/* Copyright 2002-2023 CS GROUP
 * Licensed to CS GROUP (CS) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * CS licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.orekit.propagation.numerical;

import java.util.Arrays;

import org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D;
import org.hipparchus.ode.ODEIntegrator;
import org.hipparchus.ode.nonstiff.ClassicalRungeKuttaIntegrator;
import org.hipparchus.util.FastMath;
import org.hipparchus.util.MathUtils;
import org.hipparchus.util.SinCos;
import org.orekit.attitudes.Attitude;
import org.orekit.attitudes.AttitudeProvider;
import org.orekit.errors.OrekitException;
import org.orekit.errors.OrekitMessages;
import org.orekit.frames.Frame;
import org.orekit.orbits.CartesianOrbit;
import org.orekit.orbits.Orbit;
import org.orekit.orbits.OrbitType;
import org.orekit.orbits.PositionAngleType;
import org.orekit.propagation.PropagationType;
import org.orekit.propagation.SpacecraftState;
import org.orekit.propagation.integration.AbstractIntegratedPropagator;
import org.orekit.propagation.integration.StateMapper;
import org.orekit.time.AbsoluteDate;
import org.orekit.time.GLONASSDate;
import org.orekit.utils.AbsolutePVCoordinates;
import org.orekit.utils.Constants;
import org.orekit.utils.IERSConventions;
import org.orekit.utils.PVCoordinates;
import org.orekit.utils.TimeStampedPVCoordinates;

 * This class propagates GLONASS orbits using numerical integration.
 * <p>
 * As recommended by the GLONASS Interface Control Document (ICD),
 * a {@link ClassicalRungeKuttaIntegrator  4th order Runge-Kutta technique}
 * shall be used to integrate the equations.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Classical used of this orbit propagator is to compute GLONASS satellite
 * coordinates from the navigation message.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * If the projections of luni-solar accelerations to axes of
 * Greenwich geocentric coordinates {@link GLONASSOrbitalElements#getXDotDot() X''(tb)},
 * {@link GLONASSOrbitalElements#getYDotDot() Y''(tb)} and {@link GLONASSOrbitalElements#getZDotDot() Z''(tb)}
 * are available in the navigation message; a transformation is performed to convert these
 * accelerations into the correct coordinate system. In the case where they are not
 * available into the navigation message, these accelerations are computed.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * <b>Caution:</b> The Glonass numerical propagator can only be used with {@link GLONASSNavigationMessage}.
 * Using this propagator with a {@link GLONASSAlmanac} is prone to error.
 * </p>
 * @see <a href="">
 *       GLONASS Interface Control Document</a>
 * @author Bryan Cazabonne
public class GLONASSNumericalPropagator extends AbstractIntegratedPropagator {

    /** Second degree coefficient of normal potential. */
    private static final double GLONASS_J20 = 1.08262575e-3;

    /** Equatorial radius of Earth (m). */
    private static final double GLONASS_EARTH_EQUATORIAL_RADIUS = 6378136;

    /** Value of the Earth's rotation rate in rad/s (See Ref). */
    private static final double GLONASS_AV = 7.2921151467e-5;

    // Data used to solve Kepler's equation
    /** First coefficient to compute Kepler equation solver starter. */
    private static final double A;

    /** Second coefficient to compute Kepler equation solver starter. */
    private static final double B;

    static {
        final double k1 = 3 * FastMath.PI + 2;
        final double k2 = FastMath.PI - 1;
        final double k3 = 6 * FastMath.PI - 1;
        A  = 3 * k2 * k2 / k1;
        B  = k3 * k3 / (6 * k1);

    /** The GLONASS orbital elements used. */
    private final GLONASSOrbitalElements glonassOrbit;

    /** Initial date in GLONASS form. */
    private final GLONASSDate initDate;

    /** The spacecraft mass (kg). */
    private final double mass;

    /** The ECI frame used for GLONASS propagation. */
    private final Frame eci;

