/* Copyright 2023 Luc Maisonobe
 * Licensed to CS GROUP (CS) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * CS licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.orekit.files.ccsds.ndm.adm.acm;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

import org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed.RotationOrder;
import org.orekit.errors.OrekitException;
import org.orekit.errors.OrekitMessages;
import org.orekit.files.ccsds.definitions.AdMethodType;
import org.orekit.files.ccsds.ndm.adm.AttitudeEndpoints;
import org.orekit.files.ccsds.section.CommentsContainer;

/** Attitude determination data.
 * @author Luc Maisonobe
 * @since 12.0
public class AttitudeDetermination extends CommentsContainer {

    /** Endpoints (i.e. frames A, B and their relationship). */
    private final AttitudeEndpoints endpoints;

    /** Identification number. */
    private String id;

    /** Identification of previous orbit determination. */
    private String prevId;

    /** Attitude determination method. */
    private AdMethodType method;

    /** Source of attitude estimate. */
    private String source;

    /** Rotation order for Euler angles. */
    private RotationOrder eulerRotSeq;

    /** Number of states for {@link AdMethodType#EKF}, {@link AdMethodType#BATCH} or {@link AdMethodType#FILTER_SMOOTHER}. */
    private int nbStates;

    /** Attitude states. */
    private AttitudeElementsType attitudeStates;

    /** Type of attitude error state. */
    private AttitudeCovarianceType covarianceType;

    /** Attitude rate states. */
    private RateElementsType rateStates;

    /** Rate random walk if {@link #rateStates} is {@link RateElementsType#GYRO_BIAS}. */
    private double sigmaU;

    /** Angle random walk if {@link #rateStates} is {@link RateElementsType#GYRO_BIAS}. */
    private double sigmaV;

    /** Process noise standard deviation if {@link #rateStates} is {@link RateElementsType#ANGVEL}. */
    private double rateProcessNoiseStdDev;

    /** Sensors used. */
    private List<AttitudeDeterminationSensor> sensorsUsed;

    /** Simple constructor.
    public AttitudeDetermination() {
        endpoints   = new AttitudeEndpoints();
        sensorsUsed = new ArrayList<>();
        nbStates    = -1;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public void validate(final double version) {

        // check sensors in increasing number
        for (int number = 1; number <= sensorsUsed.size(); ++number) {
            final AttitudeDeterminationSensor sensor = findSensor(number);
            if (sensor != null) {
            } else {
                // no sensor has the expected index
                throw new OrekitException(OrekitMessages.CCSDS_MISSING_SENSOR_INDEX, number);



    /** Find sensor by number.
     * @param number number of the sensor
     * @return sensor with specified number, or null if not found
    private AttitudeDeterminationSensor findSensor(final int number) {
        for (final AttitudeDeterminationSensor sensor : sensorsUsed) {
            if (sensor.getSensorNumber() == number) {
                return sensor;
        return null;

    /** Get the endpoints (i.e. frames A, B and their relationship).
     * @return endpoints
    public AttitudeEndpoints getEndpoints() {
        return endpoints;

    /** Get identification number.
     * @return identification number
    public String getId() {
        return id;

    /** Set identification number.
     * @param id identification number
    public void setId(final String id) { = id;

    /** Get identification of previous orbit determination.
     * @return identification of previous orbit determination
    public String getPrevId() {
        return prevId;

    /** Set identification of previous orbit determination.
     * @param prevId identification of previous orbit determination
    public void setPrevId(final String prevId) {
        this.prevId = prevId;

    /** Get attitude determination method.
     * @return attitude determination method
    public AdMethodType getMethod() {
        return method;

    /** Set attitude determination method.
     * @param method attitude determination method
    public void setMethod(final AdMethodType method) {
        this.method = method;

    /** Get source of attitude estimate.
     * @return source of attitude estimate
    public String getSource() {
        return source;

    /** Set source of attitude estimate.
     * @param source source of attitude estimate
    public void setSource(final String source) {
        this.source = source;

    /** Get the rotation order for Euler angles.
     * @return rotation order for Euler angles
    public RotationOrder getEulerRotSeq() {
        return eulerRotSeq;

