
/* Copyright 2002-2023 CS GROUP
 * Licensed to CS GROUP (CS) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * CS licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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package org.orekit.propagation;

import org.orekit.frames.Frame;
import org.orekit.frames.LOFType;
import org.orekit.orbits.Orbit;
import org.orekit.orbits.OrbitType;
import org.orekit.orbits.PositionAngleType;
import org.orekit.time.AbsoluteDate;
import org.orekit.time.AbstractTimeInterpolator;
import org.orekit.time.TimeInterpolator;
import org.orekit.time.TimeStampedPair;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.util.stream.Stream;

 * Abstract class for orbit and state covariance interpolator.
 * @author Vincent Cucchietti
 * @see Orbit
 * @see StateCovariance
 * @see TimeStampedPair
public abstract class AbstractStateCovarianceInterpolator
        extends AbstractTimeInterpolator<TimeStampedPair<Orbit, StateCovariance>> {

    /** Default position angle for covariance expressed in Cartesian elements. */
    public static final PositionAngleType DEFAULT_POSITION_ANGLE = PositionAngleType.MEAN;

    /** Default column dimension for position-velocity state covariance. */
    public static final int COLUMN_DIM = 6;

    /** Default row dimension for position-velocity state covariance. */
    public static final int ROW_DIM = 6;

    /** Output frame. */
    private final Frame outFrame;

    /** Output local orbital frame. */
    private final LOFType outLOF;

    /** Output orbit type. */
    private final OrbitType outOrbitType;

    /** Output position angle type. */
    private final PositionAngleType outPositionAngleType;

    /** Orbit interpolator. */
    private final TimeInterpolator<Orbit> orbitInterpolator;

     * Constructor.
     * @param interpolationPoints number of interpolation points
     * @param extrapolationThreshold extrapolation threshold beyond which the propagation will fail
     * @param orbitInterpolator orbit interpolator
     * @param outLOF local orbital frame
     * @see Frame
     * @see OrbitType
     * @see PositionAngleType
    public AbstractStateCovarianceInterpolator(final int interpolationPoints, final double extrapolationThreshold,
                                               final TimeInterpolator<Orbit> orbitInterpolator,
                                               final LOFType outLOF) {
        super(interpolationPoints, extrapolationThreshold);
        this.orbitInterpolator = orbitInterpolator;
        this.outLOF            = outLOF;
        this.outFrame          = null;
        this.outOrbitType      = OrbitType.CARTESIAN;
        this.outPositionAngleType = DEFAULT_POSITION_ANGLE;

     * Constructor.
     * @param interpolationPoints number of interpolation points
     * @param extrapolationThreshold extrapolation threshold beyond which the propagation will fail
     * @param orbitInterpolator orbit interpolator
     * @param outFrame desired output covariance frame
     * @param outPositionAngleType desired output position angle
     * @param outOrbitType desired output orbit type
     * @see Frame
     * @see OrbitType
     * @see PositionAngleType
    public AbstractStateCovarianceInterpolator(final int interpolationPoints, final double extrapolationThreshold,
                                               final TimeInterpolator<Orbit> orbitInterpolator,
                                               final Frame outFrame,
                                               final OrbitType outOrbitType,
                                               final PositionAngleType outPositionAngleType) {
        super(interpolationPoints, extrapolationThreshold);
        this.orbitInterpolator = orbitInterpolator;
        this.outLOF            = null;
        this.outFrame          = outFrame;
        this.outOrbitType      = outOrbitType;
        this.outPositionAngleType = outPositionAngleType;

     * Interpolate orbit and associated covariance.
     * @param interpolationData interpolation data
     * @return interpolated orbit and associated covariance
    public TimeStampedPair<Orbit, StateCovariance> interpolate(final InterpolationData interpolationData) {

        // Interpolate orbit at interpolation date
        final Orbit interpolatedOrbit = interpolateOrbit(interpolationData.getInterpolationDate(),

