/* Copyright 2002-2023 CS GROUP
 * Licensed to CS GROUP (CS) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * CS licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

import org.hipparchus.CalculusFieldElement;
import org.hipparchus.Field;
import org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed.FieldVector3D;
import org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D;
import org.hipparchus.util.FastMath;
import org.hipparchus.util.FieldSinCos;
import org.hipparchus.util.MathUtils;
import org.hipparchus.util.SinCos;
import org.orekit.bodies.FieldGeodeticPoint;
import org.orekit.bodies.GeodeticPoint;
import org.orekit.frames.TopocentricFrame;
import org.orekit.gnss.metric.messages.ssr.subtype.SsrIm201;
import org.orekit.gnss.metric.messages.ssr.subtype.SsrIm201Data;
import org.orekit.gnss.metric.messages.ssr.subtype.SsrIm201Header;
import org.orekit.propagation.FieldSpacecraftState;
import org.orekit.propagation.SpacecraftState;
import org.orekit.utils.Constants;
import org.orekit.utils.FieldLegendrePolynomials;
import org.orekit.utils.LegendrePolynomials;
import org.orekit.utils.ParameterDriver;

 * Ionospheric model based on SSR IM201 message.
 * <p>
 * Within this message, the ionospheric VTEC is provided
 * using spherical harmonic expansions. For a given ionospheric
 * layer, the slant TEC value is calculated using the satellite
 * elevation and the height of the corresponding layer. The
 * total slant TEC is computed by the sum of the individual slant
 * TEC for each layer.
 * </p>
 * @author Bryan Cazabonne
 * @since 11.0
 * @see "IGS State Space Representation (SSR) Format, Version 1.00, October 2020."
public class SsrVtecIonosphericModel implements IonosphericModel {

    /** Earth radius in meters (see reference). */
    private static final double EARTH_RADIUS = 6370000.0;

    /** Multiplication factor for path delay computation. */
    private static final double FACTOR = 40.3e16;

    /** SSR Ionosphere VTEC Spherical Harmonics Message.. */
    private final transient SsrIm201 vtecMessage;

     * Constructor.
     * @param vtecMessage SSR Ionosphere VTEC Spherical Harmonics Message.
    public SsrVtecIonosphericModel(final SsrIm201 vtecMessage) {
        this.vtecMessage = vtecMessage;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public double pathDelay(final SpacecraftState state, final TopocentricFrame baseFrame,
                            final double frequency, final double[] parameters) {

        // Elevation in radians
        final Vector3D position  = state.getPosition(baseFrame);
        final double   elevation = position.getDelta();

        // Only consider measures above the horizon
        if (elevation > 0.0) {

            // Azimuth angle in radians
            double azimuth = FastMath.atan2(position.getX(), position.getY());
            if (azimuth < 0.) {
                azimuth += MathUtils.TWO_PI;

            // Initialize slant TEC
            double stec = 0.0;

            // Message header
            final SsrIm201Header header = vtecMessage.getHeader();

            // Loop on ionospheric layers
            for (final SsrIm201Data data : vtecMessage.getData()) {
                stec += stecIonosphericLayer(data, header, elevation, azimuth, baseFrame.getPoint());

            // Return the path delay
            return FACTOR * stec / (frequency * frequency);


        // Delay is equal to 0.0
        return 0.0;


    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> T pathDelay(final FieldSpacecraftState<T> state, final TopocentricFrame baseFrame,
                                                       final double frequency, final T[] parameters) {

        // Field
        final Field<T> field = state.getDate().getField();

        // Elevation in radians
        final FieldVector3D<T> position  = state.getPosition(baseFrame);
        final T                elevation = position.getDelta();

        // Only consider measures above the horizon
        if (elevation.getReal() > 0.0) {

            // Azimuth angle in radians
            T azimuth = FastMath.atan2(position.getX(), position.getY());
            if (azimuth.getReal() < 0.) {
                azimuth = azimuth.add(MathUtils.TWO_PI);

            // Initialize slant TEC
            T stec = field.getZero();

            // Message header
            final SsrIm201Header header = vtecMessage.getHeader();

            // Loop on ionospheric layers
            for (SsrIm201Data data : vtecMessage.getData()) {
                stec = stec.add(stecIonosphericLayer(data, header, elevation, azimuth, baseFrame.getPoint(field)));

            // Return the path delay
            return stec.multiply(FACTOR).divide(frequency * frequency);


        // Delay is equal to 0.0
        return field.getZero();


    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public List<ParameterDriver> getParametersDrivers() {
        return Collections.emptyList();

