/* Copyright 2002-2023 CS GROUP
 * Licensed to CS GROUP (CS) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * CS licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.orekit.ssa.collision.shorttermencounter.probability.twod;

import org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D;
import org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.twod.Vector2D;
import org.hipparchus.linear.Array2DRowRealMatrix;
import org.hipparchus.linear.EigenDecompositionSymmetric;
import org.hipparchus.linear.LUDecomposition;
import org.hipparchus.linear.RealMatrix;
import org.hipparchus.util.FastMath;
import org.hipparchus.util.MathUtils;
import org.orekit.errors.OrekitException;
import org.orekit.errors.OrekitMessages;
import org.orekit.frames.Frame;
import org.orekit.frames.LOF;
import org.orekit.frames.LOFType;
import org.orekit.frames.Transform;
import org.orekit.frames.encounter.EncounterLOF;
import org.orekit.frames.encounter.EncounterLOFType;
import org.orekit.orbits.Orbit;
import org.orekit.orbits.OrbitType;
import org.orekit.orbits.PositionAngleType;
import org.orekit.propagation.StateCovariance;
import org.orekit.time.AbsoluteDate;
import org.orekit.utils.PVCoordinates;

 * Defines the encounter between two collision object at time of closest approach assuming a short-term encounter model . It
 * uses the given {@link EncounterLOFType encounter frame type} to define the encounter.
 * <p>
 * Both the primary and secondary collision object can be at the reference of the encounter frame, it is up to the user to
 * choose.
 * <p>
 * The "reference" object is the object considered at the reference of the given encounter frame while the "other" object is
 * the one <b>not placed</b> at the reference.
 * <p>
 * For example, if the user wants the primary to be at the reference of the default encounter frame, they will have to input
 * data in the following manner:
 * <pre>{@code
 * final ShortTermEncounter2DDefinition encounter = new ShortTermEncounter2DDefinition(primaryOrbitAtTCA, primaryCovariance, primaryRadius, secondaryOrbitAtTCA, secondaryCovariance, secondaryRadius);
 *  }
 * </pre>
 * However, if the user wants to put the secondary at the reference and use the
 * {@link org.orekit.frames.encounter.ValsecchiEncounterFrame Valsecchi encounter frame}, they will have to type :
 * <pre>{@code
 * final ShortTermEncounter2DDefinition encounter = new ShortTermEncounter2DDefinition(secondaryOrbitAtTCA, secondaryCovariance, secondaryRadius, primaryOrbitAtTCA, primaryCovariance, primaryRadius, EncounterLOFType.VALSECCHI_2003);
 *  }
 * </pre>
 * Note that in the current implementation, the shape of the collision objects is assumed to be a sphere.
 * @author Vincent Cucchietti
 * @since 12.0
public class ShortTermEncounter2DDefinition {

    /** Default threshold below which values are considered equal to zero. */
    private static final double DEFAULT_ZERO_THRESHOLD = 1e-15;

    /** Default epsilon when checking covariance matrix symmetry. */
    private static final double DEFAULT_SYMMETRY_EPSILON = 1e-8;

     * Time of closest approach.
     * <p>
     * Commonly called TCA.
    private final AbsoluteDate tca;

    /** Reference collision object at time of closest approach. */
    private final Orbit referenceAtTCA;

    /** Reference collision object covariance matrix in its respective RTN frame. */
    private final StateCovariance referenceCovariance;

    /** Other collision object at time of closest approach. */
    private final Orbit otherAtTCA;

    /** Other collision object covariance matrix in its respective RTN frame. */
    private final StateCovariance otherCovariance;

    /** Combined radius (m). */
    private final double combinedRadius;

    /** Encounter local orbital frame to use. */
    private final EncounterLOF encounterFrame;

