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 * Container for data contained in a BeiDou navigation message.
 * @author Bryan Cazabonne
 * @since 11.0
public class BeidouLegacyNavigationMessage extends AbstractNavigationMessage {

    /** Identifier for message type. */
    public static final String D1 = "D1";

    /** Identifier for message type. */
    public static final String D2 = "D2";

    /** Age of Data, Ephemeris. */
    private int aode;

    /** Age of Data, Clock. */
    private int aodc;

    /** B1/B3 Group Delay Differential (s). */
    private double tgd1;

    /** B2/B3 Group Delay Differential (s). */
    private double tgd2;

    /** The user SV accuracy (m). */
    private double svAccuracy;

    /** Constructor. */
    public BeidouLegacyNavigationMessage() {
        super(GNSSConstants.BEIDOU_MU, GNSSConstants.BEIDOU_AV, GNSSConstants.BEIDOU_WEEK_NB);

     * Getter for the Age Of Data Clock (AODC).
     * @return the Age Of Data Clock (AODC)
    public int getAODC() {
        return aodc;

     * Setter for the age of data clock.
     * @param aod the age of data to set
    public void setAODC(final double aod) {
        // The value is given as a floating number in the navigation message
        this.aodc = (int) aod;

     * Getter for the Age Of Data Ephemeris (AODE).
     * @return the Age Of Data Ephemeris (AODE)
    public int getAODE() {
        return aode;

     * Setter for the age of data ephemeris.
     * @param aod the age of data to set
    public void setAODE(final double aod) {
        // The value is given as a floating number in the navigation message
        this.aode = (int) aod;

     * Getter for the estimated group delay differential TGD1 for B1I signal.
     * @return the estimated group delay differential TGD1 for B1I signal (s)
    public double getTGD1() {
        return tgd1;

     * Setter for the B1/B3 Group Delay Differential (s).
     * @param tgd the group delay differential to set
    public void setTGD1(final double tgd) {
        this.tgd1 = tgd;

     * Getter for the estimated group delay differential TGD for B2I signal.
     * @return the estimated group delay differential TGD2 for B2I signal (s)
    public double getTGD2() {
        return tgd2;

     * Setter for the B2/B3 Group Delay Differential (s).
     * @param tgd the group delay differential to set
    public void setTGD2(final double tgd) {
        this.tgd2 = tgd;

     * Getter for the user SV accuray (meters).
     * @return the user SV accuracy
    public double getSvAccuracy() {
        return svAccuracy;

     * Setter for the user SV accuracy.
     * @param svAccuracy the value to set
    public void setSvAccuracy(final double svAccuracy) {
        this.svAccuracy = svAccuracy;
