- /* Copyright 2002-2023 CS GROUP
- * Licensed to CS GROUP (CS) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * CS licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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- * limitations under the License.
- */
- package org.orekit.estimation.iod;
- import org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D;
- import org.hipparchus.util.FastMath;
- import org.orekit.estimation.measurements.AngularAzEl;
- import org.orekit.estimation.measurements.AngularRaDec;
- import org.orekit.frames.Frame;
- import org.orekit.orbits.CartesianOrbit;
- import org.orekit.orbits.Orbit;
- import org.orekit.time.AbsoluteDate;
- import org.orekit.utils.PVCoordinates;
- /**
- * Gooding angles only Initial Orbit Determination (IOD) algorithm, assuming Keplerian motion.
- * <p>
- * An orbit is determined from three lines of sight w.r.t. their respective observers
- * inertial positions vectors. Gooding algorithm can handle multiple satellite's revolutions.
- *
- * Reference:
- * Gooding, R.H., A New Procedure for Orbit Determination Based on Three Lines of Sight (Angles only),
- * Technical Report 93004, April 1993
- * </p>
- * @author Joris Olympio
- * @since 8.0
- */
- public class IodGooding {
- /** Gravitationnal constant. */
- private final double mu;
- /** Normalizing constant for distances. */
- private double R;
- /** Normalizing constant for velocities. */
- private double V;
- /** Normalizing constant for duration. */
- private double T;
- /** observer position 1. */
- private Vector3D vObserverPosition1;
- /** observer position 2. */
- private Vector3D vObserverPosition2;
- /** observer position 3. */
- private Vector3D vObserverPosition3;
- /** Date of the first observation. * */
- private AbsoluteDate date1;
- /** Radius of point 1 (X-R1). */
- private double R1;
- /** Radius of point 2 (X-R2). */
- private double R2;
- /** Radius of point 3 (X-R3). */
- private double R3;
- /** Range of point 1 (O1-R1). */
- private double rho1;
- /** Range of point 2 (O1-R1). */
- private double rho2;
- /** Range of point 1 (O1-R1). */
- private double rho3;
- /** working variable. */
- private double D1;
- /** working variable. */
- private double D3;
- /** factor for FD. */
- private double facFiniteDiff;
- /** Simple Lambert's problem solver. */
- private IodLambert lambert;
- /**
- * Constructor.
- *
- * @param mu gravitational constant
- */
- public IodGooding(final double mu) {
- = mu;
- this.rho1 = 0;
- this.rho2 = 0;
- this.rho3 = 0;
- }
- /** Get range for observation (1).
- *
- * @return the range for observation (1)
- */
- public double getRange1() {
- return rho1 * R;
- }
- /** Get range for observation (2).
- *
- * @return the range for observation (2)
- */
- public double getRange2() {
- return rho2 * R;
- }
- /** Get range for observation (3).
- *
- * @return the range for observation (3)
- */
- public double getRange3() {
- return rho3 * R;
- }
- /** Estimate orbit from three angular observations.
- * <p>
- * This signature assumes there was less than an half revolution between start and final date
- * </p>
- * @param outputFrame inertial frame for observer coordinates and orbit estimate
- * @param azEl1 first angular observation
- * @param azEl2 second angular observation
- * @param azEl3 third angular observation
- * @param rho1init initial guess of the range problem. range 1, in meters
- * @param rho3init initial guess of the range problem. range 3, in meters
- * @return an estimate of the Keplerian orbit at the central date
- * (i.e., date of the second angular observation)
- * @since 12.0
- */
- public Orbit estimate(final Frame outputFrame, final AngularAzEl azEl1,
- final AngularAzEl azEl2, final AngularAzEl azEl3,
- final double rho1init, final double rho3init) {
- return estimate(outputFrame, azEl1, azEl2, azEl3, rho1init, rho3init, 0, true);
- }
- /** Estimate orbit from three angular observations.
