- /* Copyright 2002-2024 CS GROUP
- * Licensed to CS GROUP (CS) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * CS licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- package org.orekit.forces.gravity;
- import java.util.Collections;
- import java.util.List;
- import org.hipparchus.CalculusFieldElement;
- import org.hipparchus.analysis.differentiation.DerivativeStructure;
- import org.hipparchus.analysis.differentiation.Gradient;
- import org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed.FieldVector3D;
- import org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed.SphericalCoordinates;
- import org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D;
- import org.hipparchus.linear.Array2DRowRealMatrix;
- import org.hipparchus.linear.RealMatrix;
- import org.hipparchus.util.FastMath;
- import org.hipparchus.util.MathArrays;
- import org.orekit.forces.ForceModel;
- import org.orekit.forces.gravity.potential.NormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider;
- import org.orekit.forces.gravity.potential.NormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider.NormalizedSphericalHarmonics;
- import org.orekit.forces.gravity.potential.TideSystem;
- import org.orekit.forces.gravity.potential.TideSystemProvider;
- import org.orekit.frames.FieldStaticTransform;
- import org.orekit.frames.Frame;
- import org.orekit.frames.StaticTransform;
- import org.orekit.propagation.FieldSpacecraftState;
- import org.orekit.propagation.SpacecraftState;
- import org.orekit.time.AbsoluteDate;
- import org.orekit.time.FieldAbsoluteDate;
- import org.orekit.utils.FieldPVCoordinates;
- import org.orekit.utils.ParameterDriver;
- /** This class represents the gravitational field of a celestial body.
- * <p>
- * The algorithm implemented in this class has been designed by S. A. Holmes
- * and W. E. Featherstone from Department of Spatial Sciences, Curtin University
- * of Technology, Perth, Australia. It is described in their 2002 paper: <a
- * href="https://www.researchgate.net/publication/226460594_A_unified_approach_to_the_Clenshaw_summation_and_the_recursive_computation_of_very_high_degree_and_order_normalised_associated_Legendre_functions">
- * A unified approach to he Clenshaw summation and the recursive computation of
- * very high degree and order normalised associated Legendre functions</a>
- * (Journal of Geodesy (2002) 76: 279–299).
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * This model directly uses normalized coefficients and stable recursion algorithms
- * so it is more suited to high degree gravity fields than the classical Cunningham
- * Droziner models which use un-normalized coefficients.
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * Among the different algorithms presented in Holmes and Featherstone paper, this
- * class implements the <em>modified forward row method</em>. All recursion coefficients
- * are precomputed and stored for greater performance. This caching was suggested in the
- * paper but not used due to the large memory requirements. Since 2002, even low end
- * computers and mobile devices do have sufficient memory so this caching has become
- * feasible nowadays.
- * </p>
- * @author Luc Maisonobe
- * @since 6.0
- */
- public class HolmesFeatherstoneAttractionModel implements ForceModel, TideSystemProvider {
- /** Exponent scaling to avoid floating point overflow.
- * <p>The paper uses 10^280, we prefer a power of two to preserve accuracy thanks to
- * {@link FastMath#scalb(double, int)}, so we use 2^930 which has the same order of magnitude.
- */
- private static final int SCALING = 930;
- /** Central attraction scaling factor.
- * <p>
- * We use a power of 2 to avoid numeric noise introduction
- * in the multiplications/divisions sequences.
- * </p>
- */
- private static final double MU_SCALE = FastMath.scalb(1.0, 32);
- /** Driver for gravitational parameter. */
- private final ParameterDriver gmParameterDriver;
- /** Provider for the spherical harmonics. */
- private final NormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider provider;
- /** Rotating body. */
- private final Frame bodyFrame;
- /** Recursion coefficients g<sub>n,m</sub>/√j. */
- private final double[] gnmOj;
- /** Recursion coefficients h<sub>n,m</sub>/√j. */
- private final double[] hnmOj;
- /** Recursion coefficients e<sub>n,m</sub>. */
- private final double[] enm;
- /** Scaled sectorial Pbar<sub>m,m</sub>/u<sup>m</sup> × 2<sup>-SCALING</sup>. */
- private final double[] sectorial;
- /** Creates a new instance.