    /** Direction cosines and distance of perturbing body: Moon.
     * <p>
     * <ul>
     * <li>double[0] = ξ<sub>m</sub></li>
     * <li>double[1] = η<sub>m</sub></li>
     * <li>double[2] = ψ<sub>m</sub></li>
     * <li>double[3] = r<sub>m</sub></li>
     * </ul>
     * </p>
    private double[] moonElements;

    /** Direction cosines and distance of perturbing body: Sun.
     * <p>
     * <ul>
     * <li>double[0] = ξ<sub>s</sub></li>
     * <li>double[1] = η<sub>s</sub></li>
     * <li>double[2] = ψ<sub>s</sub></li>
     * <li>double[3] = r<sub>s</sub></li>
     * </ul>
     * </p>
    private double[] sunElements;

    /** Flag for availability of projections of acceleration transmitted within the navigation message. */
    private final boolean isAccAvailable;

    /** Data context used for propagation. */
    private final DataContext dataContext;

     * Private constructor.
     * @param integrator Runge-Kutta integrator
     * @param glonassOrbit Glonass orbital elements
     * @param eci Earth Centered Inertial frame
     * @param provider Attitude provider
     * @param mass Satellite mass (kg)
     * @param context Data context
     * @param isAccAvailable true if the acceleration  is transmitted within the navigation message
    public GLONASSNumericalPropagator(final ClassicalRungeKuttaIntegrator integrator,
                                      final GLONASSOrbitalElements glonassOrbit,
                                      final Frame eci, final AttitudeProvider provider,
                                      final double mass, final DataContext context,
                                      final boolean isAccAvailable) {
        super(integrator, PropagationType.OSCULATING);
        this.dataContext = context;
        this.isAccAvailable = isAccAvailable;
        // Stores the GLONASS orbital elements
        this.glonassOrbit = glonassOrbit;
        // Sets the Earth Centered Inertial frame
        this.eci = eci;
        // Sets the mass
        this.mass = mass;
        this.initDate = new GLONASSDate(

        // Initialize state mapper
        // It is not meaningful for propagation in Cartesian parameters

        // As recommended by GLONASS ICD (2016), the direction cosines and distance
        // of perturbing body are calculated one time (at tb).
        if (!isAccAvailable) {

     * Gets the underlying GLONASS orbital elements.
     * @return the underlying GLONASS orbital elements
    public GLONASSOrbitalElements getGLONASSOrbitalElements() {
        return glonassOrbit;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public SpacecraftState propagate(final AbsoluteDate date) {
        // Spacecraft state in inertial frame
        final SpacecraftState stateInInertial = super.propagate(date);

        // Build the spacecraft state in inertial frame
        final PVCoordinates pvInPZ90 = getPVInPZ90(stateInInertial);
        final AbsolutePVCoordinates absPV = new AbsolutePVCoordinates(
                dataContext.getFrames().getPZ9011(IERSConventions.IERS_2010, true),
                stateInInertial.getDate(), pvInPZ90);
        final TimeStampedPVCoordinates pvInInertial = absPV.getPVCoordinates(eci);
        final SpacecraftState transformedState = new SpacecraftState(new CartesianOrbit(pvInInertial, eci, pvInInertial.getDate(), GNSSConstants.GLONASS_MU),

        return transformedState;

     * Set the initial state.
     * <p>
     * The initial conditions on position and velocity are in the ECEF coordinate system PZ-90.
     * Previous to orbit integration, they must be transformed to an absolute inertial coordinate system.
     * </p>
    private void setInitialState() {

        // Transform initial PV coordinates to an absolute inertial coordinate system.
        final PVCoordinates pvInInertial = getPVInInertial(initDate);

        // Create a new orbit
        final Orbit orbit = new CartesianOrbit(pvInInertial,
                                               eci, initDate.getDate(),

        // Reset the initial state to apply the transformation
        resetInitialState(new SpacecraftState(orbit, mass));