- *
- * @param outputFrame inertial frame for observer coordinates and orbit estimate
- * @param azEl1 first angular observation
- * @param azEl2 second angular observation
- * @param azEl3 third angular observation
- * @param rho1init initial guess of the range problem. range 1, in meters
- * @param rho3init initial guess of the range problem. range 3, in meters
- * @param nRev number of complete revolutions between observation 1 and 3
- * @param direction true if posigrade (short way)
- * @return an estimate of the Keplerian orbit at the central date
- * (i.e., date of the second angular observation)
- * @since 11.0
- */
- public Orbit estimate(final Frame outputFrame, final AngularAzEl azEl1,
- final AngularAzEl azEl2, final AngularAzEl azEl3,
- final double rho1init, final double rho3init,
- final int nRev, final boolean direction) {
- return estimate(outputFrame,
- azEl1.getGroundStationPosition(outputFrame),
- azEl2.getGroundStationPosition(outputFrame),
- azEl3.getGroundStationPosition(outputFrame),
- azEl1.getObservedLineOfSight(outputFrame), azEl1.getDate(),
- azEl2.getObservedLineOfSight(outputFrame), azEl2.getDate(),
- azEl3.getObservedLineOfSight(outputFrame), azEl3.getDate(),
- rho1init, rho3init, nRev, direction);
- }
- /** Estimate orbit from three angular observations.
- * <p>
- * This signature assumes there was less than an half revolution between start and final date
- * </p>
- * @param outputFrame inertial frame for observer coordinates and orbit estimate
- * @param raDec1 first angular observation
- * @param raDec2 second angular observation
- * @param raDec3 third angular observation
- * @param rho1init initial guess of the range problem. range 1, in meters
- * @param rho3init initial guess of the range problem. range 3, in meters
- * @return an estimate of the Keplerian orbit at the central date
- * (i.e., date of the second angular observation)
- * @since 11.0
- */
- public Orbit estimate(final Frame outputFrame, final AngularRaDec raDec1,
- final AngularRaDec raDec2, final AngularRaDec raDec3,
- final double rho1init, final double rho3init) {
- return estimate(outputFrame, raDec1, raDec2, raDec3, rho1init, rho3init, 0, true);
- }
- /** Estimate orbit from three angular observations.
- *
- * @param outputFrame inertial frame for observer coordinates and orbit estimate
- * @param raDec1 first angular observation
- * @param raDec2 second angular observation
- * @param raDec3 third angular observation
- * @param rho1init initial guess of the range problem. range 1, in meters
- * @param rho3init initial guess of the range problem. range 3, in meters
- * @param nRev number of complete revolutions between observation 1 and 3
- * @param direction true if posigrade (short way)
- * @return an estimate of the Keplerian orbit at the central date
- * (i.e., date of the second angular observation)
- * @since 11.0
- */
- public Orbit estimate(final Frame outputFrame, final AngularRaDec raDec1,
- final AngularRaDec raDec2, final AngularRaDec raDec3,
- final double rho1init, final double rho3init,
- final int nRev, final boolean direction) {
- return estimate(outputFrame,
- raDec1.getGroundStationPosition(outputFrame),
- raDec2.getGroundStationPosition(outputFrame),
- raDec3.getGroundStationPosition(outputFrame),
- raDec1.getObservedLineOfSight(outputFrame), raDec1.getDate(),
- raDec2.getObservedLineOfSight(outputFrame), raDec2.getDate(),
- raDec3.getObservedLineOfSight(outputFrame), raDec3.getDate(),
- rho1init, rho3init, nRev, direction);
- }
- /** Estimate orbit from three line of sight.
- * <p>
- * This signature assumes there was less than an half revolution between start and final date
- * </p>
- * @param outputFrame inertial frame for observer coordinates and orbit estimate
- * @param O1 Observer position 1
- * @param O2 Observer position 2
- * @param O3 Observer position 3
- * @param lineOfSight1 line of sight 1
- * @param dateObs1 date of observation 1
- * @param lineOfSight2 line of sight 2
- * @param dateObs2 date of observation 1
- * @param lineOfSight3 line of sight 3
- * @param dateObs3 date of observation 1
- * @param rho1init initial guess of the range problem. range 1, in meters
- * @param rho3init initial guess of the range problem. range 3, in meters
- * @return an estimate of the Keplerian orbit at the central date
- * (i.e., date of the second angular observation)
- */
- public Orbit estimate(final Frame outputFrame, final Vector3D O1, final Vector3D O2, final Vector3D O3,
- final Vector3D lineOfSight1, final AbsoluteDate dateObs1,
- final Vector3D lineOfSight2, final AbsoluteDate dateObs2,
- final Vector3D lineOfSight3, final AbsoluteDate dateObs3,
- final double rho1init, final double rho3init) {
- return this.estimate(outputFrame, O1, O2, O3, lineOfSight1, dateObs1, lineOfSight2, dateObs2,
- lineOfSight3, dateObs3, rho1init, rho3init, 0, true);
- }
- /** Estimate orbit from three line of sight.