     * Constructor.
     * @param referenceAtTCA reference collision object orbit at time of closest approach
     * @param referenceCovariance reference collision object covariance matrix in its respective RTN frame
     * @param referenceRadius reference collision's equivalent sphere radius
     * @param otherAtTCA other collision object  orbit at time of closest approach
     * @param otherCovariance other collision object covariance matrix in its respective RTN frame
     * @param otherRadius other collision's equivalent sphere radius
     * @throws OrekitException If both collision object spacecraft state don't have the same definition date.
    public ShortTermEncounter2DDefinition(final Orbit referenceAtTCA, final StateCovariance referenceCovariance,
                                          final double referenceRadius, final Orbit otherAtTCA,
                                          final StateCovariance otherCovariance, final double otherRadius) {
        this(referenceAtTCA, referenceCovariance, otherAtTCA, otherCovariance, referenceRadius + otherRadius);

     * Constructor.
     * @param referenceAtTCA reference collision object orbit at time of closest approach
     * @param referenceCovariance reference collision object covariance matrix in its respective RTN frame
     * @param otherAtTCA other collision object  orbit at time of closest approach
     * @param otherCovariance other collision object covariance matrix in its respective RTN frame
     * @param combinedRadius combined radius (m)
     * @throws OrekitException If both collision object spacecraft state don't have the same definition date.
    public ShortTermEncounter2DDefinition(final Orbit referenceAtTCA, final StateCovariance referenceCovariance,
                                          final Orbit otherAtTCA, final StateCovariance otherCovariance,
                                          final double combinedRadius) {
        this(referenceAtTCA, referenceCovariance, otherAtTCA, otherCovariance, combinedRadius, EncounterLOFType.DEFAULT,

     * Constructor.
     * @param referenceAtTCA reference collision object orbit at time of closest approach
     * @param referenceCovariance reference collision object covariance matrix in its respective RTN frame
     * @param referenceRadius reference collision's equivalent sphere radius
     * @param otherAtTCA other collision object  orbit at time of closest approach
     * @param otherCovariance other collision object covariance matrix in its respective RTN frame
     * @param otherRadius other collision's equivalent sphere radius
     * @param encounterFrameType type of encounter frame to use
     * @param tcaTolerance tolerance on reference and other times of closest approach difference
     * @throws OrekitException If both collision object spacecraft state don't have the same definition date.
    public ShortTermEncounter2DDefinition(final Orbit referenceAtTCA, final StateCovariance referenceCovariance,
                                          final double referenceRadius, final Orbit otherAtTCA,
                                          final StateCovariance otherCovariance, final double otherRadius,
                                          final EncounterLOFType encounterFrameType, final double tcaTolerance) {
        this(referenceAtTCA, referenceCovariance, otherAtTCA, otherCovariance, referenceRadius + otherRadius,
             encounterFrameType, tcaTolerance);

     * Constructor.
     * @param referenceAtTCA reference collision object orbit at time of closest approach
     * @param referenceCovariance reference collision object covariance matrix in its respective RTN frame
     * @param otherAtTCA other collision object  orbit at time of closest approach
     * @param otherCovariance other collision object covariance matrix in its respective RTN frame
     * @param combinedRadius combined radius (m)
     * @param encounterFrameType type of encounter frame to use
     * @param tcaTolerance tolerance on reference and other times of closest approach difference
     * @throws OrekitException If both collision object spacecraft state don't have the same definition date.
    public ShortTermEncounter2DDefinition(final Orbit referenceAtTCA, final StateCovariance referenceCovariance,
                                          final Orbit otherAtTCA, final StateCovariance otherCovariance,
                                          final double combinedRadius, final EncounterLOFType encounterFrameType,
                                          final double tcaTolerance) {

        if (referenceAtTCA.getDate().isCloseTo(otherAtTCA.getDate(), tcaTolerance)) {

            this.tca = referenceAtTCA.getDate();

            this.referenceAtTCA      = referenceAtTCA;
            this.referenceCovariance = referenceCovariance;

            this.otherAtTCA      = otherAtTCA;
            this.otherCovariance = otherCovariance;

            this.combinedRadius = combinedRadius;

            this.encounterFrame = encounterFrameType.getFrame(otherAtTCA.getPVCoordinates());
        } else {
            throw new OrekitException(OrekitMessages.DIFFERENT_TIME_OF_CLOSEST_APPROACH);


