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package org.orekit.gnss.metric.messages.ssr.subtype;

import org.orekit.gnss.metric.messages.ssr.SsrData;

 * Container for SSR IM201 data.
 * <p>
 * One instance of this class corresponds to one ionospheric layer.
 * </p>
 * @author Bryan Cazabonne
 * @since 11.0
public class SsrIm201Data extends SsrData {

    /** Height of the ionospheric layer [m]. */
    private double heightIonosphericLayer;

    /** Spherical harmonics degree. */
    private int sphericalHarmonicsDegree;

    /** Spherical harmonics order. */
    private int sphericalHarmonicsOrder;

    /** Cosine parameters of spherical harmonics expansion of degree N and order M. */
    private double[][] cnm;

    /** Sine parameters of spherical harmonics expansion of degree N and order M. */
    private double[][] snm;

    /** Constructor. */
    public SsrIm201Data() {
        // Noting to do ...

     * Get the height of the ionospheric layer.
     * @return the height of the ionospheric layer in meters
    public double getHeightIonosphericLayer() {
        return heightIonosphericLayer;

     * Set the height of the ionospheric layer.
     * @param heightIonosphericLayer the height to set in meters
    public void setHeightIonosphericLayer(final double heightIonosphericLayer) {
        this.heightIonosphericLayer = heightIonosphericLayer;

     * Get the degree of spherical harmonic expansion.
     * @return the degree of spherical harmonic expansion
    public int getSphericalHarmonicsDegree() {
        return sphericalHarmonicsDegree;

     * Set the degree of spherical harmonic expansion.
     * @param sphericalHarmonicsDegree the degree to set
    public void setSphericalHarmonicsDegree(final int sphericalHarmonicsDegree) {
        this.sphericalHarmonicsDegree = sphericalHarmonicsDegree;

     * Get the order of spherical harmonic expansion.
     * @return the order the order of spherical harmonic expansion
    public int getSphericalHarmonicsOrder() {
        return sphericalHarmonicsOrder;

     * Set the order of spherical harmonic expansion.
     * @param sphericalHarmonicsOrder the order to set
    public void setSphericalHarmonicsOrder(final int sphericalHarmonicsOrder) {
        this.sphericalHarmonicsOrder = sphericalHarmonicsOrder;

     * Get the cosine parameters of spherical harmonics expansion of degree N and order M.
     * <p>
     * The size of the array is (N + 1) x (M + 1)
     * </p>
     * @return the cosine parameters in TECU
    public double[][] getCnm() {
        return cnm.clone();

     * Set the cosine parameters of spherical harmonics expansion of degree N and order M.
     * @param cnm the parameters to set
    public void setCnm(final double[][] cnm) {
        this.cnm = cnm.clone();

     * Get the sine parameters of spherical harmonics expansion of degree N and order M.
     * <p>
     * The size of the array is (N + 1) x (M + 1)
     * </p>
     * @return the sine parameters in TECU
    public double[][] getSnm() {
        return snm.clone();

     * Set the sine parameters of spherical harmonics expansion of degree N and order M.
     * @param snm the parameters to set
    public void setSnm(final double[][] snm) {
        this.snm = snm.clone();