- *
- * @param outputFrame inertial frame for observer coordinates and orbit estimate
- * @param O1 Observer position 1
- * @param O2 Observer position 2
- * @param O3 Observer position 3
- * @param lineOfSight1 line of sight 1
- * @param dateObs1 date of observation 1
- * @param lineOfSight2 line of sight 2
- * @param dateObs2 date of observation 2
- * @param lineOfSight3 line of sight 3
- * @param dateObs3 date of observation 3
- * @param rho1init initial guess of the range problem. range 1, in meters
- * @param rho3init initial guess of the range problem. range 3, in meters
- * @param nRev number of complete revolutions between observation1 and 3
- * @param direction true if posigrade (short way)
- * @return an estimate of the Keplerian orbit at the central date
- * (i.e., date of the second angular observation)
- */
- public Orbit estimate(final Frame outputFrame,
- final Vector3D O1, final Vector3D O2, final Vector3D O3,
- final Vector3D lineOfSight1, final AbsoluteDate dateObs1,
- final Vector3D lineOfSight2, final AbsoluteDate dateObs2,
- final Vector3D lineOfSight3, final AbsoluteDate dateObs3,
- final double rho1init, final double rho3init, final int nRev,
- final boolean direction) {
- this.date1 = dateObs1;
- // normalizing coefficients
- R = FastMath.max(rho1init, rho3init);
- V = FastMath.sqrt(mu / R);
- T = R / V;
- // Initialize Lambert's problem solver for non-dimensional units.
- lambert = new IodLambert(1.);
- this.vObserverPosition1 = O1.scalarMultiply(1. / R);
- this.vObserverPosition2 = O2.scalarMultiply(1. / R);
- this.vObserverPosition3 = O3.scalarMultiply(1. / R);
- // solve the range problem
- solveRangeProblem(outputFrame,
- rho1init / R, rho3init / R,
- dateObs3.durationFrom(dateObs1) / T, dateObs2.durationFrom(dateObs1) / T,
- nRev,
- direction,
- lineOfSight1, lineOfSight2, lineOfSight3);
- // use the Gibbs problem to get the orbit now that we have three position vectors.
- final IodGibbs gibbs = new IodGibbs(mu);
- final Vector3D p1 = vObserverPosition1.add(lineOfSight1.scalarMultiply(rho1)).scalarMultiply(R);
- final Vector3D p2 = vObserverPosition2.add(lineOfSight2.scalarMultiply(rho2)).scalarMultiply(R);
- final Vector3D p3 = vObserverPosition3.add(lineOfSight3.scalarMultiply(rho3)).scalarMultiply(R);
- return gibbs.estimate(outputFrame, p1, dateObs1, p2, dateObs2, p3, dateObs3);
- }
- /** Solve the range problem when three line of sight are given.
- * @param frame frame to be used (orbit frame)
- * @param rho1init initial value for range R1, in meters
- * @param rho3init initial value for range R3, in meters
- * @param T13 time of flight 1->3, in seconds
- * @param T12 time of flight 1->2, in seconds
- * @param nRev number of revolutions
- * @param direction posigrade (true) or retrograde
- * @param lineOfSight1 line of sight 1
- * @param lineOfSight2 line of sight 2
- * @param lineOfSight3 line of sight 3
- */
- private void solveRangeProblem(final Frame frame,
- final double rho1init, final double rho3init,
- final double T13, final double T12,
- final int nRev,
- final boolean direction,
- final Vector3D lineOfSight1,
- final Vector3D lineOfSight2,
- final Vector3D lineOfSight3) {
- final int maxIterations = 100;
- final double ARBF = 1e-6; // finite differences step
- boolean withHalley = true; // use Halley's method
- final double cvtol = 1e-14; // convergence tolerance
- rho1 = rho1init;
- rho3 = rho3init;
- int iter = 0;
- double stoppingCriterion = 10 * cvtol;
- while (iter < maxIterations && FastMath.abs(stoppingCriterion) > cvtol) {
- facFiniteDiff = ARBF;
- // proposed in the original algorithm by Gooding.