        // Rebuild state covariance
        final StateCovariance covarianceInOrbitFrame =
                computeInterpolatedCovarianceInOrbitFrame(interpolationData.getNeighborList(), interpolatedOrbit);

        // Output new blended StateCovariance instance in desired output
        return expressCovarianceInDesiredOutput(interpolatedOrbit, covarianceInOrbitFrame);

    /** Get output frame.
     * @return output frame. Can be null.
    public Frame getOutFrame() {
        return outFrame;

    /** Get output local orbital frame.
     * @return output local orbital frame. Can be null.
    public LOFType getOutLOF() {
        return outLOF;

    /** Get output orbit type.
     * @return output orbit type.
    public OrbitType getOutOrbitType() {
        return outOrbitType;

    /** Get output position angle type.
     * @return output position angle.
    public PositionAngleType getOutPositionAngleType() {
        return outPositionAngleType;

    /** Get orbit interpolator.
     * @return orbit interpolator.
    public TimeInterpolator<Orbit> getOrbitInterpolator() {
        return orbitInterpolator;

     * Interpolate orbit at given interpolation date.
     * @param interpolationDate interpolation date
     * @param neighborList neighbor list
     * @return interpolated orbit
    protected Orbit interpolateOrbit(final AbsoluteDate interpolationDate,
                                     final List<TimeStampedPair<Orbit, StateCovariance>> neighborList) {

        // Build orbit list from uncertain orbits
        final List<Orbit> orbits = buildOrbitList(neighborList);

        return orbitInterpolator.interpolate(interpolationDate, orbits);

     * Compute the interpolated covariance expressed in the interpolated orbit frame.
     * @param uncertainStates list of orbits and associated covariances
     * @param interpolatedOrbit interpolated orbit
     * @return interpolated covariance expressed in the interpolated orbit frame
    protected abstract StateCovariance computeInterpolatedCovarianceInOrbitFrame(
            List<TimeStampedPair<Orbit, StateCovariance>> uncertainStates,
            Orbit interpolatedOrbit);

     * Express covariance in output configuration defined at this instance construction.
     * @param interpolatedOrbit interpolated orbit
     * @param covarianceInOrbitFrame covariance expressed in interpolated orbit frame
     * @return covariance in desired output configuration
    protected TimeStampedPair<Orbit, StateCovariance> expressCovarianceInDesiredOutput(final Orbit interpolatedOrbit,
                                                                                       final StateCovariance covarianceInOrbitFrame) {

        final StateCovariance covarianceOutput;

        // Output frame is defined
        if (outLOF == null) {

            // Output frame is pseudo inertial
            if (outFrame.isPseudoInertial()) {
                final StateCovariance covarianceInOutputFrame =
                        covarianceInOrbitFrame.changeCovarianceFrame(interpolatedOrbit, outFrame);

                covarianceOutput =
                        covarianceInOutputFrame.changeCovarianceType(interpolatedOrbit, outOrbitType, outPositionAngleType);
            // Output frame is not pseudo inertial
            else {
                covarianceOutput = covarianceInOrbitFrame.changeCovarianceFrame(interpolatedOrbit, outFrame);

        // Output local orbital frame is defined
        else {
            covarianceOutput = covarianceInOrbitFrame.changeCovarianceFrame(interpolatedOrbit, outLOF);

        return new TimeStampedPair<>(interpolatedOrbit, covarianceOutput);

     * Build an orbit list from cached samples.
     * @param neighborList neighbor list
     * @return orbit list
    private List<Orbit> buildOrbitList(final List<TimeStampedPair<Orbit, StateCovariance>> neighborList) {

        // Get samples stream
        final Stream<TimeStampedPair<Orbit, StateCovariance>> uncertainStateStream = neighborList.stream();

        // Map to orbit
        final Stream<Orbit> orbitStream = uncertainStateStream.map(TimeStampedPair::getFirst);

        // Convert to list
        return orbitStream.collect(Collectors.toList());