
/* Copyright 2002-2023 CS GROUP
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 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * CS licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.orekit.files.ccsds.definitions;

import org.orekit.utils.units.Unit;

 * Units used in CCSDS messages.
 * @author Luc Maisonobe
public class Units {

    /** Seconds reciprocal unit. */
    public static final Unit ONE_PER_S = Unit.parse("1/s");

    /** kg.m² unit. */
    public static final Unit KG_M2 = Unit.parse("kg.m²");

    /** km³/s² unit. */
    public static final Unit KM3_PER_S2 = Unit.parse("km³/s²");

    /** m² unit. */
    public static final Unit M2 = Unit.parse("m²");

    /** m⁴ unit. */
    public static final Unit M4 = Unit.parse("m⁴");

    /** Meters per second units. */
    public static final Unit M_PER_S = Unit.parse("m/s");

    /** Meters per square second units. */
    public static final Unit M_PER_S2 = Unit.parse("m/s²");

    /** Square meters per second units. */
    public static final Unit M2_PER_S = Unit.parse("m²/s");

    /** Square meters per square second units. */
    public static final Unit M2_PER_S2 = Unit.parse("m²/s²");

    /** Square meters per cube second units. */
    public static final Unit M2_PER_S3 = Unit.parse("m²/s³");

    /** Square meters per s⁴ units. */
    public static final Unit M2_PER_S4 = Unit.parse("m²/s⁴");

    /** m² per kilograms units. */
    public static final Unit M2_PER_KG = Unit.parse("m²/kg");

    /** m³ per kilograms units. */
    public static final Unit M3_PER_KG = Unit.parse("m³/kg");

    /** m⁴ per kilograms units. */
    public static final Unit M4_PER_KG = Unit.parse("m⁴/kg");

    /** m⁴ per square kilograms units. */
    public static final Unit M4_PER_KG2 = Unit.parse("m⁴/kg²");

    /** Cubic meters per kilograms second units. */
    public static final Unit M3_PER_KGS = Unit.parse("m³/(kg.s)");

    /** Cubic meters per kilograms (square second) units. */
    public static final Unit M3_PER_KGS2 = Unit.parse("m³/(kg.s²)");

    /** #/year unit. */
    public static final Unit NB_PER_Y = Unit.parse("#/yr");

    /** Square kilometers units. */
    public static final Unit KM2 = Unit.parse("km²");

    /** Kilometers per second units. */
    public static final Unit KM_PER_S = Unit.parse("km/s");

    /** Kilometers per square second units. */
    public static final Unit KM_PER_S2 = Unit.parse("km/s²");

    /** Square kilometers per second units. */
    public static final Unit KM2_PER_S = Unit.parse("km²/s");

    /** Square kilometers per square second units. */
    public static final Unit KM2_PER_S2 = Unit.parse("km²/s²");

    /** Revolutions per day unit. */
    public static final Unit REV_PER_DAY = Unit.parse("rev/d");

    /** Scaled revolutions per square day unit. */
    public static final Unit REV_PER_DAY2_SCALED = Unit.parse("2rev/d²");

    /** Scaled revolutions per cubic day divieded by 6 unit. */
    public static final Unit REV_PER_DAY3_SCALED = Unit.parse("6rev/d³");

    /** Degree per second unit. */
    public static final Unit DEG_PER_S = Unit.parse("°/s");

    /** Degree per second^3/2 unit. */
    public static final Unit DEG_PER_S_3_2 = Unit.parse("°/√(s³)");

    /** Degree per second^1/2 unit. */
    public static final Unit DEG_PER_S_1_2 = Unit.parse("°/√s");

    /** Newton metre unit. */
    public static final Unit N_M = Unit.parse("N.m");

    /** Newton metre second unit.
     * @since 12.0
    public static final Unit N_M_S = Unit.parse("N.m.s");

    /** Nano Tesla unit. */
    public static final Unit NANO_TESLA = Unit.parse("nT");

    /** HectoPascal unit. */
    public static final Unit HECTO_PASCAL = Unit.parse("hPa");

    /** Hertz per second unit. */
    public static final Unit HZ_PER_S = Unit.parse("Hz/s");

    /** Watt per kilograms units. */
    public static final Unit W_PER_KG = Unit.parse("W/kg");

    /** Earth radii reciprocal unit. */
    public static final Unit ONE_PER_ER = Unit.parse("1/ER");

    /** Private constructor for a utility class.
    private Units() {
        // nothing to do
