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package org.orekit.propagation.analytical.gnss.data;

import org.orekit.time.AbsoluteDate;

 * Base class for ephemeris-based navigation messages.
 * @author Bryan Cazabonne
 * @since 11.0
 * @see GLONASSNavigationMessage
 * @see SBASNavigationMessage
public abstract class AbstractEphemerisMessage {

    /** Ephemeris reference epoch. */
    private AbsoluteDate date;

    /** Time of clock epoch. */
    private AbsoluteDate epochToc;

    /** PRN number of the satellite. */
    private int prn;

    /** Satellite X position in meters. */
    private double x;

    /** Satellite X velocity in meters per second. */
    private double xDot;

    /** Satellite X acceleration in meters per second². */
    private double xDotDot;

    /** Satellite Y position in meters. */
    private double y;

    /** Satellite Y velocity in meters per second. */
    private double yDot;

    /** Satellite Y acceleration in meters per second². */
    private double yDotDot;

    /** Satellite Z position in meters. */
    private double z;

    /** Satellite Z velocity in meters per second. */
    private double zDot;

    /** Satellite Z acceleration in meters per second². */
    private double zDotDot;

    /** Health status. */
    private double health;

    /** Constructor. */
    public AbstractEphemerisMessage() {
        // Nothing to do ...

     * Getter for the reference date of the ephemeris.
     * @return the reference date of the ephemeris
    public AbsoluteDate getDate() {
        return date;

     * Setter for the reference date of the ephemeris.
     * @param date the date to set
    public void setDate(final AbsoluteDate date) {
        this.date = date;

     * Getter for the time of clock epoch.
     * @return the time of clock epoch
    public AbsoluteDate getEpochToc() {
        return epochToc;

     * Setter for the time of clock epoch.
     * @param epochToc the epoch to set
    public void setEpochToc(final AbsoluteDate epochToc) {
        this.epochToc = epochToc;

     * Getter for the PRN number of the satellite.
     * @return the PRN number of the satellite
    public int getPRN() {
        return prn;

     * Setter for the PRN number of the satellite.
     * @param number the prn number ot set
    public void setPRN(final int number) {
        this.prn = number;

     * Getter for the satellite X position.
     * @return the satellite X position in meters
    public double getX() {
        return x;

     * Setter for the satellite X position.
     * @param x satellite X position (meters) to set
    public void setX(final double x) {
        this.x = x;

     * Getter for the satellite X velocity.
     * @return the satellite X velocity in m/s
    public double getXDot() {
        return xDot;

     * Setter for the satellite X velocity.
     * @param vx the satellite X velocity (m/s) to set
    public void setXDot(final double vx) {
        this.xDot = vx;

     * Getter for the satellite X acceleration.
     * @return the satellite X acceleration in m/s²
    public double getXDotDot() {
        return xDotDot;

     * Setter for the satellite X acceleration.
     * @param ax the satellite X acceleration (m/s²) to set
    public void setXDotDot(final double ax) {
        this.xDotDot = ax;

     * Getter for the satellite Y position.
     * @return the satellite Y position in meters
    public double getY() {
        return y;

     * Setter for the satellite Y position.
     * @param y satellite Y position (meters) to set
    public void setY(final double y) {
        this.y = y;

     * Getter for the satellite Y velocity.
     * @return the satellite Y velocity in m/s
    public double getYDot() {
        return yDot;

     * Setter for the satellite Y velocity.
     * @param vy the satellite Y velocity (m/s) to set
    public void setYDot(final double vy) {
        this.yDot = vy;

     * Getter for the satellite Y acceleration.
     * @return the satellite Y acceleration in m/s²
    public double getYDotDot() {
        return yDotDot;

     * Setter for the satellite Y acceleration.
     * @param ay the satellite Y acceleration (m/s²) to set
    public void setYDotDot(final double ay) {
        this.yDotDot = ay;

     * Getter for the satellite Z position.
     * @return the satellite Z position in meters
    public double getZ() {
        return z;

     * Setter for the satellite Z position.
     * @param z satellite Z position (meters) to set
    public void setZ(final double z) {
        this.z = z;

     * Getter for the satellite Z velocity.
     * @return the satellite Z velocity in m/s
    public double getZDot() {
        return zDot;

     * Setter for the satellite Z velocity.
     * @param vz the satellite Z velocity (m/s) to set
    public void setZDot(final double vz) {
        this.zDot = vz;

     * Getter for the satellite Z acceleration.
     * @return the satellite Z acceleration in m/s²
    public double getZDotDot() {
        return zDotDot;

     * Setter for the satellite Z acceleration.
     * @param az the satellite Z acceleration (m/s²) to set
    public void setZDotDot(final double az) {
        this.zDotDot = az;

     * Getter for the health status.
     * @return the health status
    public double getHealth() {
        return health;

     * Setter for the health status.
     * @param health the health status to set
    public void setHealth(final double health) {
        this.health = health;
