6x6 matrix"),
    STATE_AND_PARAMETERS_JACOBIANS_ROWS_MISMATCH("state Jacobian has {0} rows but parameters Jacobian has {1} rows"),
            "initial Jacobian matrix has {0} columns, but {1} parameters have been selected"),
            "orbit should be either elliptic with a > 0 and e < 1 or hyperbolic with a < 0 and e > 1, a = {0}, e = {1}"),
    ORBIT_ANOMALY_OUT_OF_HYPERBOLIC_RANGE("true anomaly {0} out of hyperbolic range (e = {1}, {2} < v < {3})"),
    HYPERBOLIC_ORBIT_NOT_HANDLED_AS("hyperbolic orbits cannot be handled as {0} instances"),
    CCSDS_DATE_INVALID_PREAMBLE_FIELD("invalid preamble field in CCSDS date: {0}"),
    CCSDS_DATE_INVALID_LENGTH_TIME_FIELD("invalid time field length in CCSDS date: {0}, expected {1}"),
    CCSDS_DATE_MISSING_AGENCY_EPOCH("missing agency epoch in CCSDS date"),
    CCSDS_MISSING_KEYWORD("missing mandatory key {0} in CCSDS file {1}"),
    CCSDS_KEYWORD_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_VERSION("key {0} is not allowed in format version {1}"),
    CCSDS_UNEXPECTED_KEYWORD("unexpected keyword in CCSDS line number {0} of file {1}:\n{2}"),
    CCSDS_UNKNOWN_GM("the central body gravitational coefficient cannot be retrieved from the ODM"),
    CCSDS_UNKNOWN_SPACECRAFT_MASS("there is no spacecraft mass associated with this ODM file"),
    CCSDS_UNKNOWN_CONVENTIONS("no IERS conventions have been set before parsing"),
    CCSDS_INVALID_FRAME("frame {0} is not valid in this CCSDS file context"),
    CCSDS_INCONSISTENT_TIME_SYSTEMS("inconsistent time systems: {0} ≠ {1}"),
            "use of time system {0} in CCSDS files requires an additional ICD and is not implemented in Orekit"),
    CCSDS_TDM_KEYWORD_NOT_FOUND("No CCSDS TDM keyword was found at line {0} of file {1}:\n{2}"),
    CCSDS_TDM_MISSING_RANGE_UNITS_CONVERTER("no Range Units converter configured for parsing Tracking Data Message"),
    CCSDS_TIME_SYSTEM_NOT_READ_YET("Time system should have already been set before line {0} of file {1}"),
    CCSDS_AEM_INCONSISTENT_TIME_SYSTEMS("inconsistent time systems in the attitude blocks: {0} ≠ {1}"),
    CCSDS_AEM_ATTITUDE_TYPE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED("attitude type {0} in CCSDS AEM files is not implemented in Orekit"),
    CCSDS_INVALID_ROTATION_SEQUENCE("invalid rotation sequence {0} at line {1} of file {2}"),
    CCSDS_UNSUPPORTED_ELEMENT_SET_TYPE("element set type {0} ({1}) is not supported yet"),
    CCSDS_UNSUPPORTED_RETROGRADE_EQUINOCTIAL("retrograde factor not supported in element set {0}"),
    CCSDS_ELEMENT_SET_WRONG_NB_COMPONENTS("element set type {0} ({1}) expects {2} elements"),
    CCSDS_MANEUVER_UNITS_WRONG_NB_COMPONENTS("wrong number of units for maneuver {0}"),
    CCSDS_MANEUVER_MISSING_TIME("missing time field for maneuver {0}"),
    ADDITIONAL_STATE_NAME_ALREADY_IN_USE("name \"{0}\" is already used for an additional state"),
    NON_RESETABLE_STATE("reset state not allowed"),
    DSST_NEWCOMB_OPERATORS_COMPUTATION("Cannot compute Newcomb operators for sigma > rho ({0} > {1})"),
    DSST_VMNS_COEFFICIENT_ERROR_MS("Cannot compute the Vmns coefficient with m > n ({0} > {1})"),
    DSST_SPR_SHADOW_INCONSISTENT("inconsistent shadow computation: entry = {0} whereas exit = {1}"),
            "The current orbit has an eccentricity ({0} > 0.5). DSST needs an unimplemented time dependent numerical method to compute the averaged rates"),
    SP3_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION("unsupported sp3 file version {0}"),
    SP3_NUMBER_OF_EPOCH_MISMATCH("found {0} epochs in file {1}, expected {2}"),
