/* Copyright 2002-2023 CS GROUP
 * Licensed to CS GROUP (CS) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * CS licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.hipparchus.CalculusFieldElement;
import org.orekit.propagation.FieldSpacecraftState;
import org.orekit.time.FieldAbsoluteDate;

/** This class logs events detectors events during propagation.
 * <p>As {@link FieldEventDetector events detectors} are triggered during
 * orbit propagation, an event specific {@link
 * FieldEventHandler#eventOccurred(FieldSpacecraftState, FieldEventDetector, boolean) eventOccurred}
 * method is called. This class can be used to add a global logging
 * feature registering all events with their corresponding states in
 * a chronological sequence (or reverse-chronological if propagation
 * occurs backward).
 * <p>This class works by wrapping user-provided {@link FieldEventDetector
 * events detectors} before they are registered to the propagator. The
 * wrapper monitor the calls to {@link
 * FieldEventHandler#eventOccurred(FieldSpacecraftState, FieldEventDetector, boolean) eventOccurred}
 * and store the corresponding events as {@link FieldLoggedEvent} instances.
 * After propagation is complete, the user can retrieve all the events
 * that have occurred at once by calling method {@link #getLoggedEvents()}.</p>
 * @author Luc Maisonobe
 * @param <T> type of the field elements
public class FieldEventsLogger<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> {

    /** List of occurred events. */
    private final List<FieldLoggedEvent<T>> log;

    /** Simple constructor.
     * <p>
     * Build an empty logger for events detectors.
     * </p>
    public FieldEventsLogger() {
        log = new ArrayList<FieldEventsLogger.FieldLoggedEvent<T>>();

    /** Monitor an event detector.
     * <p>
     * In order to monitor an event detector, it must be wrapped thanks to
     * this method as follows:
     * </p>
     * <pre>
     * Propagator propagator = new XyzPropagator(...);
     * EventsLogger logger = new EventsLogger();
     * FieldEventDetector&lt;T&gt; detector = new UvwDetector(...);
     * propagator.addEventDetector(logger.monitorDetector(detector));
     * </pre>
     * <p>
     * Note that the event detector returned by the {@link
     * FieldLoggedEvent#getEventDetector() getEventDetector} method in
     * {@link FieldLoggedEvent FieldLoggedEvent} instances returned by {@link
     * #getLoggedEvents()} are the {@code monitoredDetector} instances
     * themselves, not the wrapping detector returned by this method.
     * </p>
     * @param monitoredDetector event detector to monitor
     * @return the wrapping detector to add to the propagator
    public FieldAbstractDetector<FieldLoggingWrapper, T> monitorDetector(final FieldEventDetector<T> monitoredDetector) {
        return new FieldLoggingWrapper(monitoredDetector);

    /** Clear the logged events.
    public void clearLoggedEvents() {

    /** Get an immutable copy of the logged events.
     * <p>
     * The copy is independent of the logger. It is preserved
     * event if the {@link #clearLoggedEvents() clearLoggedEvents} method
     * is called and the logger reused in another propagation.
     * </p>
     * @return an immutable copy of the logged events
    public List<FieldLoggedEvent<T>> getLoggedEvents() {
        return new ArrayList<FieldEventsLogger.FieldLoggedEvent<T>>(log);

    /** Class for logged events entries.
     * @param <T> type of the field elements
    public static class FieldLoggedEvent <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> {

        /** Event detector triggered. */
        private final FieldEventDetector<T> detector;

        /** Triggering state. */
        private final FieldSpacecraftState<T> state;

        /** Increasing/decreasing status. */
        private final boolean increasing;

        /** Simple constructor.
         * @param detectorN detector for event that was triggered
         * @param stateN state at event trigger date
         * @param increasingN indicator if the event switching function was increasing
         * or decreasing at event occurrence date
        private FieldLoggedEvent(final FieldEventDetector<T> detectorN, final FieldSpacecraftState<T> stateN, final boolean increasingN) {
            detector   = detectorN;
            state      = stateN;
            increasing = increasingN;

        /** Get the event detector triggered.
         * @return event detector triggered
        public FieldEventDetector<T> getEventDetector() {
            return detector;

        /** Get the triggering state.
         * @return triggering state
         * @see FieldEventHandler#eventOccurred(FieldSpacecraftState, FieldEventDetector, boolean)
        public FieldSpacecraftState<T> getState() {
            return state;

        /** Get the Increasing/decreasing status of the event.
         * @return increasing/decreasing status of the event
         * @see FieldEventHandler#eventOccurred(FieldSpacecraftState, FieldEventDetector, boolean)
        public boolean isIncreasing() {
            return increasing;


    /** Internal wrapper for events detectors. */
    private class FieldLoggingWrapper extends FieldAbstractDetector<FieldLoggingWrapper, T> {

        /** Wrapped events detector. */
        private final FieldEventDetector<T> detector;

        /** Simple constructor.
         * @param detector events detector to wrap
        FieldLoggingWrapper(final FieldEventDetector<T> detector) {
            this(detector.getMaxCheckInterval(), detector.getThreshold(),
                 detector.getMaxIterationCount(), null,

        /** Private constructor with full parameters.
         * <p>
         * This constructor is private as users are expected to use the builder
         * API with the various {@code withXxx()} methods to set up the instance
         * in a readable manner without using a huge amount of parameters.
         * </p>
         * @param maxCheck maximum checking interval
         * @param threshold convergence threshold (s)
         * @param maxIter maximum number of iterations in the event time search
         * @param handler event handler to call at event occurrences
         * @param detector events detector to wrap
         * @since 6.1
        private FieldLoggingWrapper(final FieldAdaptableInterval<T> maxCheck, final T threshold,
                                    final int maxIter, final FieldEventHandler<T> handler,
                                    final FieldEventDetector<T> detector) {
            super(maxCheck, threshold, maxIter, handler);
            this.detector = detector;

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        protected FieldLoggingWrapper create(final FieldAdaptableInterval<T> newMaxCheck, final T newThreshold,
                                             final int newMaxIter, final FieldEventHandler<T> newHandler) {
            return new FieldLoggingWrapper(newMaxCheck, newThreshold, newMaxIter, newHandler, detector);

        /** Log an event.
         * @param state state at event trigger date
         * @param increasing indicator if the event switching function was increasing
        public void logEvent(final FieldSpacecraftState<T> state, final boolean increasing) {
            log.add(new FieldLoggedEvent<>(detector, state, increasing));

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        public void init(final FieldSpacecraftState<T> s0,
                         final FieldAbsoluteDate<T> t) {
            super.init(s0, t);
            detector.init(s0, t);

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        public T g(final FieldSpacecraftState<T> s) {
            return detector.g(s);

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        public FieldEventHandler<T> getHandler() {

            final FieldEventHandler<T> handler = detector.getHandler();

            return new FieldEventHandler<T>() {

                /** {@inheritDoc} */
                public Action eventOccurred(final FieldSpacecraftState<T> s,
                                            final FieldEventDetector<T> d,
                                            final boolean increasing) {
                    logEvent(s, increasing);
                    return handler.eventOccurred(s, detector, increasing);

                /** {@inheritDoc} */
                public FieldSpacecraftState<T> resetState(final FieldEventDetector<T> d,
                                                          final FieldSpacecraftState<T> oldState) {
                    return handler.resetState(detector, oldState);