     * This method computes the direction cosines and the distance used to
     * compute the gravitational perturbations of the Moon.
     * @param date the computation date in GLONASS scale
    private void computeMoonElements(final GLONASSDate date) {

        moonElements = new double[4];

        // Constants
        // Semi-major axis of the Moon's orbit (m)
        final double am = 3.84385243e8;
        // The Moon's orbit eccentricity
        final double em = 0.054900489;
        // Mean inclination of the Moon's orbit to the ecliptic (rad)
        final double im = 0.0898041080;

        // Computed parameters
        // Time from epoch 2000 to the instant tb of GLONASS ephemeris broadcast
        final double dtoJD = (glonassOrbit.getTime() - 10800.) / Constants.JULIAN_DAY;
        final double t  = (date.getJD0() + dtoJD - 2451545.0) / 36525;
        final double t2 = t * t;
        // Mean inclination of Earth equator to ecliptic (rad)
        final double eps = 0.4090926006 - 0.0002270711 * t;
        // Mean longitude of the Moon's orbit perigee (rad)
        final double gammaM = 1.4547885346 + 71.0176852437 * t - 0.0001801481 * t2;
        // Mean longitude of the ascending node of the Moon (rad)
        final double omegaM = 2.1824391966 - 33.7570459536 * t + 0.0000362262 * t2;
        // Mean anomaly of the Moon (rad)
        final double qm = 2.3555557435 + 8328.6914257190 * t + 0.0001545547 * t2;

        // Commons parameters
        final SinCos scOm  = FastMath.sinCos(omegaM);
        final SinCos scIm  = FastMath.sinCos(im);
        final SinCos scEs  = FastMath.sinCos(eps);
        final SinCos scGm  = FastMath.sinCos(gammaM);
        final double cosOm = scOm.cos();
        final double sinOm = scOm.sin();
        final double cosIm = scIm.cos();
        final double sinIm = scIm.sin();
        final double cosEs = scEs.cos();
        final double sinEs = scEs.sin();
        final double cosGm = scGm.cos();
        final double sinGm = scGm.sin();

        // Intermediate parameters
        final double psiStar = cosOm * sinIm;
        final double etaStar = sinOm * sinIm;
        final double epsStar = 1. - cosOm * cosOm * (1. - cosIm);
        final double eps11 = sinOm * cosOm * (1. - cosIm);
        final double eps12 = 1. - sinOm * sinOm * (1. - cosIm);
        final double eta11 = epsStar * cosEs - psiStar * sinEs;
        final double eta12 = eps11 * cosEs + etaStar * sinEs;
        final double psi11 = epsStar * sinEs + psiStar * cosEs;
        final double psi12 = eps11 * sinEs - etaStar * cosEs;

        // Eccentric Anomaly
        final double ek = getEccentricAnomaly(qm, em);

        // True Anomaly
        final double vk    = getTrueAnomaly(ek, em);
        final SinCos scVk  = FastMath.sinCos(vk);
        final double sinVk = scVk.sin();
        final double cosVk = scVk.cos();

        // Direction cosine
        final double epsM = eps11 * (sinVk * cosGm + cosVk * sinGm) + eps12 * (cosVk * cosGm - sinVk * sinGm);
        final double etaM = eta11 * (sinVk * cosGm + cosVk * sinGm) + eta12 * (cosVk * cosGm - sinVk * sinGm);
        final double psiM = psi11 * (sinVk * cosGm + cosVk * sinGm) + psi12 * (cosVk * cosGm - sinVk * sinGm);

        // Distance
        final double rm = am * (1. - em * FastMath.cos(ek));

        moonElements[0] = epsM;
        moonElements[1] = etaM;
        moonElements[2] = psiM;
        moonElements[3] = rm;


     * This method computes the direction cosines and the distance used to
     * compute the gravitational perturbations of the Sun.
     * @param date the computation date in GLONASS scale
    private void computeSunElements(final GLONASSDate date) {

        sunElements = new double[4];