- // We change the threshold to maxIterations / 2.
- if (iter >= (maxIterations / 2)) {
- withHalley = true;
- }
- // tentative position for R2
- final Vector3D P2 = getPositionOnLoS2(frame,
- lineOfSight1, rho1,
- lineOfSight3, rho3,
- T13, T12, nRev, direction);
- if (P2 == null) {
- modifyIterate(lineOfSight1, lineOfSight3);
- } else {
- //
- R2 = P2.getNorm();
- // compute current line of sight for (2) and the associated range
- final Vector3D C = P2.subtract(vObserverPosition2);
- rho2 = C.getNorm();
- // indicate how close we are to the direction of sight for measurement (2)
- // for convergence test
- final double CR = lineOfSight2.dotProduct(C);
- // construct a basis and the function f and g.
- // Specifically, f is the P-coordinate and g the N-coordinate.
- // They should be zero when line of sight 2 and current direction for 2 from O2 are aligned.
- final Vector3D u = lineOfSight2.crossProduct(C);
- final Vector3D P = (u.crossProduct(lineOfSight2)).normalize();
- final Vector3D ENt = lineOfSight2.crossProduct(P);
- // if ENt is zero we have a solution!
- final double ENR = ENt.getNorm();
- if (ENR == 0.) {
- break;
- }
- //Normalize EN
- final Vector3D EN = ENt.normalize();
- // Coordinate along 'F function'
- final double Fc = P.dotProduct(C);
- //Gc = EN.dotProduct(C);
- // Now get partials, by finite differences
- final double[] FD = new double[2];
- final double[] GD = new double[2];
- computeDerivatives(frame,
- rho1, rho3,
- lineOfSight1, lineOfSight3,
- P, EN,
- Fc,
- T13, T12,
- withHalley,
- nRev,
- direction,
- FD, GD);
- // terms of the Jacobian
- final double fr1 = FD[0];
- final double fr3 = FD[1];
- final double gr1 = GD[0];
- final double gr3 = GD[1];
- // determinant of the Jacobian matrix
- final double detj = fr1 * gr3 - fr3 * gr1;
- // compute the Newton step
- D3 = -gr3 * Fc / detj;
- D1 = gr1 * Fc / detj;
- // update current values of ranges
- rho1 = rho1 + D3;
- rho3 = rho3 + D1;
- // convergence tests
- final double den = FastMath.max(CR, R2);
- stoppingCriterion = Fc / den;
- }
- ++iter;
- } // end while
- }
- /** Change the current iterate if Lambert's problem solver failed to find a solution.
- *
- * @param lineOfSight1 line of sight 1
- * @param lineOfSight3 line of sight 3
- */
- private void modifyIterate(final Vector3D lineOfSight1,
- final Vector3D lineOfSight3) {
- // This is a modifier proposed in the initial paper of Gooding.
- // Try to avoid Lambert-fail, by common-perpendicular starters
- final Vector3D R13 = vObserverPosition3.subtract(vObserverPosition1);
- D1 = R13.dotProduct(lineOfSight1);
- D3 = R13.dotProduct(lineOfSight3);
- final double D2 = lineOfSight1.dotProduct(lineOfSight3);
- final double D4 = 1. - D2 * D2;
- rho1 = FastMath.max((D1 - D3 * D2) / D4, 0.);
- rho3 = FastMath.max((D1 * D2 - D3) / D4, 0.);
- }
- /** Compute the derivatives by finite-differences for the range problem.
- * Specifically, we are trying to solve the problem:
- * f(x, y) = 0
- * g(x, y) = 0
- * So, in a Newton-Raphson process, we would need the derivatives:
- * fx, fy, gx, gy
- * Enventually,
- * dx =-f*gy / D
- * dy = f*gx / D
- * where D is the determinant of the Jacobian matrix.
