- /* Copyright 2002-2024 CS GROUP
- * Licensed to CS GROUP (CS) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * CS licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- package org.orekit.files.ccsds.ndm.adm.apm;
- import java.util.ArrayList;
- import java.util.Collections;
- import java.util.List;
- import org.hipparchus.complex.Quaternion;
- import org.orekit.attitudes.Attitude;
- import org.orekit.errors.OrekitException;
- import org.orekit.errors.OrekitMessages;
- import org.orekit.files.ccsds.ndm.adm.AttitudeType;
- import org.orekit.files.ccsds.section.CommentsContainer;
- import org.orekit.files.ccsds.section.Data;
- import org.orekit.frames.Frame;
- import org.orekit.time.AbsoluteDate;
- import org.orekit.utils.PVCoordinatesProvider;
- import org.orekit.utils.TimeStampedAngularCoordinates;
- /**
- * Container for Attitude Parameter Message data.
- * @author Bryan Cazabonne
- * @since 10.2
- */
- public class ApmData implements Data {
- /** General comments block. */
- private final CommentsContainer commentsBlock;
- /** Epoch of the data. */
- private final AbsoluteDate epoch;
- /** Quaternion block. */
- private final ApmQuaternion quaternionBlock;
- /** Euler angles block. */
- private final Euler eulerBlock;
- /** Angular velocity block.
- * @since 12.0
- */
- private final AngularVelocity angularVelocityBlock;
- /** Spin-stabilized block. */
- private final SpinStabilized spinStabilizedBlock;
- /** Inertia block. */
- private final Inertia inertia;
- /** Maneuvers. */
- private final List<Maneuver> maneuvers;
- /** Simple constructor.
- * @param commentsBlock general comments block
- * @param epoch epoch of the data
- * @param quaternionBlock quaternion logical block (may be null in ADM V2 or later)
- * @param eulerBlock Euler angles logicial block (may be null)
- * @param angularVelocityBlock angular velocity block (may be null)
- * @param spinStabilizedBlock spin-stabilized logical block (may be null)
- * @param inertia inertia logical block (may be null)
- */
- public ApmData(final CommentsContainer commentsBlock,
- final AbsoluteDate epoch,
- final ApmQuaternion quaternionBlock,
- final Euler eulerBlock,
- final AngularVelocity angularVelocityBlock,
- final SpinStabilized spinStabilizedBlock,
- final Inertia inertia) {
- this.commentsBlock = commentsBlock;
- this.epoch = epoch;
- this.quaternionBlock = quaternionBlock;
- this.eulerBlock = eulerBlock;
- this.angularVelocityBlock = angularVelocityBlock;
- this.spinStabilizedBlock = spinStabilizedBlock;
- this.inertia = inertia;
- this.maneuvers = new ArrayList<>();
- }
- /** {@inheritDoc} */
- @Override
- public void validate(final double version) {
- if (version < 2.0) {
- // quaternion block is mandatory in ADM V1
- if (quaternionBlock == null) {
- // generate a dummy entry just for triggering the exception
- new ApmQuaternion().validate(version);
- }
- } else {
- // at least one logical block is mandatory in ADM V2
- if (quaternionBlock == null && eulerBlock == null && angularVelocityBlock == null &&
- spinStabilizedBlock == null && inertia == null) {
- throw new OrekitException(OrekitMessages.CCSDS_INCOMPLETE_DATA);
- }
- }
- if (quaternionBlock != null) {
- quaternionBlock.validate(version);
- }
- if (eulerBlock != null) {
- eulerBlock.validate(version);
- }
- if (angularVelocityBlock != null) {
- angularVelocityBlock.validate(version);
- }
- if (spinStabilizedBlock != null) {
- spinStabilizedBlock.validate(version);
- }
- if (inertia != null) {
- inertia.validate(version);
- }
- for (final Maneuver maneuver : maneuvers) {
- maneuver.validate(version);
- }
- }
- /** Get the comments.
- * @return comments
- */
- public List<String> getComments() {
- return commentsBlock.getComments();
- }
- /**
- * Get the epoch of the data.
- * @return epoch the epoch
- * @since 12.0
- */
- public AbsoluteDate getEpoch() {
- return epoch;
- }
- /** Get the quaternion logical block.
- * @return quaternion block
- */
- public ApmQuaternion getQuaternionBlock() {
- return quaternionBlock;
- }
- /** Get the Euler angles logical block.