        // Constants
        //  Major semi-axis of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun (m)
        final double as = 1.49598e11;
        // The eccentricity of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun
        final double es = 0.016719;

        // Computed parameters
        // Time from epoch 2000 to the instant tb of GLONASS ephemeris broadcast
        final double dtoJD = (glonassOrbit.getTime() - 10800.) / Constants.JULIAN_DAY;
        final double t  = (date.getJD0() + dtoJD - 2451545.0) / 36525;
        final double t2 = t * t;
        // Mean inclination of Earth equator to ecliptic (rad)
        final double eps = 0.4090926006 - 0.0002270711 * t;
        // Mean tropic longitude of the Sun orbit perigee (rad)
        final double ws = -7.6281824375 + 0.0300101976 * t + 0.0000079741 * t2;
        // Mean anomaly of the Sun (rad)
        final double qs = 6.2400601269 + 628.3019551714 * t - 0.0000026820 * t2;

        // Eccentric Anomaly
        final double ek = getEccentricAnomaly(qs, es);

        // True Anomaly
        final double vk    =  getTrueAnomaly(ek, es);
        final SinCos scVk  = FastMath.sinCos(vk);
        final double sinVk = scVk.sin();
        final double cosVk = scVk.cos();

        // Commons parameters
        final SinCos scWs  = FastMath.sinCos(ws);
        final SinCos scEs  = FastMath.sinCos(eps);
        final double cosWs = scWs.cos();
        final double sinWs = scWs.sin();
        final double cosEs = scEs.cos();
        final double sinEs = scEs.sin();

        // Direction cosine
        final double epsS = cosVk * cosWs - sinVk * sinWs;
        final double etaS = cosEs * (sinVk * cosWs + cosVk * sinWs);
        final double psiS = sinEs * (sinVk * cosWs + cosVk * sinWs);

        // Distance
        final double rs = as * (1. - es * FastMath.cos(ek));

        sunElements[0] = epsS;
        sunElements[1] = etaS;
        sunElements[2] = psiS;
        sunElements[3] = rs;


     * Computes the elliptic eccentric anomaly from the mean anomaly.
     * <p>
     * The algorithm used here for solving Kepler equation has been published
     * in: "Procedures for  solving Kepler's Equation", A. W. Odell and
     * R. H. Gooding, Celestial Mechanics 38 (1986) 307-334
     * </p>
     * <p>It has been copied from the OREKIT library (KeplerianOrbit class).</p>
     * @param M mean anomaly (rad)
     * @param e eccentricity
     * @return E the eccentric anomaly
    private double getEccentricAnomaly(final double M, final double e) {

        // reduce M to [-PI PI) interval
        final double reducedM = MathUtils.normalizeAngle(M, 0.0);

        // compute start value according to A. W. Odell and R. H. Gooding S12 starter
        double E;
        if (FastMath.abs(reducedM) < 1.0 / 6.0) {
            E = reducedM + e * (FastMath.cbrt(6 * reducedM) - reducedM);
        } else {
            if (reducedM < 0) {
                final double w = FastMath.PI + reducedM;
                E = reducedM + e * (A * w / (B - w) - FastMath.PI - reducedM);
            } else {
                final double w = FastMath.PI - reducedM;
                E = reducedM + e * (FastMath.PI - A * w / (B - w) - reducedM);

        final double e1 = 1 - e;
        final boolean noCancellationRisk = (e1 + E * E / 6) >= 0.1;

        // perform two iterations, each consisting of one Halley step and one Newton-Raphson step
        for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) {
            final double f;
            double fd;
            final SinCos scE  = FastMath.sinCos(E);
            final double fdd  = e * scE.sin();
            final double fddd = e * scE.cos();
            if (noCancellationRisk) {
                f  = (E - fdd) - reducedM;
                fd = 1 - fddd;
            } else {
                f  = eMeSinE(E, e) - reducedM;
                final double s = FastMath.sin(0.5 * E);
                fd = e1 + 2 * e * s * s;
            final double dee = f * fd / (0.5 * f * fdd - fd * fd);