- *
- * @param frame frame to be used (orbit frame)
- * @param x current range 1
- * @param y current range 3
- * @param lineOfSight1 line of sight
- * @param lineOfSight3 line of sight
- * @param Pin basis vector
- * @param Ein basis vector
- * @param F value of the f-function
- * @param T13 time of flight 1->3, in seconds
- * @param T12 time of flight 1->2, in seconds
- * @param withHalley use Halley iterative method
- * @param nRev number of revolutions
- * @param direction direction of motion
- * @param FD derivatives of f wrt (rho1, rho3) by finite differences
- * @param GD derivatives of g wrt (rho1, rho3) by finite differences
- */
- private void computeDerivatives(final Frame frame,
- final double x, final double y,
- final Vector3D lineOfSight1, final Vector3D lineOfSight3,
- final Vector3D Pin,
- final Vector3D Ein,
- final double F,
- final double T13, final double T12,
- final boolean withHalley,
- final int nRev,
- final boolean direction,
- final double[] FD, final double[] GD) {
- final Vector3D P = Pin.normalize();
- final Vector3D EN = Ein.normalize();
- // Now get partials, by finite differences
- // steps for the differentiation
- final double dx = facFiniteDiff * x;
- final double dy = facFiniteDiff * y;
- final Vector3D Cm1 = getPositionOnLoS2 (frame,
- lineOfSight1, x - dx,
- lineOfSight3, y,
- T13, T12, nRev, direction).subtract(vObserverPosition2);
- final double Fm1 = P.dotProduct(Cm1);
- final double Gm1 = EN.dotProduct(Cm1);
- final Vector3D Cp1 = getPositionOnLoS2 (frame,
- lineOfSight1, x + dx,
- lineOfSight3, y,
- T13, T12, nRev, direction).subtract(vObserverPosition2);
- final double Fp1 = P.dotProduct(Cp1);
- final double Gp1 = EN.dotProduct(Cp1);
- // derivatives df/drho1 and dg/drho1
- final double Fx = (Fp1 - Fm1) / (2. * dx);
- final double Gx = (Gp1 - Gm1) / (2. * dx);
- final Vector3D Cm3 = getPositionOnLoS2 (frame,
- lineOfSight1, x,
- lineOfSight3, y - dy,
- T13, T12, nRev, direction).subtract(vObserverPosition2);
- final double Fm3 = P.dotProduct(Cm3);
- final double Gm3 = EN.dotProduct(Cm3);
- final Vector3D Cp3 = getPositionOnLoS2 (frame,
- lineOfSight1, x,
- lineOfSight3, y + dy,
- T13, T12, nRev, direction).subtract(vObserverPosition2);
- final double Fp3 = P.dotProduct(Cp3);
- final double Gp3 = EN.dotProduct(Cp3);
- // derivatives df/drho3 and dg/drho3
- final double Fy = (Fp3 - Fm3) / (2. * dy);
- final double Gy = (Gp3 - Gm3) / (2. * dy);
- final double detJac = Fx * Gy - Fy * Gx;
- // Coefficients for the classical Newton-Raphson iterative method
- FD[0] = Fx;
- FD[1] = Fy;
- GD[0] = Gx;
- GD[1] = Gy;
- // Modified Newton-Raphson process, with Halley's method to have cubic convergence.
- // This requires computing second order derivatives.
