/* Copyright 2002-2023 CS GROUP
 * Licensed to CS GROUP (CS) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * CS licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.orekit.propagation.analytical.tle;

import org.hipparchus.CalculusFieldElement;
import org.hipparchus.util.FastMath;
import org.hipparchus.util.FieldSinCos;
import org.hipparchus.util.MathUtils;
import org.orekit.attitudes.AttitudeProvider;
import org.orekit.frames.Frame;
import org.orekit.time.DateTimeComponents;
import org.orekit.time.FieldAbsoluteDate;
import org.orekit.utils.Constants;

/** This class contains methods to compute propagated coordinates with the SDP4 model.
 * <p>
 * The user should not bother in this class since it is handled internally by the
 * {@link TLEPropagator}.
 * </p>
 * <p>This implementation is largely inspired from the paper and source code <a
 * href="">Revisiting Spacetrack
 * Report #3</a> and is fully compliant with its results and tests cases.</p>
 * @author Felix R. Hoots, Ronald L. Roehrich, December 1980 (original fortran)
 * @author David A. Vallado, Paul Crawford, Richard Hujsak, T.S. Kelso (C++ translation and improvements)
 * @author Fabien Maussion (java translation)
 * @author Thomas Paulet (field translation)
 * @since 11.0
 * @param <T> type of the field elements
abstract class FieldSDP4<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>  extends FieldTLEPropagator<T> {

    // CHECKSTYLE: stop VisibilityModifier check

    /** New perigee argument. */
    protected T omgadf;

    /** New mean motion. */
    protected T xn;

    /** Parameter for xl computation. */
    protected T xll;

    /** New eccentricity. */
    protected T em;

    /** New inclination. */
    protected T xinc;

    // CHECKSTYLE: resume VisibilityModifier check

    /** Constructor for a unique initial TLE.
     * @param initialTLE the TLE to propagate.
     * @param attitudeProvider provider for attitude computation
     * @param mass spacecraft mass (kg)
     * @param teme the TEME frame to use for propagation.
     * @param parameters SGP4 and SDP4 model parameters
    protected FieldSDP4(final FieldTLE<T> initialTLE,
                   final AttitudeProvider attitudeProvider,
                   final T mass,
                   final Frame teme,
                   final T[] parameters) {
        super(initialTLE, attitudeProvider, mass, teme, parameters);

    /** Initialization proper to each propagator (SGP or SDP).
     * @param parameters model parameters
    protected void sxpInitialize(final T[] parameters) {
    }  // End of initialization

    /** Propagation proper to each propagator (SGP or SDP).
     * @param tSince the offset from initial epoch (minutes)
     * @param parameters model parameters
    protected void sxpPropagate(final T tSince, final T[] parameters) {

        // Update for secular gravity and atmospheric drag
        final T bStar = parameters[0];
        omgadf = tle.getPerigeeArgument().add(omgdot.multiply(tSince));
        final T xnoddf = tle.getRaan().add(xnodot.multiply(tSince));
        final T tSinceSq = tSince.multiply(tSince);
        xnode = xnoddf.add(xnodcf.multiply(tSinceSq));
        xn = xn0dp;

        // Update for deep-space secular effects
        xll = tle.getMeanAnomaly().add(xmdot.multiply(tSince));


        final T tempa = c1.multiply(tSince).negate().add(1.0);
        a  = xn.reciprocal().multiply(TLEConstants.XKE).pow(TLEConstants.TWO_THIRD).multiply(tempa).multiply(tempa);
        em = em.subtract(bStar.multiply(c4).multiply(tSince));

        // Update for deep-space periodic effects
        xll = xll.add(xn0dp.multiply(t2cof).multiply(tSinceSq));


        xl = xll.add(omgadf).add(xnode);

        // Dundee change:  Reset cosio,  sinio for new xinc:
        final FieldSinCos<T> scI0 = FastMath.sinCos(xinc);
        cosi0 = scI0.cos();
        sini0 = scI0.sin();
        e = em;
        i = xinc;
        omega = omgadf;
        // end of calculus, go for PV computation

    /** Computes SPACETRACK#3 compliant earth rotation angle.
     * @param date the current date
     * @return the ERA (rad)
    protected double thetaG(final FieldAbsoluteDate<T> date) {

        // Reference:  The 1992 Astronomical Almanac, page B6.
        final double omega_E = 1.00273790934;
        final double jd = date
                .offsetFrom(DateTimeComponents.JULIAN_EPOCH) /

        // Earth rotations per sidereal day (non-constant)
        final double UT = (jd + 0.5) % 1;
        final double seconds_per_day = Constants.JULIAN_DAY;
        final double jd_2000 = 2451545.0;   /* 1.5 Jan 2000 = JD 2451545. */
        final double t_cen = (jd - UT - jd_2000) / 36525.;
        double GMST = 24110.54841 +
                      t_cen * (8640184.812866 + t_cen * (0.093104 - t_cen * 6.2E-6));
        GMST = (GMST + seconds_per_day * omega_E * UT) % seconds_per_day;
        if (GMST < 0.) {
            GMST += seconds_per_day;

        return MathUtils.TWO_PI * GMST / seconds_per_day;


    /** Computes luni - solar terms from initial coordinates and epoch.
    protected abstract void luniSolarTermsComputation();

    /** Computes secular terms from current coordinates and epoch.
     * @param t offset from initial epoch (min)
    protected abstract void deepSecularEffects(T t);

    /** Computes periodic terms from current coordinates and epoch.
     * @param t offset from initial epoch (min)
    protected abstract void deepPeriodicEffects(T t);
