/* Copyright 2002-2023 CS GROUP
 * Licensed to CS GROUP (CS) under one or more
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 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * CS licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst.utilities;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import org.hipparchus.analysis.interpolation.HermiteInterpolator;
import org.hipparchus.util.FastMath;
import org.orekit.time.AbsoluteDate;

/** Interpolated short periodics coefficients.
 * <p>
 * Representation of a coefficient that need to be interpolated over time.
 * </p><p>
 * The short periodics coefficients can be interpolated for faster computation.
 * This class stores computed values of the coefficients through the method
 * {@link #addGridPoint} and gives an interpolated result through the method
 * {@link #value}.
 * </p>
 * @author Nicolas Bernard
public class ShortPeriodicsInterpolatedCoefficient {

    /**Values of the already computed coefficients.*/
    private ArrayList<double[]> values;

    /**Grid points.*/
    private ArrayList<AbsoluteDate> abscissae;

    /**Number of points used in the interpolation.*/
    private int interpolationPoints;

    /**Index of the latest closest neighbor.*/
    private int latestClosestNeighbor;

    /**Simple constructor.
     * @param interpolationPoints number of points used in the interpolation
    public ShortPeriodicsInterpolatedCoefficient(final int interpolationPoints) {
        this.interpolationPoints = interpolationPoints;
        this.abscissae = new ArrayList<AbsoluteDate>();
        this.values = new ArrayList<double[]>();
        this.latestClosestNeighbor = 0;

    /**Compute the value of the coefficient.
     * @param date date at which the coefficient should be computed
     * @return value of the coefficient
    public double[] value(final AbsoluteDate date) {
        //Get the closest points from the input date
        final int[] neighbors = getNeighborsIndices(date);

        //Creation and set up of the interpolator
        final HermiteInterpolator interpolator = new HermiteInterpolator();
        for (int i : neighbors) {
            interpolator.addSamplePoint(abscissae.get(i).durationFrom(date), values.get(i));

        return interpolator.value(0.0);


    /**Find the closest available points from the specified date.
     * @param date date of interest
     * @return indices corresponding to the closest points on the time scale
    private int[] getNeighborsIndices(final AbsoluteDate date) {
        final int sizeofNeighborhood = FastMath.min(interpolationPoints, abscissae.size());
        final int[] neighborsIndices = new int[sizeofNeighborhood];

        //If the size of the complete sample is less than
        //the desired number of interpolation points,
        //then the entire sample is considered as the neighborhood
        if (interpolationPoints >= abscissae.size()) {
            for (int i = 0; i < sizeofNeighborhood; i++) {
                neighborsIndices[i] = i;
        } else {
            // get indices around closest neighbor
            int inf = getClosestNeighbor(date);
            int sup = inf + 1;

            while (sup - inf < interpolationPoints) {
                if (inf == 0) { //This means that we have reached the earliest date
                } else if (sup >= abscissae.size()) { //This means that we have reached the latest date
                } else { //the choice is made between the two next neighbors
                    final double lowerNeighborDistance = FastMath.abs(abscissae.get(inf - 1).durationFrom(date));
                    final double upperNeighborDistance = FastMath.abs(abscissae.get(sup).durationFrom(date));

                    if (lowerNeighborDistance <= upperNeighborDistance) {
                    } else {

            for (int i = 0; i < interpolationPoints; ++i) {
                neighborsIndices[i] = inf + i;


        return neighborsIndices;

    /**Find the closest point from a specific date amongst the available points.
     * @param date date of interest
     * @return index of the closest abscissa from the date of interest
    private int getClosestNeighbor(final AbsoluteDate date) {
        //the starting point is the latest result of a call to this method.
        //Indeed, as this class is meant to be called during an integration process
        //with an input date evolving often continuously in time, there is a high
        //probability that the result will be the same as for last call of
        //this method.
        int closestNeighbor = latestClosestNeighbor;

        //case where the date is before the available points
        if (date.compareTo(abscissae.get(0)) <= 0) {
            closestNeighbor = 0;
        //case where the date is after the available points
        else if (date.compareTo(abscissae.get(abscissae.size() - 1)) >= 0) {
            closestNeighbor = abscissae.size() - 1;
        //general case: one is looking for the two consecutives entries that surround the input date
        //then one choose the closest one
        else {
            int lowerBorder = latestClosestNeighbor;
            int upperBorder = latestClosestNeighbor;

            final int searchDirection = date.compareTo(abscissae.get(latestClosestNeighbor));
            if (searchDirection > 0) {
                while (date.compareTo(abscissae.get(upperBorder)) > 0) {
            else {
                while (date.compareTo(abscissae.get(lowerBorder)) < 0) {

            final double lowerDistance = FastMath.abs(date.durationFrom(abscissae.get(lowerBorder)));
            final double upperDistance = FastMath.abs(date.durationFrom(abscissae.get(upperBorder)));

            closestNeighbor = (lowerDistance < upperDistance) ? lowerBorder : upperBorder;

        //The result is stored in order to speed up the next call to the function
        //Indeed, it is highly likely that the requested result will be the same
        this.latestClosestNeighbor = closestNeighbor;
        return closestNeighbor;

    /** Clear the recorded values from the interpolation grid.
    public void clearHistory() {

    /** Add a point to the interpolation grid.
     * @param date abscissa of the point
     * @param value value of the element
    public void addGridPoint(final AbsoluteDate date, final double[] value) {
        //If the grid is empty, the value is directly added to both arrays
        if (abscissae.isEmpty()) {
        //If the grid already contains this point, only its value is changed
        else if (abscissae.contains(date)) {
            values.set(abscissae.indexOf(date), value);
        //If the grid does not contain this point, the position of the point
        //in the grid is computed first
        else {
            final int closestNeighbor = getClosestNeighbor(date);
            final int index = (date.compareTo(abscissae.get(closestNeighbor)) < 0) ? closestNeighbor : closestNeighbor + 1;
            abscissae.add(index, date);
            values.add(index, value);