    SP3_UNEXPECTED_END_OF_FILE("unexpected end of sp3 file (after line {0})"),
    CLOCK_FILE_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION("unsupported clock file version {0}"),
    NAVIGATION_FILE_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION("unsupported navigation messages file version {0}"),
    NON_EXISTENT_GEOMAGNETIC_MODEL("non-existent geomagnetic model {0} for year {1}"),
            "geomagnetic model {0} with epoch {1} does not support time transformation, no secular variation coefficients defined"),
            "time transformation of geomagnetic model {0} with epoch {1} is outside its validity range: {2} != [{3}, {4}]"),
    NOT_ENOUGH_DATA_FOR_INTERPOLATION("not enough data for interpolation (sample size = {0})"),
    NOT_ENOUGH_CACHED_NEIGHBORS("too small number of cached neighbors: {0} (must be at least {1})"),
    NO_CACHED_ENTRIES("no cached entries"),
    NON_CHRONOLOGICALLY_SORTED_ENTRIES("generated entries not sorted: {0} > {1} by {2,number,0.0##############E0} s"),
    NO_DATA_GENERATED("no data generated around date: {0}"),
    UNABLE_TO_GENERATE_NEW_DATA_BEFORE("unable to generate new data before {0}, but data is requested for {1} which is {2,number,0.0##############E0} s before"),
    UNABLE_TO_GENERATE_NEW_DATA_AFTER("unable to generate new data after {0}, but data is requested for {1} which is {2,number,0.0##############E0} s after"),
            "unable to compute hyperbolic eccentric anomaly from the mean anomaly after {0} iterations"),
    UNABLE_TO_COMPUTE_DSST_MEAN_PARAMETERS("unable to compute mean orbit from osculating orbit after {0} iterations"),
    OUT_OF_RANGE_DERIVATION_ORDER("derivation order {0} is out of range"),
    ORBIT_TYPE_NOT_ALLOWED("orbit type {0} not allowed here, allowed types: {1}"),
            "non pseudo-inertial frame {0} is not suitable as reference for inertial forces"),
    METHOD_NOT_AVAILABLE_WITHOUT_CENTRAL_BODY("method not available in the absence of a central body"),
    INCOMPATIBLE_FRAMES("operation not available between frames {0} and {1}"),
    UNDEFINED_ORBIT("orbit not defined, state rather contains an absolute position-velocity-acceleration"),
            "absolute position-velocity-acceleration not defined, state rather contains an orbit"),
    INERTIAL_FORCE_MODEL_MISSING("an inertial force model has to be used when propagating in non-inertial frame {0}"),
    NO_SEM_ALMANAC_AVAILABLE("no SEM almanac file found"),
    NOT_A_SUPPORTED_SEM_ALMANAC_FILE("file {0} is not a supported SEM almanac file"),
    NO_YUMA_ALMANAC_AVAILABLE("no Yuma almanac file found"),
    NOT_A_SUPPORTED_YUMA_ALMANAC_FILE("file {0} is not a supported Yuma almanac file"),
    NOT_ENOUGH_GNSS_FOR_DOP("only {0} GNSS orbits are provided while {1} are needed to compute the DOP"),
            "Creating an aggregate propagator requires at least one constituent propagator, but none were provided."),
                    "Creating an aggregate attitude provider requires at least one constituent attitude provider, but none were provided."),
    NULL_ARGUMENT("argument {0} cannot be null"),
    VALUE_NOT_FOUND("value {0} not found in {1}"),
    KLOBUCHAR_ALPHA_BETA_NOT_LOADED("Klobuchar coefficients α or β could not be loaded from {0}"),
    KLOBUCHAR_ALPHA_BETA_NOT_AVAILABLE_FOR_DATE("Klobuchar coefficients α or β not available for date {0}"),
    NO_KLOBUCHAR_ALPHA_BETA_IN_FILE("file {0} does not contain Klobuchar coefficients α or β"),
    NO_REFERENCE_DATE_FOR_PARAMETER("no reference date set for parameter {0}"),
    STATION_NOT_FOUND("station {0} not found, known stations: {1}"),