- * @param centralBodyFrame rotating body frame
- * @param provider provider for spherical harmonics
- * @since 6.0
- */
- public HolmesFeatherstoneAttractionModel(final Frame centralBodyFrame,
- final NormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider provider) {
- gmParameterDriver = new ParameterDriver(NewtonianAttraction.CENTRAL_ATTRACTION_COEFFICIENT,
- provider.getMu(), MU_SCALE, 0.0, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
- this.provider = provider;
- this.bodyFrame = centralBodyFrame;
- // the pre-computed arrays hold coefficients from triangular arrays in a single
- // storing neither diagonal elements (n = m) nor the non-diagonal element n=1, m=0
- final int degree = provider.getMaxDegree();
- final int size = FastMath.max(0, degree * (degree + 1) / 2 - 1);
- gnmOj = new double[size];
- hnmOj = new double[size];
- enm = new double[size];
- // pre-compute the recursion coefficients corresponding to equations 19 and 22
- // from Holmes and Featherstone paper
- // for cache efficiency, elements are stored in the same order they will be used
- // later on, i.e. from rightmost column to leftmost column
- int index = 0;
- for (int m = degree; m >= 0; --m) {
- final int j = (m == 0) ? 2 : 1;
- for (int n = FastMath.max(2, m + 1); n <= degree; ++n) {
- final double f = (n - m) * (n + m + 1);
- gnmOj[index] = 2 * (m + 1) / FastMath.sqrt(j * f);
- hnmOj[index] = FastMath.sqrt((n + m + 2) * (n - m - 1) / (j * f));
- enm[index] = FastMath.sqrt(f / j);
- ++index;
- }
- }
- // scaled sectorial terms corresponding to equation 28 in Holmes and Featherstone paper
- sectorial = new double[degree + 1];
- sectorial[0] = FastMath.scalb(1.0, -SCALING);
- if (degree > 0) {
- sectorial[1] = FastMath.sqrt(3) * sectorial[0];
- }
- for (int m = 2; m < sectorial.length; ++m) {
- sectorial[m] = FastMath.sqrt((2 * m + 1) / (2.0 * m)) * sectorial[m - 1];
- }
- }
- /** {@inheritDoc} */
- @Override
- public boolean dependsOnPositionOnly() {
- return true;
- }
- /** {@inheritDoc} */
- public TideSystem getTideSystem() {
- return provider.getTideSystem();
- }
- /** Get the central attraction coefficient μ.
- * @return mu central attraction coefficient (m³/s²),
- * will throw an exception if gm PDriver has several
- * values driven (in this case the method
- * {@link #getMu(AbsoluteDate)} must be used.
- */
- public double getMu() {
- return gmParameterDriver.getValue();
- }
- /** Get the central attraction coefficient μ.
- * @param date date at which mu wants to be known
- * @return mu central attraction coefficient (m³/s²)
- */
- public double getMu(final AbsoluteDate date) {
- return gmParameterDriver.getValue(date);
- }
- /** Compute the value of the gravity field.
- * @param date current date
- * @param position position at which gravity field is desired in body frame
- * @param mu central attraction coefficient to use
- * @return value of the gravity field (central and non-central parts summed together)
- */
- public double value(final AbsoluteDate date, final Vector3D position,
- final double mu) {
- return mu / position.getNorm() + nonCentralPart(date, position, mu);
- }
- /** Compute the non-central part of the gravity field.