     * Compute the squared Mahalanobis distance.
     * @param xm other collision object projected xm position onto the collision plane in the rotated encounter frame
     * @param ym other collision object projected ym position onto the collision plane in the rotated encounter frame
     * @param sigmaX square root of the x-axis eigen value of the diagonalized combined covariance matrix projected onto the
     * collision plane
     * @param sigmaY square root of the y-axis eigen value of the diagonalized combined covariance matrix projected onto the
     * collision plane
     * @return squared Mahalanobis distance
    public static double computeSquaredMahalanobisDistance(final double xm, final double ym,
                                                           final double sigmaX, final double sigmaY) {
        final Vector2D position = new Vector2D(xm, ym);

        final RealMatrix covariance = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(new double[][] {
                { sigmaX * sigmaX, 0 },
                { 0, sigmaY * sigmaY } });

        return computeSquaredMahalanobisDistance(position, covariance);

     * Compute the squared Mahalanobis distance.
     * @param otherPosition other collision object projected position onto the collision plane in the rotated encounter
     * frame
     * @param covarianceMatrix combined covariance matrix projected onto the collision plane and diagonalized
     * @return squared Mahalanobis distance
    public static double computeSquaredMahalanobisDistance(final Vector2D otherPosition, final RealMatrix covarianceMatrix) {

        final RealMatrix covarianceMatrixInverse = new LUDecomposition(covarianceMatrix).getSolver().getInverse();

        final RealMatrix otherPositionOnCollisionPlaneMatrix = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(otherPosition.toArray());

        return otherPositionOnCollisionPlaneMatrix.transposeMultiply(
                covarianceMatrixInverse.multiply(otherPositionOnCollisionPlaneMatrix)).getEntry(0, 0);

     * Compute the other collision position and velocity relative to the reference collision object. Expressed in the
     * reference collision object inertial frame.
     * @return other collision position and velocity relative to the reference collision object, expressed in the reference
     * collision object inertial frame.
    public PVCoordinates computeOtherRelativeToReferencePVInReferenceInertial() {

        // Extract reference inertial frame
        final Frame referenceInertial = referenceAtTCA.getFrame();

        // Get PVCoordinates in the same frame
        final PVCoordinates referencePV                = referenceAtTCA.getPVCoordinates();
        final PVCoordinates otherPVInReferenceInertial = otherAtTCA.getPVCoordinates(referenceInertial);

        // Create relative pv expressed in the reference inertial frame
        final Vector3D relativePosition = otherPVInReferenceInertial.getPosition().subtract(referencePV.getPosition());
        final Vector3D relativeVelocity = otherPVInReferenceInertial.getVelocity().subtract(referencePV.getVelocity());

        return new PVCoordinates(relativePosition, relativeVelocity);

     * Compute the projection matrix from the reference collision object inertial frame to the collision plane.
     * <p>
     * Note that this matrix will only rotate from the reference collision object inertial frame to the encounter frame and
     * project onto the collision plane, this is only a rotation.
     * </p>
     * @return projection matrix from the reference collision object inertial frame to the collision plane
    public RealMatrix computeReferenceInertialToCollisionPlaneProjectionMatrix() {

        // Create transform from reference inertial frame to encounter local orbital frame
        final Transform referenceInertialToEncounterFrameTransform =
                new Transform(tca,

        // Create rotation matrix from reference inertial frame to encounter local orbital frame
        final RealMatrix referenceInertialToEncounterFrameRotationMatrix = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(

        // Create projection matrix from encounter frame to collision plane
        final RealMatrix encounterFrameToCollisionPlaneProjectionMatrix = encounterFrame.computeProjectionMatrix();