     * Calculates the slant TEC for a given ionospheric layer.
     * @param im201Data ionospheric data for the current layer
     * @param im201Header container for data contained in the header
     * @param elevation satellite elevation angle [rad]
     * @param azimuth satellite azimuth angle [rad]
     * @param point geodetic point
     * @return the slant TEC for the current ionospheric layer
    private static double stecIonosphericLayer(final SsrIm201Data im201Data, final SsrIm201Header im201Header,
                                               final double elevation, final double azimuth,
                                               final GeodeticPoint point) {

        // Geodetic point data
        final double phiR    = point.getLatitude();
        final double lambdaR = point.getLongitude();
        final double hR      = point.getAltitude();

        // Data contained in the message
        final double     hI     = im201Data.getHeightIonosphericLayer();
        final int        degree = im201Data.getSphericalHarmonicsDegree();
        final int        order  = im201Data.getSphericalHarmonicsOrder();
        final double[][] cnm    = im201Data.getCnm();
        final double[][] snm    = im201Data.getSnm();

        // Spherical Earth's central angle
        final double psiPP = calculatePsi(hR, hI, elevation);

        // Sine and cosine of useful angles
        final SinCos scA    = FastMath.sinCos(azimuth);
        final SinCos scPhiR = FastMath.sinCos(phiR);
        final SinCos scPsi  = FastMath.sinCos(psiPP);

        // Pierce point latitude and longitude
        final double phiPP    = calculatePiercePointLatitude(scPhiR, scPsi, scA);
        final double lambdaPP = calculatePiercePointLongitude(scA, phiPP, psiPP, phiR, lambdaR);

        // Mean sun fixed longitude (modulo 2pi)
        final double lambdaS = calculateSunLongitude(im201Header, lambdaPP);

        // VTEC
        // According to the documentation, negative VTEC values must be ignored and shall be replaced by 0.0
        final double vtec = FastMath.max(0.0, calculateVTEC(degree, order, cnm, snm, phiPP, lambdaS));

        // Return STEC for the current ionospheric layer
        return vtec / FastMath.sin(elevation + psiPP);


     * Calculates the slant TEC for a given ionospheric layer.
     * @param im201Data ionospheric data for the current layer
     * @param im201Header container for data contained in the header
     * @param elevation satellite elevation angle [rad]
     * @param azimuth satellite azimuth angle [rad]
     * @param point geodetic point
     * @param <T> type of the elements
     * @return the slant TEC for the current ionospheric layer
    private static <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> T stecIonosphericLayer(final SsrIm201Data im201Data, final SsrIm201Header im201Header,
                                                                          final T elevation, final T azimuth,
                                                                          final FieldGeodeticPoint<T> point) {

        // Geodetic point data
        final T phiR    = point.getLatitude();
        final T lambdaR = point.getLongitude();
        final T hR      = point.getAltitude();

        // Data contained in the message
        final double     hI     = im201Data.getHeightIonosphericLayer();
        final int        degree = im201Data.getSphericalHarmonicsDegree();
        final int        order  = im201Data.getSphericalHarmonicsOrder();
        final double[][] cnm    = im201Data.getCnm();
        final double[][] snm    = im201Data.getSnm();

        // Spherical Earth's central angle
        final T psiPP = calculatePsi(hR, hI, elevation);

        // Sine and cosine of useful angles
        final FieldSinCos<T> scA    = FastMath.sinCos(azimuth);
        final FieldSinCos<T> scPhiR = FastMath.sinCos(phiR);
        final FieldSinCos<T> scPsi  = FastMath.sinCos(psiPP);

        // Pierce point latitude and longitude
        final T phiPP    = calculatePiercePointLatitude(scPhiR, scPsi, scA);
        final T lambdaPP = calculatePiercePointLongitude(scA, phiPP, psiPP, phiR, lambdaR);

        // Mean sun fixed longitude (modulo 2pi)
        final T lambdaS = calculateSunLongitude(im201Header, lambdaPP);

        // VTEC
        // According to the documentation, negative VTEC values must be ignored and shall be replaced by 0.0
        final T vtec = FastMath.max(phiR.getField().getZero(), calculateVTEC(degree, order, cnm, snm, phiPP, lambdaS));

        // Return STEC for the current ionospheric layer
        return vtec.divide(FastMath.sin(elevation.add(psiPP)));


     * Calculates the spherical Earth’s central angle between station position and
     * the projection of the pierce point to the spherical Earth’s surface.
     * @param hR height of station position in meters
     * @param hI height of ionospheric layer in meters
     * @param elevation satellite elevation angle in radians
     * @return the spherical Earth’s central angle in radians
    private static double calculatePsi(final double hR, final double hI,
                                       final double elevation) {
        final double ratio = (EARTH_RADIUS + hR) / (EARTH_RADIUS + hI);
        return MathUtils.SEMI_PI - elevation - FastMath.asin(ratio * FastMath.cos(elevation));