- * @param date current date
- * @param position position at which gravity field is desired in body frame
- * @param mu central attraction coefficient to use
- * @return value of the non-central part of the gravity field
- */
- public double nonCentralPart(final AbsoluteDate date, final Vector3D position, final double mu) {
- final int degree = provider.getMaxDegree();
- final int order = provider.getMaxOrder();
- final NormalizedSphericalHarmonics harmonics = provider.onDate(date);
- // allocate the columns for recursion
- double[] pnm0Plus2 = new double[degree + 1];
- double[] pnm0Plus1 = new double[degree + 1];
- double[] pnm0 = new double[degree + 1];
- // compute polar coordinates
- final double x = position.getX();
- final double y = position.getY();
- final double z = position.getZ();
- final double x2 = x * x;
- final double y2 = y * y;
- final double z2 = z * z;
- final double rho2 = x2 + y2;
- final double r2 = rho2 + z2;
- final double r = FastMath.sqrt(r2);
- final double rho = FastMath.sqrt(rho2);
- final double t = z / r; // cos(theta), where theta is the polar angle
- final double u = rho / r; // sin(theta), where theta is the polar angle
- final double tOu = z / rho;
- // compute distance powers
- final double[] aOrN = createDistancePowersArray(provider.getAe() / r);
- // compute longitude cosines/sines
- final double[][] cosSinLambda = createCosSinArrays(x / rho, y / rho);
- // outer summation over order
- int index = 0;
- double value = 0;
- for (int m = degree; m >= 0; --m) {
- // compute tesseral terms without derivatives
- index = computeTesseral(m, degree, index, t, u, tOu,
- pnm0Plus2, pnm0Plus1, null, pnm0, null, null);
- if (m <= order) {
- // compute contribution of current order to field (equation 5 of the paper)
- // inner summation over degree, for fixed order
- double sumDegreeS = 0;
- double sumDegreeC = 0;
- for (int n = FastMath.max(2, m); n <= degree; ++n) {
- sumDegreeS += pnm0[n] * aOrN[n] * harmonics.getNormalizedSnm(n, m);
- sumDegreeC += pnm0[n] * aOrN[n] * harmonics.getNormalizedCnm(n, m);
- }
- // contribution to outer summation over order
- value = value * u + cosSinLambda[1][m] * sumDegreeS + cosSinLambda[0][m] * sumDegreeC;
- }
- // rotate the recursion arrays
- final double[] tmp = pnm0Plus2;
- pnm0Plus2 = pnm0Plus1;
- pnm0Plus1 = pnm0;
- pnm0 = tmp;
- }
- // scale back
- value = FastMath.scalb(value, SCALING);
- // apply the global mu/r factor
- return mu * value / r;
- }
- /** Compute the gradient of the non-central part of the gravity field.
- * @param date current date
- * @param position position at which gravity field is desired in body frame
- * @param mu central attraction coefficient to use
- * @return gradient of the non-central part of the gravity field
- */
- public double[] gradient(final AbsoluteDate date, final Vector3D position, final double mu) {
- final int degree = provider.getMaxDegree();
- final int order = provider.getMaxOrder();
- final NormalizedSphericalHarmonics harmonics = provider.onDate(date);
- // allocate the columns for recursion
- double[] pnm0Plus2 = new double[degree + 1];
- double[] pnm0Plus1 = new double[degree + 1];
- double[] pnm0 = new double[degree + 1];
- final double[] pnm1 = new double[degree + 1];
- // compute polar coordinates
- final double x = position.getX();
- final double y = position.getY();
- final double z = position.getZ();
- final double x2 = x * x;
- final double y2 = y * y;
- final double z2 = z * z;
- final double r2 = x2 + y2 + z2;
- final double r = FastMath.sqrt (r2);
- final double rho2 = x2 + y2;
- final double rho = FastMath.sqrt(rho2);