        // Create projection matrix from reference inertial frame to collision plane
        return encounterFrameToCollisionPlaneProjectionMatrix.multiply(referenceInertialToEncounterFrameRotationMatrix);

     * Compute the combined covariance matrix diagonalized and projected onto the collision plane.
     * <p>
     * Diagonalize projected positional covariance matrix in a specific manner to have
     * <var>&#963;<sub>xx</sub><sup>2</sup> &#8804; &#963;<sub>yy</sub><sup>2</sup></var>.
     * @return combined covariance matrix diagonalized and projected onto the collision plane
    public RealMatrix computeProjectedAndDiagonalizedCombinedPositionalCovarianceMatrix() {
        final RealMatrix covariance = computeProjectedCombinedPositionalCovarianceMatrix();
        final EigenDecompositionSymmetric ed = new EigenDecompositionSymmetric(covariance, DEFAULT_SYMMETRY_EPSILON, false);
        return ed.getD();

     * Compute the projected combined covariance matrix onto the collision plane.
     * @return projected combined covariance matrix onto the collision plane
    public RealMatrix computeProjectedCombinedPositionalCovarianceMatrix() {

        // Compute the positional covariance in the encounter local orbital frame
        final RealMatrix combinedPositionalCovarianceMatrixInEncounterFrame =
                computeCombinedCovarianceInEncounterFrame().getMatrix().getSubMatrix(0, 2, 0, 2);

        // Project it onto the collision plane
        return encounterFrame.projectOntoCollisionPlane(combinedPositionalCovarianceMatrixInEncounterFrame);

     * Compute the combined covariance expressed in the encounter frame.
     * @return combined covariance expressed in the encounter frame
    public StateCovariance computeCombinedCovarianceInEncounterFrame() {
        return computeCombinedCovarianceInReferenceTNW().changeCovarianceFrame(referenceAtTCA, encounterFrame);

     * Compute the other collision object {@link Vector2D position} projected onto the collision plane.
     * @return other collision object position projected onto the collision plane
    public Vector2D computeOtherPositionInCollisionPlane() {

        // Express other in reference inertial
        final PVCoordinates otherInReferenceInertial = otherAtTCA.getPVCoordinates(referenceAtTCA.getFrame());

        // Express other in reference TNW local orbital frame
        final PVCoordinates otherPVInReferenceTNW =

        // Express other in encounter local orbital frame
        final PVCoordinates otherPVInEncounterFrame =

        return encounterFrame.projectOntoCollisionPlane(otherPVInEncounterFrame.getPosition());


     * Compute the other collision object {@link Vector2D position} in the rotated collision plane.
     * <p>
     * Uses a default zero threshold of 1e-15.
     * <p>
     * The coordinates are often noted xm and ym in probability of collision related papers.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * The mentioned rotation concerns the rotation that diagonalize the combined covariance matrix inside the collision
     * plane.
     * </p>
     * @return other collision object position in the rotated collision plane
    public Vector2D computeOtherPositionInRotatedCollisionPlane() {
        return computeOtherPositionInRotatedCollisionPlane(DEFAULT_ZERO_THRESHOLD);


     * Compute the other collision object {@link Vector2D position}  in the rotated collision plane.
     * <p>
     * The coordinates are often noted xm and ym in probability of collision related papers.
     * <p>
     * The mentioned rotation concerns the rotation that diagonalize the combined covariance matrix inside the collision
     * plane.
     * @param zeroThreshold threshold below which values are considered equal to zero
     * @return other collision object position in the rotated collision plane
    public Vector2D computeOtherPositionInRotatedCollisionPlane(final double zeroThreshold) {

        // Project the other position onto the collision plane
        final RealMatrix otherPositionInCollisionPlaneMatrix =
                new Array2DRowRealMatrix(computeOtherPositionInCollisionPlane().toArray());

        // Express other in the rotated collision plane
        final RealMatrix otherPositionRotatedInCollisionPlane =

        return new Vector2D(otherPositionRotatedInCollisionPlane.getColumn(0));