    UNKNOWN_SATELLITE_SYSTEM("unknown satellite system {0}"),
    UNKNOWN_TIME_SYSTEM("unknown time system {0}"),
    UNKNOWN_CLOCK_DATA_TYPE("unknown clock data type {0}"),
    UNKNOWN_SATELLITE_ANTENNA_CODE("unknown satellite antenna code {0}"),
    UNSUPPORTED_FREQUENCY_FOR_ANTENNA("frequency {0} is not supported by antenna {1}"),
    CANNOT_FIND_SATELLITE_IN_SYSTEM("cannot find satellite {0} in satellite system {1}"),
    UNKNOWN_RINEX_FREQUENCY("unknown RINEX frequency {0} in file {1}, line {2}"),
    MISMATCHED_FREQUENCIES("mismatched frequencies in file {0}, line {1} (expected {2}, got {3})"),
    WRONG_COLUMNS_NUMBER("wrong number of columns in file {0}, line {1} (expected {2} columns, got {3} columns)"),
    UNSUPPORTED_FILE_FORMAT("unsupported format for file {0}"),
    INCOMPLETE_HEADER("incomplete header in file {0}"),
            "inconsistent number of satellites in line {0}, file {1}: observation with {2} satellites and number of max satellites is {3}"),
            "the satellite system {3} from line {0}, file {1} is not consistent with the Rinex Satellite System {2} in header"),
    NO_PROPAGATOR_CONFIGURED("no propagator configured"),
    DIMENSION_INCONSISTENT_WITH_PARAMETERS("dimension {0} is inconsistent with parameters list: {1}"),
    NOT_A_SUPPORTED_UNIX_COMPRESSED_FILE("file {0} is not a supported Unix-compressed file"),
    UNEXPECTED_END_OF_FILE("unexpected end of file {0}"),
    CORRUPTED_FILE("file {0} is corrupted"),
    VIENNA_ACOEF_OR_ZENITH_DELAY_NOT_LOADED("Vienna coefficients ah or aw or zh or zw could not be loaded from {0}"),
            "Vienna coefficients ah or aw or zh or zw not available for date {0}"),
    NO_VIENNA_ACOEF_OR_ZENITH_DELAY_IN_FILE("file {0} does not contain Vienna coefficients ah, aw, zh or zw"),
    IRREGULAR_OR_INCOMPLETE_GRID("irregular or incomplete grid in file {0}"),
    INVALID_SATELLITE_SYSTEM("invalid satellite system {0}"),
    NO_TEC_DATA_IN_FILE_FOR_DATE("IONEX file {0} does not contain TEC data for date {1}"),
    INCONSISTENT_NUMBER_OF_TEC_MAPS_IN_FILE("number of maps {0} is inconsistent with header specification: {1}"),
            "file {0} does not contain latitude or longitude bondaries in its header section"),
    NO_EPOCH_IN_IONEX_HEADER("file {0} does not contain epoch of first or last map in its header section"),
    ITRF_VERSIONS_PREFIX_ONLY("The first column of itrf-versions.conf is a plain " +
            "prefix that is matched against the name of each loaded file. It should " +
            "not contain any regular expression syntax or directory components, i.e. " +
            "\"/\" or \"\\\". Actual value: \"{0}\"."),
            "cannot compute aiming direction at singular point: latitude = {0}, longitude = {1}"),
    STEC_INTEGRATION_DID_NOT_CONVERGE("STEC integration did not converge"),
    MODIP_GRID_NOT_LOADED("MODIP grid not be loaded from {0}"),
    NEQUICK_F2_FM3_NOT_LOADED("NeQuick coefficient f2 or fm3 not be loaded from {0}"),
    NOT_A_SUPPORTED_HATANAKA_COMPRESSED_FILE("file {0} is not a supported Hatanaka-compressed file"),
    CANNOT_COMPUTE_LAGRANGIAN("Cannot compute around {0}"),
    TRAJECTORY_NOT_CROSSING_XZPLANE("The trajectory does not cross XZ Plane, it will not result in a Halo Orbit"),
            "The multiple shooting problem is underconstrained : {0} free variables, {1} constraints"),
            "invalid measurement types {0} and {1} for the combination of measurements {2}"),
            "frequencies {0} and {1} are incompatibles for the {2} combination"),
    NON_CHRONOLOGICAL_DATES_FOR_OBSERVATIONS("observations are not in chronological order: {0} is {2,number,0.0##############E0} s after {1}"),