    /** Set the rotation order for Euler angles.
     * @param eulerRotSeq rotation order for Euler angles
    public void setEulerRotSeq(final RotationOrder eulerRotSeq) {
        this.eulerRotSeq = eulerRotSeq;

    /** Get number of states for {@link AdMethodType#EKF}, {@link AdMethodType#BATCH} or {@link AdMethodType#FILTER_SMOOTHER}.
     * @return number of states
    public int getNbStates() {
        return nbStates;

    /** Set number of states for {@link AdMethodType#EKF}, {@link AdMethodType#BATCH} or {@link AdMethodType#FILTER_SMOOTHER}.
     * @param nbStates number of states
    public void setNbStates(final int nbStates) {
        this.nbStates = nbStates;

    /** Get attitude states.
     * @return attitude states
    public AttitudeElementsType getAttitudeStates() {
        return attitudeStates;

    /** Set attitude states.
     * @param attitudeStates attitude states
    public void setAttitudeStates(final AttitudeElementsType attitudeStates) {
        this.attitudeStates = attitudeStates;

    /** Get type of attitude error state.
     * @return type of attitude error state
    public AttitudeCovarianceType getCovarianceType() {
        return covarianceType;

    /** Set type of attitude error state.
     * @param covarianceType type of attitude error state
    public void setCovarianceType(final AttitudeCovarianceType covarianceType) {
        this.covarianceType = covarianceType;

    /** Get attitude rate states.
     * @return attitude rate states
    public RateElementsType getRateStates() {
        return rateStates;

    /** Set attitude rate states.
     * @param rateStates attitude rate states
    public void setRateStates(final RateElementsType rateStates) {
        this.rateStates = rateStates;

    /** Get rate random walk if {@link #rateStates} is {@link RateElementsType#GYRO_BIAS}.
     * @return rate random walk if {@link #rateStates} is {@link RateElementsType#GYRO_BIAS}
    public double getSigmaU() {
        return sigmaU;

    /** Set rate random walk if {@link #rateStates} is {@link RateElementsType#GYRO_BIAS}.
     * @param sigmaU rate random walk if {@link #rateStates} is {@link RateElementsType#GYRO_BIAS}
    public void setSigmaU(final double sigmaU) {
        this.sigmaU = sigmaU;

    /** Get angle random walk if {@link #rateStates} is {@link RateElementsType#GYRO_BIAS}.
     * @return angle random walk if {@link #rateStates} is {@link RateElementsType#GYRO_BIAS}
    public double getSigmaV() {
        return sigmaV;

    /** Set angle random walk if {@link #rateStates} is {@link RateElementsType#GYRO_BIAS}.
     * @param sigmaV angle random walk if {@link #rateStates} is {@link RateElementsType#GYRO_BIAS}
    public void setSigmaV(final double sigmaV) {
        this.sigmaV = sigmaV;

    /** Get process noise standard deviation if {@link #rateStates} is {@link RateElementsType#ANGVEL}.
     * @return process noise standard deviation if {@link #rateStates} is {@link RateElementsType#ANGVEL}
    public double getRateProcessNoiseStdDev() {
        return rateProcessNoiseStdDev;

    /** Set process noise standard deviation if {@link #rateStates} is {@link RateElementsType#ANGVEL}.
     * @param rateProcessNoiseStdDev process noise standard deviation if {@link #rateStates} is {@link RateElementsType#ANGVEL}
    public void setRateProcessNoiseStdDev(final double rateProcessNoiseStdDev) {
        this.rateProcessNoiseStdDev = rateProcessNoiseStdDev;

    /** Get sensors used.
     * @return sensors used
    public List<AttitudeDeterminationSensor> getSensorsUsed() {
        return Collections.unmodifiableList(sensorsUsed);

    /** Add a sensor used.
     * @param sensor sensor to add
    public void addSensor(final AttitudeDeterminationSensor sensor) {
        for (final AttitudeDeterminationSensor existing : sensorsUsed) {
            if (sensor.getSensorNumber() == existing.getSensorNumber()) {
                throw new OrekitException(OrekitMessages.CCSDS_SENSOR_INDEX_ALREADY_USED, sensor.getSensorNumber());