     * Compute the Encounter duration (s) evaluated using Coppola's formula described in : "COPPOLA, Vincent, et al.
     * Evaluating the short encounter assumption of the probability of collision formula. 2012."
     * <p>
     * This method is to be used to check the validity of the short-term encounter model. The user is expected to compare the
     * computed duration with the orbital period from both objects and draw its own conclusions.
     * <p>
     * It uses γ = 1e-16 as the resolution of a double is nearly 1e-16 so γ smaller than that are not meaningful to compute.
     * @return encounter duration (s) evaluated using Coppola's formula
    public double computeCoppolaEncounterDuration() {

        // Default value for γ = 1e-16
        final double DEFAULT_ALPHA_C = 5.864;

        final RealMatrix combinedPositionalCovarianceMatrix = computeCombinedCovarianceInEncounterFrame()
                .getMatrix().getSubMatrix(0, 2, 0, 2);

        // Extract off-plane cross-term matrix
        final RealMatrix projectionMatrix = encounterFrame.computeProjectionMatrix();
        final RealMatrix axisNormalToCollisionPlane =
                new Array2DRowRealMatrix(encounterFrame.getAxisNormalToCollisionPlane().toArray());
        final RealMatrix offPlaneCrossTermMatrix =

        // Covariance sub-matrix of the in-plane terms
        final RealMatrix probabilityDensity =
        final RealMatrix probabilityDensityInverse =
                new LUDecomposition(probabilityDensity).getSolver().getInverse();

        // Recurrent term in Coppola's paper : bᵀb
        final RealMatrix b             = offPlaneCrossTermMatrix.transposeMultiply(probabilityDensityInverse).transpose();
        final double     recurrentTerm = b.multiplyTransposed(b).getEntry(0, 0);

        // Position uncertainty normal to collision plane
        final double sigmaSqNormalToPlan = axisNormalToCollisionPlane.transposeMultiply(
                combinedPositionalCovarianceMatrix.multiply(axisNormalToCollisionPlane)).getEntry(0, 0);
        final double sigmaV = FastMath.sqrt(
                sigmaSqNormalToPlan - b.multiplyTransposed(offPlaneCrossTermMatrix).getEntry(0, 0));

        final double relativeVelocity = computeOtherRelativeToReferencePVInReferenceInertial().getVelocity().getNorm();

        return (2 * FastMath.sqrt(2) * DEFAULT_ALPHA_C * sigmaV + combinedRadius * (
                FastMath.sqrt(1 + recurrentTerm) + FastMath.sqrt(recurrentTerm))) / relativeVelocity;

     * Compute the miss distance at time of closest approach.
     * @return miss distance
    public double computeMissDistance() {

        // Get positions expressed in the same frame at time of closest approach
        final Vector3D referencePositionAtTCA = referenceAtTCA.getPosition();
        final Vector3D otherPositionAtTCA     = otherAtTCA.getPosition(referenceAtTCA.getFrame());

        // Compute relative position
        final Vector3D relativePosition = otherPositionAtTCA.subtract(referencePositionAtTCA);

        return relativePosition.getNorm();

     * Compute the Mahalanobis distance computed with the other collision object projected onto the collision plane (commonly
     * called B-Plane) and expressed in the rotated encounter frame (frame in which the combined covariance matrix is
     * diagonalized, see {@link #computeEncounterPlaneRotationMatrix(double)} for more details).
     * <p>
     * Uses a default zero threshold of 1e-15 for the computation of the diagonalizing of the projected covariance matrix.
     * @return Mahalanobis distance between the reference and other collision object
     * @see <a href="">Mahalanobis distance</a>
    public double computeMahalanobisDistance() {
        return computeMahalanobisDistance(DEFAULT_ZERO_THRESHOLD);

