
/* Copyright 2002-2023 CS GROUP
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package org.orekit.forces.gravity.potential;

import org.hipparchus.util.SinCos;

/** Part of a {@link PiecewiseSphericalHarmonics piecewise gravity fields} valid for one time interval.
 * @author Luc Maisonobe
 * @since 11.1
class PiecewisePart {

    /** Converter between (degree, order) indices and flatten array. */
    private final Flattener flattener;

    /** Components of the spherical harmonics. */
    private final TimeDependentHarmonic[] components;

    /** Simple constructor.
     * @param flattener converter between (degree, order) indices and flatten array
     * @param components components of the spherical harmonics
    PiecewisePart(final Flattener flattener, final TimeDependentHarmonic[] components) {
        this.flattener  = flattener;
        this.components = components.clone();

    /** Get the maximum supported degree.
     * @return maximal supported degree
    public int getMaxDegree() {
        return flattener.getDegree();

    /** Get the maximal supported order.
     * @return maximal supported order
    public int getMaxOrder() {
        return flattener.getOrder();

    /** Compute the time-dependent part of a spherical harmonic cosine coefficient.
     * @param n degree of the coefficient
     * @param m order of the coefficient
     * @param offsets offsets to reference dates in the gravity field
     * @param pulsations angular pulsations in the gravity field
     * @return raw coefficient Cnm
    public double computeCnm(final int n, final int m,
                             final double[] offsets, final SinCos[][] pulsations) {
        final TimeDependentHarmonic harmonic = components[flattener.index(n, m)];
        return harmonic == null ? 0.0 : harmonic.computeCnm(offsets, pulsations);

    /** Compute the time-dependent part of a spherical harmonic sine coefficient.
     * @param n degree of the coefficient
     * @param m order of the coefficient
     * @param offsets offsets to reference dates in the gravity field
     * @param pulsations angular pulsations in the gravity field
     * @return raw coefficient Snm
    public double computeSnm(final int n, final int m,
                             final double[] offsets, final SinCos[][] pulsations) {
        final TimeDependentHarmonic harmonic = components[flattener.index(n, m)];
        return harmonic == null ? 0.0 : harmonic.computeSnm(offsets, pulsations);