            // update eccentric anomaly, using expressions that limit underflow problems
            final double w = fd + 0.5 * dee * (fdd + dee * fddd / 3);
            fd += dee * (fdd + 0.5 * dee * fddd);
            E  -= (f - dee * (fd - w)) / fd;


        // expand the result back to original range
        E += M - reducedM;

        return E;


     * Accurate computation of E - e sin(E).
     * @param E eccentric anomaly
     * @param e eccentricity
     * @return E - e sin(E)
    private static double eMeSinE(final double E, final double e) {
        double x = (1 - e) * FastMath.sin(E);
        final double mE2 = -E * E;
        double term = E;
        double d    = 0;
        // the inequality test below IS intentional and should NOT be replaced by a check with a small tolerance
        for (double x0 = Double.NaN; !Double.valueOf(x).equals(Double.valueOf(x0));) {
            d += 2;
            term *= mE2 / (d * (d + 1));
            x0 = x;
            x = x - term;
        return x;

     * Get true anomaly from eccentric anomaly and eccentricity.
     * @param ek the eccentric anomaly (rad)
     * @param ecc the eccentricity
     * @return the true anomaly (rad)
    private double getTrueAnomaly(final double ek, final double ecc) {
        final SinCos scek = FastMath.sinCos(ek);
        final double svk  = FastMath.sqrt(1. - ecc * ecc) * scek.sin();
        final double cvk  = scek.cos() - ecc;
        return FastMath.atan2(svk, cvk);

     * This method transforms the PV coordinates obtained after the numerical
     * integration in the ECEF PZ-90.
     * @param state spacecraft state after integration
     * @return the PV coordinates in the ECEF PZ-90.
    private PVCoordinates getPVInPZ90(final SpacecraftState state) {

        // Compute time difference between start date and end date
        final double dt = state.getDate().durationFrom(initDate.getDate());

        // Position and velocity vectors
        final PVCoordinates pv = state.getPVCoordinates();
        final Vector3D pos = pv.getPosition();
        final Vector3D vel = pv.getVelocity();

        // Components of position and velocity vectors
        final double x0 = pos.getX();
        final double y0 = pos.getY();
        final double z0 = pos.getZ();
        final double vx0 = vel.getX();
        final double vy0 = vel.getY();
        final double vz0 = vel.getZ();

        // Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time (GMST)
        final GLONASSDate gloDate = new GLONASSDate(
        final double gmst = gloDate.getGMST();

        final double ti = glonassOrbit.getTime() + dt;
        // We use the GMST instead of the GMT as it is recommended into GLONASS ICD (2016)
        final double s = gmst + GLONASS_AV * (ti - 10800.);

        // Commons Parameters
        final SinCos scS  = FastMath.sinCos(s);
        final double cosS = scS.cos();
        final double sinS = scS.sin();

        // Transformed coordinates
        final double x = x0 * cosS + y0 * sinS;
        final double y = -x0 * sinS + y0 * cosS;
        final double z = z0;
        final double vx = vx0 * cosS + vy0 * sinS + GLONASS_AV * y;
        final double vy = -vx0 * sinS + vy0 * cosS - GLONASS_AV * x;
        final double vz = vz0;

        // Transformed orbit
        return new PVCoordinates(new Vector3D(x, y, z),
                                 new Vector3D(vx, vy, vz));

     * This method computes the PV coordinates of the spacecraft center of mass.
     * The returned PV are expressed in inertial coordinates system at the instant tb.
     * @param date the computation date in GLONASS scale
     * @return the PV Coordinates in inertial coordinates system
    private PVCoordinates getPVInInertial(final GLONASSDate date) {

        // Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time (GMST)
        final double gmst = date.getGMST();

        final double time = glonassOrbit.getTime();
        final double dt   = time - 10800.;
        // We use the GMST instead of the GMT as it is recommended into GLONASS ICD (2016)
        final double s = gmst + GLONASS_AV * dt;

