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import org.orekit.propagation.analytical.gnss.SBASPropagator;
import org.orekit.time.TimeStamped;

/** This interface provides the minimal set of orbital elements needed by the {@link SBASPropagator}.
* @author Bryan Cazabonne
* @since 10.1
public interface SBASOrbitalElements extends TimeStamped {

     * Gets the PRN number of the SBAS satellite.
     * @return the PRN number of the SBAS satellite
    int getPRN();

     * Gets the Reference Week of the SBAS orbit.
     * @return the Reference Week of the SBAS orbit
    int getWeek();

     * Gets the Reference Time of the SBAS orbit in GPS seconds of the week.
     * @return the Reference Time of the SBAS orbit (s)
    double getTime();

     * Get the ECEF-X component of satellite coordinates.
     * @return the ECEF-X component of satellite coordinates (m)
    double getX();

     * Get the ECEF-X component of satellite velocity vector.
     * @return the the ECEF-X component of satellite velocity vector (m/s)
    double getXDot();

     * Get the ECEF-X component of satellite acceleration vector.
     * @return the GLONASS ECEF-X component of satellite acceleration vector (m/s²)
    double getXDotDot();

     * Get the ECEF-Y component of satellite coordinates.
     * @return the ECEF-Y component of satellite coordinates (m)
    double getY();

     * Get the ECEF-Y component of satellite velocity vector.
     * @return the ECEF-Y component of satellite velocity vector (m/s)
    double getYDot();

     * Get the ECEF-Y component of satellite acceleration vector.
     * @return the ECEF-Y component of satellite acceleration vector (m/s²)
    double getYDotDot();

     * Get the ECEF-Z component of satellite coordinates.
     * @return the ECEF-Z component of satellite coordinates (m)
    double getZ();

     * Get the ECEF-Z component of satellite velocity vector.
     * @return the the ECEF-Z component of satellite velocity vector (m/s)
    double getZDot();

     * Get the ECEF-Z component of satellite acceleration vector.
     * @return the ECEF-Z component of satellite acceleration vector (m/s²)
    double getZDotDot();

     * Gets the Issue Of Data Navigation (IODN).
     * @return the IODN
    default int getIODN() {
        return 0;

     * Gets the Zeroth Order Clock Correction.
     * @return the Zeroth Order Clock Correction (s)
    default double getAGf0() {
        return 0.0;

     * Gets the First Order Clock Correction.
     * @return the First Order Clock Correction (s/s)
    default double getAGf1() {
        return 0.0;

     * Gets the clock correction reference time toc.
     * @return the clock correction reference time (s)
    default double getToc() {
        return 0.0;