- final double t = z / r; // cos(theta), where theta is the polar angle
- final double u = rho / r; // sin(theta), where theta is the polar angle
- final double tOu = z / rho;
- // compute distance powers
- final double[] aOrN = createDistancePowersArray(provider.getAe() / r);
- // compute longitude cosines/sines
- final double[][] cosSinLambda = createCosSinArrays(x / rho, y / rho);
- // outer summation over order
- int index = 0;
- double value = 0;
- final double[] gradient = new double[3];
- for (int m = degree; m >= 0; --m) {
- // compute tesseral terms with derivatives
- index = computeTesseral(m, degree, index, t, u, tOu,
- pnm0Plus2, pnm0Plus1, null, pnm0, pnm1, null);
- if (m <= order) {
- // compute contribution of current order to field (equation 5 of the paper)
- // inner summation over degree, for fixed order
- double sumDegreeS = 0;
- double sumDegreeC = 0;
- double dSumDegreeSdR = 0;
- double dSumDegreeCdR = 0;
- double dSumDegreeSdTheta = 0;
- double dSumDegreeCdTheta = 0;
- for (int n = FastMath.max(2, m); n <= degree; ++n) {
- final double qSnm = aOrN[n] * harmonics.getNormalizedSnm(n, m);
- final double qCnm = aOrN[n] * harmonics.getNormalizedCnm(n, m);
- final double nOr = n / r;
- final double s0 = pnm0[n] * qSnm;
- final double c0 = pnm0[n] * qCnm;
- final double s1 = pnm1[n] * qSnm;
- final double c1 = pnm1[n] * qCnm;
- sumDegreeS += s0;
- sumDegreeC += c0;
- dSumDegreeSdR -= nOr * s0;
- dSumDegreeCdR -= nOr * c0;
- dSumDegreeSdTheta += s1;
- dSumDegreeCdTheta += c1;
- }
- // contribution to outer summation over order
- // beware that we need to order gradient using the mathematical conventions
- // compliant with the SphericalCoordinates class, so our lambda is its theta
- // (and hence at index 1) and our theta is its phi (and hence at index 2)
- final double sML = cosSinLambda[1][m];
- final double cML = cosSinLambda[0][m];
- value = value * u + sML * sumDegreeS + cML * sumDegreeC;
- gradient[0] = gradient[0] * u + sML * dSumDegreeSdR + cML * dSumDegreeCdR;
- gradient[1] = gradient[1] * u + m * (cML * sumDegreeS - sML * sumDegreeC);
- gradient[2] = gradient[2] * u + sML * dSumDegreeSdTheta + cML * dSumDegreeCdTheta;
- }
- // rotate the recursion arrays
- final double[] tmp = pnm0Plus2;
- pnm0Plus2 = pnm0Plus1;
- pnm0Plus1 = pnm0;
- pnm0 = tmp;
- }
- // scale back
- value = FastMath.scalb(value, SCALING);
- gradient[0] = FastMath.scalb(gradient[0], SCALING);
- gradient[1] = FastMath.scalb(gradient[1], SCALING);
- gradient[2] = FastMath.scalb(gradient[2], SCALING);
- // apply the global mu/r factor
- final double muOr = mu / r;
- value *= muOr;
- gradient[0] = muOr * gradient[0] - value / r;
- gradient[1] *= muOr;
- gradient[2] *= muOr;
- // convert gradient from spherical to Cartesian
- return new SphericalCoordinates(position).toCartesianGradient(gradient);
- }
- /** Compute the gradient of the non-central part of the gravity field.
- * @param date current date
- * @param position position at which gravity field is desired in body frame
- * @param mu central attraction coefficient to use
- * @param <T> type of field used
- * @return gradient of the non-central part of the gravity field
- */
- public <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> T[] gradient(final FieldAbsoluteDate<T> date, final FieldVector3D<T> position,
- final T mu) {
- final int degree = provider.getMaxDegree();
- final int order = provider.getMaxOrder();
- final NormalizedSphericalHarmonics harmonics = provider.onDate(date.toAbsoluteDate());
- final T zero = date.getField().getZero();
- // allocate the columns for recursion
- T[] pnm0Plus2 = MathArrays.buildArray(date.getField(), degree + 1);