     * Calculates the spherical Earth’s central angle between station position and
     * the projection of the pierce point to the spherical Earth’s surface.
     * @param hR height of station position in meters
     * @param hI height of ionospheric layer in meters
     * @param elevation satellite elevation angle in radians
     * @param <T> type of the elements
     * @return the spherical Earth’s central angle in radians
    private static <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> T calculatePsi(final T hR, final double hI,
                                                                  final T elevation) {
        final T ratio = hR.add(EARTH_RADIUS).divide(EARTH_RADIUS + hI);
        return hR.getPi().multiply(0.5).subtract(elevation).subtract(FastMath.asin(ratio.multiply(FastMath.cos(elevation))));

     * Calculates the latitude of the pierce point in the spherical Earth model.
     * @param scPhiR sine and cosine of the geocentric latitude of the station
     * @param scPsi sine and cosine of the spherical Earth's central angle
     * @param scA sine and cosine of the azimuth angle
     * @return the latitude of the pierce point in the spherical Earth model in radians
    private static double calculatePiercePointLatitude(final SinCos scPhiR, final SinCos scPsi, final SinCos scA) {
        return FastMath.asin(scPhiR.sin() * scPsi.cos() + scPhiR.cos() * scPsi.sin() * scA.cos());

     * Calculates the latitude of the pierce point in the spherical Earth model.
     * @param scPhiR sine and cosine of the geocentric latitude of the station
     * @param scPsi sine and cosine of the spherical Earth's central angle
     * @param scA sine and cosine of the azimuth angle
     * @param <T> type of the elements
     * @return the latitude of the pierce point in the spherical Earth model in radians
    private static <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> T calculatePiercePointLatitude(final FieldSinCos<T> scPhiR,
                                                                                  final FieldSinCos<T> scPsi,
                                                                                  final FieldSinCos<T> scA) {
        return FastMath.asin(scPhiR.sin().multiply(scPsi.cos()).add(scPhiR.cos().multiply(scPsi.sin()).multiply(scA.cos())));

     * Calculates the longitude of the pierce point in the spherical Earth model.
     * @param scA sine and cosine of the azimuth angle
     * @param phiPP the latitude of the pierce point in the spherical Earth model in radians
     * @param psiPP the spherical Earth’s central angle in radians
     * @param phiR the geocentric latitude of the station in radians
     * @param lambdaR the geocentric longitude of the station
     * @return the longitude of the pierce point in the spherical Earth model in radians
    private static double calculatePiercePointLongitude(final SinCos scA,
                                                        final double phiPP, final double psiPP,
                                                        final double phiR, final double lambdaR) {

        // arcSin(sin(PsiPP) * sin(Azimuth) / cos(PhiPP))
        final double arcSin = FastMath.asin(FastMath.sin(psiPP) * scA.sin() / FastMath.cos(phiPP));

        // Return
        return verifyCondition(scA.cos(), psiPP, phiR) ? lambdaR + FastMath.PI - arcSin : lambdaR + arcSin;


     * Calculates the longitude of the pierce point in the spherical Earth model.
     * @param scA sine and cosine of the azimuth angle
     * @param phiPP the latitude of the pierce point in the spherical Earth model in radians
     * @param psiPP the spherical Earth’s central angle in radians
     * @param phiR the geocentric latitude of the station in radians
     * @param lambdaR the geocentric longitude of the station
     * @param <T> type of the elements
     * @return the longitude of the pierce point in the spherical Earth model in radians
    private static <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> T calculatePiercePointLongitude(final FieldSinCos<T> scA,
                                                                                   final T phiPP, final T psiPP,
                                                                                   final T phiR, final T lambdaR) {

        // arcSin(sin(PsiPP) * sin(Azimuth) / cos(PhiPP))
        final T arcSin = FastMath.asin(FastMath.sin(psiPP).multiply(scA.sin()).divide(FastMath.cos(phiPP)));

        // Return
        return verifyCondition(scA.cos().getReal(), psiPP.getReal(), phiR.getReal()) ?
                                               lambdaR.add(arcSin.getPi()).subtract(arcSin) : lambdaR.add(arcSin);


     * Calculate the mean sun fixed longitude phase.
     * @param im201Header header of the IM201 message
     * @param lambdaPP the longitude of the pierce point in the spherical Earth model in radians
     * @return the mean sun fixed longitude phase in radians
    private static double calculateSunLongitude(final SsrIm201Header im201Header, final double lambdaPP) {
        final double t = getTime(im201Header);
        return MathUtils.normalizeAngle(lambdaPP + (t - 50400.0) * FastMath.PI / 43200.0, FastMath.PI);