     * Compute the Mahalanobis distance computed with the other collision object projected onto the collision plane (commonly
     * called B-Plane) and expressed in the rotated encounter frame (frame in which the combined covariance matrix is
     * diagonalized, see {@link #computeEncounterPlaneRotationMatrix(double)} for more details).
     * @param zeroThreshold threshold below which values are considered equal to zero
     * @return Mahalanobis distance between the reference and other collision object
     * @see <a href="">Mahalanobis distance</a>
    public double computeMahalanobisDistance(final double zeroThreshold) {
        return FastMath.sqrt(computeSquaredMahalanobisDistance(zeroThreshold));

     * Compute the squared Mahalanobis distance computed with the other collision object projected onto the collision plane
     * (commonly called B-Plane) and expressed in the rotated encounter frame (frame in which the combined covariance matrix
     * is diagonalized, see {@link #computeEncounterPlaneRotationMatrix(double)} for more details).
     * <p>
     * Uses a default zero threshold of 1e-15 for the computation of the diagonalizing of the projected covariance matrix.
     * @return squared Mahalanobis distance between the reference and other collision object
     * @see <a href="">Mahalanobis distance</a>
    public double computeSquaredMahalanobisDistance() {
        return computeSquaredMahalanobisDistance(DEFAULT_ZERO_THRESHOLD);

     * Compute the squared Mahalanobis distance computed with the other collision object projected onto the collision plane
     * (commonly called B-Plane) and expressed in the rotated encounter frame (frame in which the combined covariance matrix
     * is diagonalized, see {@link #computeEncounterPlaneRotationMatrix(double)} for more details).
     * @param zeroThreshold threshold below which values are considered equal to zero
     * @return squared Mahalanobis distance between the reference and other collision object
     * @see <a href="">Mahalanobis distance</a>
    public double computeSquaredMahalanobisDistance(final double zeroThreshold) {

        final RealMatrix otherPositionAfterRotationInCollisionPlane =
                new Array2DRowRealMatrix(computeOtherPositionInRotatedCollisionPlane(zeroThreshold).toArray());

        final RealMatrix inverseCovarianceMatrix =
                new LUDecomposition(computeProjectedAndDiagonalizedCombinedPositionalCovarianceMatrix()).getSolver()

        return otherPositionAfterRotationInCollisionPlane.transpose().multiply(
                inverseCovarianceMatrix.multiply(otherPositionAfterRotationInCollisionPlane)).getEntry(0, 0);

     * Takes both covariance matrices (expressed in their respective RTN local orbital frame) from reference and other
     * collision object with which this instance was created and sum them in the reference collision object TNW local orbital
     * frame.
     * @return combined covariance matrix expressed in the reference collision object TNW local orbital frame
    public StateCovariance computeCombinedCovarianceInReferenceTNW() {

        // Express reference covariance in reference TNW local orbital frame
        final RealMatrix referenceCovarianceMatrixInTNW =
                referenceCovariance.changeCovarianceFrame(referenceAtTCA, LOFType.TNW_INERTIAL).getMatrix();

        // Express other covariance in reference inertial frame
        final RealMatrix otherCovarianceMatrixInReferenceInertial =
                otherCovariance.changeCovarianceFrame(otherAtTCA, referenceAtTCA.getFrame()).getMatrix();

        final StateCovariance otherCovarianceInReferenceInertial = new StateCovariance(
                otherCovarianceMatrixInReferenceInertial, tca, referenceAtTCA.getFrame(),
                OrbitType.CARTESIAN, PositionAngleType.MEAN);

        // Express other covariance in reference TNW local orbital frame
        final RealMatrix otherCovarianceMatrixInReferenceTNW = otherCovarianceInReferenceInertial.changeCovarianceFrame(
                referenceAtTCA, LOFType.TNW_INERTIAL).getMatrix();

        // Return the combined covariance expressed in the reference TNW local orbital frame
        return new StateCovariance(referenceCovarianceMatrixInTNW.add(otherCovarianceMatrixInReferenceTNW), tca,