        // Commons Parameters
        final SinCos scS  = FastMath.sinCos(s);
        final double cosS = scS.cos();
        final double sinS = scS.sin();

        // PV coordinates in inertial frame
        final double x0  = glonassOrbit.getX() * cosS - glonassOrbit.getY() * sinS;
        final double y0  = glonassOrbit.getX() * sinS + glonassOrbit.getY() * cosS;
        final double z0  = glonassOrbit.getZ();
        final double vx0 = glonassOrbit.getXDot() * cosS - glonassOrbit.getYDot() * sinS - GLONASS_AV * y0;
        final double vy0 = glonassOrbit.getXDot() * sinS + glonassOrbit.getYDot() * cosS + GLONASS_AV * x0;
        final double vz0 = glonassOrbit.getZDot();
        return new PVCoordinates(new Vector3D(x0, y0, z0),
                                 new Vector3D(vx0, vy0, vz0));

    protected StateMapper createMapper(final AbsoluteDate referenceDate, final double mu,
                                       final OrbitType orbitType, final PositionAngleType positionAngleType,
                                       final AttitudeProvider attitudeProvider, final Frame frame) {
        return new Mapper(referenceDate, mu, orbitType, positionAngleType, attitudeProvider, frame);

    /** Internal mapper. */
    private static class Mapper extends StateMapper {

         * Simple constructor.
         * @param referenceDate reference date
         * @param mu central attraction coefficient (m³/s²)
         * @param orbitType orbit type to use for mapping
         * @param positionAngleType angle type to use for propagation
         * @param attitudeProvider attitude provider
         * @param frame inertial frame
        Mapper(final AbsoluteDate referenceDate, final double mu,
               final OrbitType orbitType, final PositionAngleType positionAngleType,
               final AttitudeProvider attitudeProvider, final Frame frame) {
            super(referenceDate, mu, orbitType, positionAngleType, attitudeProvider, frame);

        public SpacecraftState mapArrayToState(final AbsoluteDate date, final double[] y,
                                               final double[] yDot, final PropagationType type) {
            // The parameter meanOnly is ignored for the GLONASS Propagator
            final double mass = y[6];
            if (mass <= 0.0) {
                throw new OrekitException(OrekitMessages.NOT_POSITIVE_SPACECRAFT_MASS, mass);

            final Orbit orbit       = getOrbitType().mapArrayToOrbit(y, yDot, getPositionAngleType(), date, getMu(), getFrame());
            final Attitude attitude = getAttitudeProvider().getAttitude(orbit, date, getFrame());

            return new SpacecraftState(orbit, attitude, mass);

        public void mapStateToArray(final SpacecraftState state, final double[] y,
                                    final double[] yDot) {
            getOrbitType().mapOrbitToArray(state.getOrbit(), getPositionAngleType(), y, yDot);
            y[6] = state.getMass();


    protected MainStateEquations getMainStateEquations(final ODEIntegrator integ) {
        return new Main();

    /** Internal class for orbital parameters integration. */
    private class Main implements MainStateEquations {

        /** Derivatives array. */
        private final double[] yDot;

         * Simple constructor.
        Main() {
            yDot = new double[7];

        public double[] computeDerivatives(final SpacecraftState state) {

            // Date in Glonass form
            final GLONASSDate gloDate = new GLONASSDate(

            // Position and Velocity vectors
            final Vector3D vel = state.getPVCoordinates().getVelocity();
            final Vector3D pos = state.getPosition();

            Arrays.fill(yDot, 0.0);

            // dPos/dt = Vel
            yDot[0] += vel.getX();
            yDot[1] += vel.getY();
            yDot[2] += vel.getZ();

            // Components of position and velocity vectors
            final double x0 = pos.getX();
            final double y0 = pos.getY();
            final double z0 = pos.getZ();