            "Use of the ExceptionalDataContext detected. This is typically used to detect developer errors."),
            "Observations must have different dates: {0}, {1} ({3,number,0.0##############E0} s from first observation), and {2} ({4,number,0.0##############E0} s from first observation, {5,number,0.0##############E0} s from second observation)"),
    NON_COPLANAR_POINTS("observations are not in the same plane"),
    INVALID_PARAMETER_RANGE("invalid parameter {0}: {1} not in range [{2}, {3}]"),
    PARAMETER_NOT_SET("The parameter {0} should not be null in {1}"),
    FUNCTION_NOT_IMPLEMENTED("{0} is not implemented"),
    INVALID_TYPE_FOR_FUNCTION("Impossible to execute {0} with {1} set to {2}"),
    NO_DATA_IN_FILE("No data could be parsed from file {0}"),
    CPF_UNEXPECTED_END_OF_FILE("Unexpected end of CPF file (after line {0})"),
    UNEXPECTED_FORMAT_FOR_ILRS_FILE("Unexpected file format. Must be {0} but is {1}"),
    CRD_UNEXPECTED_END_OF_FILE("Unexpected end of CRD file (after line {0})"),
    INVALID_RANGE_INDICATOR_IN_CRD_FILE("Invalid range indicator {0} in CRD file header"),
    END_OF_ENCODED_MESSAGE("end of encoded message reached"),
    TOO_LARGE_DATA_TYPE("too large data type ({0} bits)"),
    UNKNOWN_ENCODED_MESSAGE_NUMBER("unknown encoded message number {0}"),
    UNKNOWN_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD("unknown authentication method: {0}"),
    UNKNOWN_CARRIER_PHASE_CODE("unknown carrier phase code: {0}"),
    UNKNOWN_DATA_FORMAT("unknown data format: {0}"),
    UNKNOWN_NAVIGATION_SYSTEM("unknown navigation system: {0}"),
    STREAM_REQUIRES_NMEA_FIX("data stream {0} requires a NMEA fix data"),
    FAILED_AUTHENTICATION("failed authentication for mountpoint {0}"),
    CONNECTION_ERROR("error connecting to {0}: {1}"),
    UNEXPECTED_CONTENT_TYPE("unexpected content type {0}"),
    CANNOT_PARSE_GNSS_DATA("cannot parse GNSS data from {0}"),
    UNKNOWN_HOST("unknown host {0}"),
    SOURCETABLE_PARSE_ERROR("error parsing sourcetable line {0} from {1}: {2}"),
    CANNOT_PARSE_SOURCETABLE("cannot parse sourcetable from {0}"),
    MOUNPOINT_ALREADY_CONNECTED("mount point {0} is already connected"),
    MISSING_HEADER("missing header from {0}: {1}"),
    NOT_VALID_INTERNATIONAL_DESIGNATOR("{0} is not a valid international designator"),
    UNINITIALIZED_VALUE_FOR_KEY("value for key {0} has not been initialized"),
    UNKNOWN_UNIT("unknown unit {0}"),
    INCOMPATIBLE_UNITS("units {0} and {1} are not compatible"),
    MISSING_VELOCITY("missing velocity data"),
    ATTEMPT_TO_GENERATE_MALFORMED_FILE("attempt to generate file {0} with a formatting error"),
            "{0} failed to find root between {1} (g={2,number,0.0##############E0}) and {3} (g={4,number,0.0##############E0})\nLast iteration at {5} (g={6,number,0.0##############E0})"),
    BACKWARD_PROPAGATION_NOT_ALLOWED("backward propagation not allowed here"),
            "no station eccentricity values for the given epoch {0}, validity interval is between {1} and {2}"),
    INCONSISTENT_SELECTION("inconsistent parameters selection between pairs {0}/{1} and {2}/{3}"),
    NO_UNSCENTED_TRANSFORM_CONFIGURED("no unscented transform configured"),
    NOT_STRICTLY_POSITIVE("value is not strictly positive: {0}"),
    UNSUPPORTED_TRANSFORM("transform from {0} to {1} is not implemented"),
    WRONG_ORBIT_PARAMETERS_TYPE("orbital parameters type: {0} is different from expected orbital type : {1}"),
    CANNOT_CHANGE_COVARIANCE_TYPE_IF_DEFINED_IN_LOF("cannot change covariance type if defined in a local orbital frame"),