     * Compute the {@link Transform transform} from the reference collision object inertial frame of reference to its TNW
     * local orbital frame.
     * @return transform from the reference collision object inertial frame of reference to its TNW local orbital frame
    private Transform computeReferenceInertialToReferenceTNWTransform() {
        return LOFType.TNW.transformFromInertial(tca, referenceAtTCA.getPVCoordinates());

     * Compute the {@link Transform transform} from the reference collision object TNW local orbital frame to the encounter
     * frame.
     * @return transform from the reference collision object TNW local orbital frame to the encounter frame
    private Transform computeReferenceTNWToEncounterFrameTransform() {
        return LOF.transformFromLOFInToLOFOut(LOFType.TNW_INERTIAL, encounterFrame, tca,

     * Compute the rotation matrix that diagonalize the combined positional covariance matrix projected onto the collision
     * plane.
     * @param zeroThreshold threshold below which values are considered equal to zero
     * @return rotation matrix that diagonalize the combined covariance matrix projected onto the collision plane
    private RealMatrix computeEncounterPlaneRotationMatrix(final double zeroThreshold) {

        final RealMatrix combinedCovarianceMatrixInEncounterFrame =

        final RealMatrix combinedPositionalCovarianceMatrixProjectedOntoBPlane =
                        combinedCovarianceMatrixInEncounterFrame.getSubMatrix(0, 2, 0, 2));

        final double sigmaXSquared = combinedPositionalCovarianceMatrixProjectedOntoBPlane.getEntry(0, 0);
        final double sigmaYSquared = combinedPositionalCovarianceMatrixProjectedOntoBPlane.getEntry(1, 1);
        final double crossTerm     = combinedPositionalCovarianceMatrixProjectedOntoBPlane.getEntry(0, 1);
        final double correlation   = crossTerm / (FastMath.sqrt(sigmaXSquared * sigmaYSquared));

        // If the matrix is not initially diagonalized
        final double theta;
        if (FastMath.abs(crossTerm) > zeroThreshold) {
            final double recurrentTerm = (sigmaYSquared - sigmaXSquared) / (2 * crossTerm);
            theta = FastMath.atan(
                    recurrentTerm - FastMath.signum(correlation) * FastMath.sqrt(1 + FastMath.pow(recurrentTerm, 2)));
        // Else, the matrix is already diagonalized
        else {
            // Rotation in order to have sigmaXSquared < sigmaYSquared
            if (sigmaXSquared - sigmaYSquared > 0) {
                theta = MathUtils.SEMI_PI;
            // Else, there is no need for a rotation
            else {
                theta = 0;

        final double[][] collisionPlaneRotationMatrixData = { { FastMath.cos(theta), FastMath.sin(theta) },
                                                              { -FastMath.sin(theta), FastMath.cos(theta) } };

        return new Array2DRowRealMatrix(collisionPlaneRotationMatrixData);

     * Get the Time of Closest Approach.
     * <p>
     * Commonly called TCA.
     * @return time of closest approach
    public AbsoluteDate getTca() {
        return tca;

    /** Get reference's orbit at time of closest approach.
     * @return reference's orbit at time of closest approach
    public Orbit getReferenceAtTCA() {
        return referenceAtTCA;

    /** Get other's orbit at time of closest approach.
     *  @return other's orbit at time of closest approach
    public Orbit getOtherAtTCA() {
        return otherAtTCA;

    /** Get reference's covariance.
     * @return reference's covariance
    public StateCovariance getReferenceCovariance() {
        return referenceCovariance;

    /** Get other's covariance.
     * @return other's covariance
    public StateCovariance getOtherCovariance() {
        return otherCovariance;

    /** Get combined radius.
     * @return combined radius (m)
    public double getCombinedRadius() {
        return combinedRadius;

    /** Get encounter local orbital frame.
     * @return encounter local orbital frame
    public EncounterLOF getEncounterFrame() {
        return encounterFrame;