- * @return Euler angles block (may be null)
- */
- public Euler getEulerBlock() {
- return eulerBlock;
- }
- /** Get the angular velocity logical block.
- * @return angular velocity block (may be null)
- * @since 12.0
- */
- public AngularVelocity getAngularVelocityBlock() {
- return angularVelocityBlock;
- }
- /** Get the spin-stabilized logical block.
- * @return spin-stabilized block (may be null)
- */
- public SpinStabilized getSpinStabilizedBlock() {
- return spinStabilizedBlock;
- }
- /** Get the inertia logical block.
- * @return inertia block (may be null)
- */
- public Inertia getInertiaBlock() {
- return inertia;
- }
- /**
- * Get the number of maneuvers present in the APM.
- * @return the number of maneuvers
- */
- public int getNbManeuvers() {
- return maneuvers.size();
- }
- /**
- * Get a list of all maneuvers.
- * @return unmodifiable list of all maneuvers.
- */
- public List<Maneuver> getManeuvers() {
- return Collections.unmodifiableList(maneuvers);
- }
- /**
- * Get a maneuver.
- * @param index maneuver index, counting from 0
- * @return maneuver
- */
- public Maneuver getManeuver(final int index) {
- return maneuvers.get(index);
- }
- /**
- * Add a maneuver.
- * @param maneuver maneuver to be set
- */
- public void addManeuver(final Maneuver maneuver) {
- maneuvers.add(maneuver);
- }
- /**
- * Get boolean testing whether the APM contains at least one maneuver.
- * @return true if APM contains at least one maneuver
- * false otherwise
- */
- public boolean hasManeuvers() {
- return !maneuvers.isEmpty();
- }
- /** Get the attitude.
- * @param frame reference frame with respect to which attitude must be defined,
- * (may be null if attitude is <em>not</em> orbit-relative and one wants
- * attitude in the same frame as used in the attitude message)
- * @param pvProvider provider for spacecraft position and velocity
- * (may be null if attitude is <em>not</em> orbit-relative)
- * @return attitude
- * @since 12.0
- */
- public Attitude getAttitude(final Frame frame, final PVCoordinatesProvider pvProvider) {
- if (quaternionBlock != null) {
- // we have a quaternion
- final Quaternion q = quaternionBlock.getQuaternion();
- final TimeStampedAngularCoordinates tac;
- if (quaternionBlock.hasRates()) {
- // quaternion logical block includes everything we need
- final Quaternion qDot = quaternionBlock.getQuaternionDot();
- tac = AttitudeType.QUATERNION_DERIVATIVE.build(true, quaternionBlock.getEndpoints().isExternal2SpacecraftBody(),
- null, true, epoch,
- q.getQ0(), q.getQ1(), q.getQ2(), q.getQ3(),
- qDot.getQ0(), qDot.getQ1(), qDot.getQ2(), qDot.getQ3());
- } else if (angularVelocityBlock != null) {
- // get derivatives from the angular velocity logical block
- tac = AttitudeType.QUATERNION_ANGVEL.build(true,
- quaternionBlock.getEndpoints().isExternal2SpacecraftBody(),
- null, true, epoch,
- q.getQ0(), q.getQ1(), q.getQ2(), q.getQ3(),
- angularVelocityBlock.getAngVelX(),
- angularVelocityBlock.getAngVelY(),
- angularVelocityBlock.getAngVelZ());
- } else if (eulerBlock != null && eulerBlock.hasRates()) {
- // get derivatives from the Euler logical block
- final double[] rates = eulerBlock.getRotationRates();
- if (eulerBlock.hasAngles()) {
- // the Euler block has everything we need
- final double[] angles = eulerBlock.getRotationAngles();
- tac = AttitudeType.EULER_ANGLE_DERIVATIVE.build(true,
- eulerBlock.getEndpoints().isExternal2SpacecraftBody(),
- eulerBlock.getEulerRotSeq(), eulerBlock.isSpacecraftBodyRate(), epoch,
- angles[0], angles[1], angles[2],
- rates[0], rates[1], rates[2]);
- } else {