            // Normalized values
            final double r  = pos.getNorm();
            final double r2 = r * r;
            final double oor = 1. / r;
            final double oor2 = 1. / r2;
            final double x = x0 * oor;
            final double y = y0 * oor;
            final double z = z0 * oor;
            final double g = GNSSConstants.GLONASS_MU * oor2;
            final double ro = GLONASS_EARTH_EQUATORIAL_RADIUS * oor;

            yDot[3] += x * (-g + (-1.5 * GLONASS_J20 * g * ro * ro * (1. - 5. * z * z)));
            yDot[4] += y * (-g + (-1.5 * GLONASS_J20 * g * ro * ro * (1. - 5. * z * z)));
            yDot[5] += z * (-g + (-1.5 * GLONASS_J20 * g * ro * ro * (3. - 5. * z * z)));

            // Luni-Solar contribution
            final Vector3D acc;
            if (isAccAvailable) {
                acc = getLuniSolarPerturbations(gloDate);
            } else {
                final Vector3D accMoon = computeLuniSolarPerturbations(
                        state, moonElements[0], moonElements[1], moonElements[2],
                final Vector3D accSun = computeLuniSolarPerturbations(
                        sunElements[0], sunElements[1], sunElements[2],
                acc = accMoon.add(accSun);

            yDot[3] += acc.getX();
            yDot[4] += acc.getY();
            yDot[5] += acc.getZ();

            return yDot.clone();

         * This method computes the accelerations induced by gravitational
         * perturbations of the Sun and the Moon if they are not available into
         * the navigation message data.
         * @param state current state
         * @param eps first direction cosine
         * @param eta second direction cosine
         * @param psi third direction cosine
         * @param r distance of perturbing body
         * @param g body gravitational field constant
         * @return a vector containing the accelerations
        private Vector3D computeLuniSolarPerturbations(final SpacecraftState state, final double eps,
                                                       final double eta, final double psi,
                                                       final double r, final double g) {

            // Current pv coordinates
            final PVCoordinates pv = state.getPVCoordinates();

            final double oor = 1. / r;
            final double oor2 = oor * oor;

            // Normalized variable
            final double x = pv.getPosition().getX() * oor;
            final double y = pv.getPosition().getY() * oor;
            final double z = pv.getPosition().getZ() * oor;
            final double gm = g * oor2;

            final double epsmX  = eps - x;
            final double etamY  = eta - y;
            final double psimZ  = psi - z;
            final Vector3D vector = new Vector3D(epsmX, etamY, psimZ);
            final double d2 = vector.getNormSq();
            final double deltaM = FastMath.sqrt(d2) * d2;

            // Accelerations
            final double accX = gm * ((epsmX / deltaM) - eps);
            final double accY = gm * ((etamY / deltaM) - eta);
            final double accZ = gm * ((psimZ / deltaM) - psi);

            return new Vector3D(accX, accY, accZ);

         * Get the accelerations induced by gravitational
         * perturbations of the Sun and the Moon in a geocentric
         * coordinate system.
         * <p>
         * The accelerations are obtained using projections of accelerations
         * transmitted within navigation message data.
         * </p>
         * @param date the computation date in GLONASS scale
         * @return a vector containing the sum of both accelerations
        private Vector3D getLuniSolarPerturbations(final GLONASSDate date) {

            // Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time (GMST)
            final double gmst = date.getGMST();

            final double time = glonassOrbit.getTime();
            final double dt   = time - 10800.;
            // We use the GMST instead of the GMT as it is recommended into GLONASS ICD (see Ref)
            final double s = gmst + GLONASS_AV * dt;

            // Commons Parameters
            final SinCos scS  = FastMath.sinCos(s);
            final double cosS = scS.cos();
            final double sinS = scS.sin();

            // Accelerations
            final double accX = glonassOrbit.getXDotDot() * cosS - glonassOrbit.getYDotDot() * sinS;
            final double accY = glonassOrbit.getXDotDot() * sinS + glonassOrbit.getYDotDot() * cosS;
            final double accZ = glonassOrbit.getZDotDot();

            return new Vector3D(accX, accY, accZ);