- if (withHalley) {
- //
- final double hrho1Sq = dx * dx;
- final double hrho3Sq = dy * dy;
- // Second order derivatives: d^2f / drho1^2 and d^2g / drho3^2
- final double Fxx = (Fp1 + Fm1 - 2 * F) / hrho1Sq;
- final double Gxx = (Gp1 + Gm1 - 2 * F) / hrho1Sq;
- final double Fyy = (Fp3 + Fp3 - 2 * F) / hrho3Sq;
- final double Gyy = (Gm3 + Gm3 - 2 * F) / hrho3Sq;
- final Vector3D Cp13 = getPositionOnLoS2 (frame,
- lineOfSight1, x + dx,
- lineOfSight3, y + dy,
- T13, T12, nRev, direction).subtract(vObserverPosition2);
- // f function value at (x1+dx1, x3+dx3)
- final double Fp13 = P.dotProduct(Cp13);
- // g function value at (x1+dx1, x3+dx3)
- final double Gp13 = EN.dotProduct(Cp13);
- final Vector3D Cm13 = getPositionOnLoS2 (frame,
- lineOfSight1, x - dx,
- lineOfSight3, y - dy,
- T13, T12, nRev, direction).subtract(vObserverPosition2);
- // f function value at (x1-dx1, x3-dx3)
- final double Fm13 = P.dotProduct(Cm13);
- // g function value at (x1-dx1, x3-dx3)
- final double Gm13 = EN.dotProduct(Cm13);
- // Second order derivatives:
- final double Fxy = (Fp13 + Fm13) / (2 * dx * dy) - 0.5 * (Fxx * dx / dy + Fyy * dy / dx) - F / (dx * dy);
- final double Gxy = (Gp13 + Gm13) / (2 * dx * dy) - 0.5 * (Gxx * dx / dy + Gyy * dy / dx) - F / (dx * dy);
- // delta Newton Raphson, 1st order step
- final double dx3NR = -Gy * F / detJac;
- final double dx1NR = Gx * F / detJac;
- // terms of the Jacobian, considering the development, after linearization
- // of the second order Taylor expansion around the Newton Raphson iterate:
- // (fx + 1/2 * fxx * dx* + 1/2 * fxy * dy*) * dx
- // + (fy + 1/2 * fyy * dy* + 1/2 * fxy * dx*) * dy
- // where: dx* and dy* would be the step of the Newton raphson process.
- final double FxH = Fx + 0.5 * (Fxx * dx3NR + Fxy * dx1NR);
- final double FyH = Fy + 0.5 * (Fxy * dx3NR + Fxx * dx1NR);
- final double GxH = Gx + 0.5 * (Gxx * dx3NR + Gxy * dx1NR);
- final double GyH = Gy + 0.5 * (Gxy * dx3NR + Gyy * dx1NR);
- // New Halley's method "Jacobian"
- FD[0] = FxH;
- FD[1] = FyH;
- GD[0] = GxH;
- GD[1] = GyH;
- }
- }
- /** Calculate the position along sight-line.
- * @param frame frame to be used (orbit frame)
- * @param E1 line of sight 1
- * @param RO1 distance along E1
- * @param E3 line of sight 3
- * @param RO3 distance along E3
- * @param T12 time of flight
- * @param T13 time of flight
- * @param nRev number of revolutions
- * @param posigrade direction of motion
- * @return (R2-O2)
- */
- private Vector3D getPositionOnLoS2(final Frame frame,
- final Vector3D E1, final double RO1,
- final Vector3D E3, final double RO3,
- final double T13, final double T12,
- final int nRev, final boolean posigrade) {
- final Vector3D P1 = vObserverPosition1.add(E1.scalarMultiply(RO1));
- R1 = P1.getNorm();
- final Vector3D P3 = vObserverPosition3.add(E3.scalarMultiply(RO3));
- R3 = P3.getNorm();
- final Vector3D P13 = P1.crossProduct(P3);
- // sweep angle
- // (Fails only if either R1 or R2 is zero)
- double TH = FastMath.atan2(P13.getNorm(), P1.dotProduct(P3));
- // compute the number of revolutions
- if (!posigrade) {
- TH = 2 * FastMath.PI - TH;
- }
- // Solve the Lambert's problem to get the velocities at endpoints
- final double[] V1 = new double[2];
- // work with non-dimensional units (MU=1)
- final boolean exitflag = lambert.solveLambertPb(R1, R3, TH, T13, nRev, V1);
- if (exitflag) {
- // basis vectors
- final Vector3D Pn = P1.crossProduct(P3);
- final Vector3D Pt = Pn.crossProduct(P1);
- // tangential velocity norm
- double RT = Pt.getNorm();
- if (!posigrade) {
- RT = -RT;
- }
- // velocity vector at P1
- final Vector3D Vel1 = new Vector3D(V1[0] / R1, P1, V1[1] / RT, Pt);
- // estimate the position at the second observation time
- // propagate (P1, V1) during TAU + T12 to get (P2, V2)
- final PVCoordinates pv1 = new PVCoordinates(P1, Vel1);
- final Orbit orbit = new CartesianOrbit(pv1, frame, date1, 1.);
- return orbit.shiftedBy(T12).getPosition();
- }
- return null;
- }
- }