- // the Euler block has only the rates (we are certainly using an ADM V1 message)
- // we need to rebuild the rotation from the quaternion
- tac = AttitudeType.QUATERNION_EULER_RATES.build(true,
- eulerBlock.getEndpoints().isExternal2SpacecraftBody(),
- eulerBlock.getEulerRotSeq(), eulerBlock.isSpacecraftBodyRate(), epoch,
- q.getQ0(), q.getQ1(), q.getQ2(), q.getQ3(),
- rates[0], rates[1], rates[2]);
- }
- } else {
- // we rely only on the quaternion logical block, despite it doesn't include rates
- tac = AttitudeType.QUATERNION.build(true, quaternionBlock.getEndpoints().isExternal2SpacecraftBody(),
- null, true, epoch,
- q.getQ0(), q.getQ1(), q.getQ2(), q.getQ3());
- }
- // build the attitude
- return quaternionBlock.getEndpoints().build(frame, pvProvider, tac);
- } else if (eulerBlock != null) {
- // we have Euler angles
- final double[] angles = eulerBlock.getRotationAngles();
- final TimeStampedAngularCoordinates tac;
- if (eulerBlock.hasRates()) {
- // the Euler block has everything we need
- final double[] rates = eulerBlock.getRotationRates();
- tac = AttitudeType.EULER_ANGLE_DERIVATIVE.build(true,
- eulerBlock.getEndpoints().isExternal2SpacecraftBody(),
- eulerBlock.getEulerRotSeq(), eulerBlock.isSpacecraftBodyRate(), epoch,
- angles[0], angles[1], angles[2],
- rates[0], rates[1], rates[2]);
- } else if (angularVelocityBlock != null) {
- // get derivatives from the angular velocity logical block
- tac = AttitudeType.EULER_ANGLE_ANGVEL.build(true,
- eulerBlock.getEndpoints().isExternal2SpacecraftBody(),
- eulerBlock.getEulerRotSeq(), eulerBlock.isSpacecraftBodyRate(), epoch,
- angles[0], angles[1], angles[2],
- angularVelocityBlock.getAngVelX(),
- angularVelocityBlock.getAngVelY(),
- angularVelocityBlock.getAngVelZ());
- } else {
- // we rely only on the Euler logical block, despite it doesn't include rates
- tac = AttitudeType.EULER_ANGLE.build(true,
- eulerBlock.getEndpoints().isExternal2SpacecraftBody(),
- eulerBlock.getEulerRotSeq(), eulerBlock.isSpacecraftBodyRate(), epoch,
- angles[0], angles[1], angles[2]);
- }
- // build the attitude
- return eulerBlock.getEndpoints().build(frame, pvProvider, tac);
- } else if (spinStabilizedBlock != null) {
- // we have a spin block
- final TimeStampedAngularCoordinates tac;
- if (spinStabilizedBlock.hasNutation()) {
- // we rely only on nutation
- tac = AttitudeType.SPIN_NUTATION.build(true, true, null, true, epoch,
- spinStabilizedBlock.getSpinAlpha(),
- spinStabilizedBlock.getSpinDelta(),
- spinStabilizedBlock.getSpinAngle(),
- spinStabilizedBlock.getSpinAngleVel(),
- spinStabilizedBlock.getNutation(),
- spinStabilizedBlock.getNutationPeriod(),
- spinStabilizedBlock.getNutationPhase());
- } else if (spinStabilizedBlock.hasMomentum()) {
- // we rely only on momentum
- tac = AttitudeType.SPIN_NUTATION_MOMENTUM.build(true, true, null, true, epoch,
- spinStabilizedBlock.getSpinAlpha(),
- spinStabilizedBlock.getSpinDelta(),
- spinStabilizedBlock.getSpinAngle(),
- spinStabilizedBlock.getSpinAngleVel(),
- spinStabilizedBlock.getMomentumAlpha(),
- spinStabilizedBlock.getMomentumDelta(),
- spinStabilizedBlock.getNutationVel());
- } else {
- // we rely only on the spin logical block, despite it doesn't include rates
- tac = AttitudeType.SPIN.build(true, true, null, true, epoch,
- spinStabilizedBlock.getSpinAlpha(),
- spinStabilizedBlock.getSpinDelta(),
- spinStabilizedBlock.getSpinAngle(),
- spinStabilizedBlock.getSpinAngleVel());
- }
- // build the attitude
- return spinStabilizedBlock.getEndpoints().build(frame, pvProvider, tac);
- } else {
- throw new OrekitException(OrekitMessages.CCSDS_INCOMPLETE_DATA);
- }
- }
- }