    CANNOT_CHANGE_COVARIANCE_TYPE_IF_DEFINED_IN_NON_INERTIAL_FRAME("cannot change covariance type if defined in a non pseudo-inertial reference frame");
    // CHECKSTYLE: resume JavadocVariable check

    /** Base name of the resource bundle in classpath. */
    private static final String RESOURCE_BASE_NAME = "assets/org/orekit/localization/OrekitMessages";

    /** Source English format. */
    private final String sourceFormat;

     * Simple constructor.
     * @param sourceFormat source English format to use when no localized version is
     *                     available
    OrekitMessages(final String sourceFormat) {
        this.sourceFormat = sourceFormat;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public String getSourceString() {
        return sourceFormat;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public String getLocalizedString(final Locale locale) {
        try {
            final ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(RESOURCE_BASE_NAME, locale, new UTF8Control());
            if (bundle.getLocale().getLanguage().equals(locale.getLanguage())) {
                final String translated = bundle.getString(name());
                if (translated != null && translated.length() > 0 &&
                        !translated.toLowerCase().contains("missing translation")) {
                    // the value of the resource is the translated format
                    return translated;

        } catch (MissingResourceException mre) {
            // do nothing here

        // either the locale is not supported or the resource is not translated or
        // it is unknown: don't translate and fall back to using the source format
        return sourceFormat;


     * Control class loading properties in UTF-8 encoding.
     * <p>
     * This class has been very slightly adapted from BalusC answer to question:
     * <a href=
     * "http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4659929/how-to-use-utf-8-in-resource-properties-with-resourcebundle">
     * How to use UTF-8 in resource properties with ResourceBundle</a>.
     * </p>
     * @since 6.0
    public static class UTF8Control extends ResourceBundle.Control {

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        public ResourceBundle newBundle(final String baseName, final Locale locale, final String format,
                final ClassLoader loader, final boolean reload)
                throws IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException, IOException {
            // The below is a copy of the default implementation.
            final String bundleName = toBundleName(baseName, locale);
            final String resourceName = toResourceName(bundleName, "utf8");
            ResourceBundle bundle = null;
            InputStream stream = null;
            if (reload) {
                final URL url = loader.getResource(resourceName);
                if (url != null) {
                    final URLConnection connection = url.openConnection();
                    if (connection != null) {
                        stream = connection.getInputStream();
            } else {
                stream = loader.getResourceAsStream(resourceName);
            if (stream != null) {
                try (InputStreamReader inputStreamReader = new InputStreamReader(stream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) {
                    // Only this line is changed to make it to read properties files as UTF-8.
                    bundle = new PropertyResourceBundle(inputStreamReader);
            return bundle;