     * Calculate the mean sun fixed longitude phase.
     * @param im201Header header of the IM201 message
     * @param lambdaPP the longitude of the pierce point in the spherical Earth model in radians
     * @param <T> type of the elements
     * @return the mean sun fixed longitude phase in radians
    private static <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> T calculateSunLongitude(final SsrIm201Header im201Header, final T lambdaPP) {
        final double t = getTime(im201Header);
        return MathUtils.normalizeAngle(lambdaPP.add(lambdaPP.getPi().multiply(t - 50400.0).divide(43200.0)), lambdaPP.getPi());

     * Calculate the VTEC contribution for a given ionospheric layer.
     * @param degree degree of spherical expansion
     * @param order order of spherical expansion
     * @param cnm cosine coefficients for the layer in TECU
     * @param snm sine coefficients for the layer in TECU
     * @param phiPP geocentric latitude of ionospheric pierce point for the layer in radians
     * @param lambdaS mean sun fixed and phase shifted longitude of ionospheric pierce point
     * @return the VTEC contribution for the current ionospheric layer in TECU
    private static double calculateVTEC(final int degree, final int order,
                                        final double[][] cnm, final double[][] snm,
                                        final double phiPP, final double lambdaS) {

        // Initialize VTEC value
        double vtec = 0.0;

        // Compute Legendre Polynomials Pnm(sin(phiPP))
        final LegendrePolynomials p = new LegendrePolynomials(degree, order, FastMath.sin(phiPP));

        // Calculate VTEC
        for (int n = 0; n <= degree; n++) {

            for (int m = 0; m <= FastMath.min(n, order); m++) {

                // Legendre coefficients
                final SinCos sc = FastMath.sinCos(m * lambdaS);
                final double pCosmLambda = p.getPnm(n, m) * sc.cos();
                final double pSinmLambda = p.getPnm(n, m) * sc.sin();

                // Update VTEC value
                vtec += cnm[n][m] * pCosmLambda + snm[n][m] * pSinmLambda;



        // Return the VTEC
        return vtec;


     * Calculate the VTEC contribution for a given ionospheric layer.
     * @param degree degree of spherical expansion
     * @param order order of spherical expansion
     * @param cnm cosine coefficients for the layer in TECU
     * @param snm sine coefficients for the layer in TECU
     * @param phiPP geocentric latitude of ionospheric pierce point for the layer in radians
     * @param lambdaS mean sun fixed and phase shifted longitude of ionospheric pierce point
     * @param <T> type of the elements
     * @return the VTEC contribution for the current ionospheric layer in TECU
    private static <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> T calculateVTEC(final int degree, final int order,
                                                                   final double[][] cnm, final double[][] snm,
                                                                   final T phiPP, final T lambdaS) {

        // Initialize VTEC value
        T vtec = phiPP.getField().getZero();

        // Compute Legendre Polynomials Pnm(sin(phiPP))
        final FieldLegendrePolynomials<T> p = new FieldLegendrePolynomials<>(degree, order, FastMath.sin(phiPP));

        // Calculate VTEC
        for (int n = 0; n <= degree; n++) {

            for (int m = 0; m <= FastMath.min(n, order); m++) {

                // Legendre coefficients
                final FieldSinCos<T> sc = FastMath.sinCos(lambdaS.multiply(m));
                final T pCosmLambda = p.getPnm(n, m).multiply(sc.cos());
                final T pSinmLambda = p.getPnm(n, m).multiply(sc.sin());

                // Update VTEC value
                vtec = vtec.add(pCosmLambda.multiply(cnm[n][m]).add(pSinmLambda.multiply(snm[n][m])));



        // Return the VTEC
        return vtec;


     * Get the SSR epoch time of computation modulo 86400 seconds.
     * @param im201Header header data
     * @return the SSR epoch time of computation modulo 86400 seconds
    private static double getTime(final SsrIm201Header im201Header) {
        final double ssrEpochTime = im201Header.getSsrEpoch1s();
        return ssrEpochTime - FastMath.floor(ssrEpochTime / Constants.JULIAN_DAY) * Constants.JULIAN_DAY;

     * Verify the condition for the calculation of the pierce point longitude.
     * @param scACos cosine of the azimuth angle
     * @param psiPP the spherical Earth’s central angle in radians
     * @param phiR the geocentric latitude of the station in radians
     * @return true if the condition is respected
    private static boolean verifyCondition(final double scACos, final double psiPP,
                                           final double phiR) {

        // tan(PsiPP) * cos(Azimuth)
        final double tanPsiCosA = FastMath.tan(psiPP) * scACos;

        // Verify condition
        return phiR >= 0 && tanPsiCosA > FastMath.tan(MathUtils.SEMI_PI - phiR) ||
                        phiR < 0 && -tanPsiCosA > FastMath.tan(MathUtils.SEMI_PI + phiR);