- T[] pnm0Plus1 = MathArrays.buildArray(date.getField(), degree + 1);
- T[] pnm0 = MathArrays.buildArray(date.getField(), degree + 1);
- final T[] pnm1 = MathArrays.buildArray(date.getField(), degree + 1);
- // compute polar coordinates
- final T x = position.getX();
- final T y = position.getY();
- final T z = position.getZ();
- final T x2 = x.square();
- final T y2 = y.square();
- final T rho2 = x2.add(y2);
- final T rho = rho2.sqrt();
- final T z2 = z.square();
- final T r2 = rho2.add(z2);
- final T r = r2.sqrt();
- final T t = z.divide(r); // cos(theta), where theta is the polar angle
- final T u = rho.divide(r); // sin(theta), where theta is the polar angle
- final T tOu = z.divide(rho);
- // compute distance powers
- final T[] aOrN = createDistancePowersArray(r.reciprocal().multiply(provider.getAe()));
- // compute longitude cosines/sines
- final T[][] cosSinLambda = createCosSinArrays(x.divide(rho), y.divide(rho));
- // outer summation over order
- int index = 0;
- T value = zero;
- final T[] gradient = MathArrays.buildArray(zero.getField(), 3);
- for (int m = degree; m >= 0; --m) {
- // compute tesseral terms with derivatives
- index = computeTesseral(m, degree, index, t, u, tOu,
- pnm0Plus2, pnm0Plus1, null, pnm0, pnm1, null);
- if (m <= order) {
- // compute contribution of current order to field (equation 5 of the paper)
- // inner summation over degree, for fixed order
- T sumDegreeS = zero;
- T sumDegreeC = zero;
- T dSumDegreeSdR = zero;
- T dSumDegreeCdR = zero;
- T dSumDegreeSdTheta = zero;
- T dSumDegreeCdTheta = zero;
- for (int n = FastMath.max(2, m); n <= degree; ++n) {
- final T qSnm = aOrN[n].multiply(harmonics.getNormalizedSnm(n, m));
- final T qCnm = aOrN[n].multiply(harmonics.getNormalizedCnm(n, m));
- final T nOr = r.reciprocal().multiply(n);
- final T s0 = pnm0[n].multiply(qSnm);
- final T c0 = pnm0[n].multiply(qCnm);
- final T s1 = pnm1[n].multiply(qSnm);
- final T c1 = pnm1[n].multiply(qCnm);
- sumDegreeS = sumDegreeS .add(s0);
- sumDegreeC = sumDegreeC .add(c0);
- dSumDegreeSdR = dSumDegreeSdR .subtract(nOr.multiply(s0));
- dSumDegreeCdR = dSumDegreeCdR .subtract(nOr.multiply(c0));
- dSumDegreeSdTheta = dSumDegreeSdTheta.add(s1);
- dSumDegreeCdTheta = dSumDegreeCdTheta.add(c1);
- }
- // contribution to outer summation over order
- // beware that we need to order gradient using the mathematical conventions
- // compliant with the SphericalCoordinates class, so our lambda is its theta
- // (and hence at index 1) and our theta is its phi (and hence at index 2)
- final T sML = cosSinLambda[1][m];
- final T cML = cosSinLambda[0][m];
- value = value .multiply(u).add(sML.multiply(sumDegreeS )).add(cML.multiply(sumDegreeC));
- gradient[0] = gradient[0].multiply(u).add(sML.multiply(dSumDegreeSdR)).add(cML.multiply(dSumDegreeCdR));
- gradient[1] = gradient[1].multiply(u).add(cML.multiply(sumDegreeS).subtract(sML.multiply(sumDegreeC)).multiply(m));
- gradient[2] = gradient[2].multiply(u).add(sML.multiply(dSumDegreeSdTheta)).add(cML.multiply(dSumDegreeCdTheta));
- }
- // rotate the recursion arrays
- final T[] tmp = pnm0Plus2;
- pnm0Plus2 = pnm0Plus1;
- pnm0Plus1 = pnm0;
- pnm0 = tmp;
- }
- // scale back
- value = value.scalb(SCALING);
- gradient[0] = gradient[0].scalb(SCALING);
- gradient[1] = gradient[1].scalb(SCALING);
- gradient[2] = gradient[2].scalb(SCALING);
- // apply the global mu/r factor
- final T muOr = r.reciprocal().multiply(mu);
- value = value.multiply(muOr);
- gradient[0] = muOr.multiply(gradient[0]).subtract(value.divide(r));
- gradient[1] = gradient[1].multiply(muOr);
- gradient[2] = gradient[2].multiply(muOr);
- // convert gradient from spherical to Cartesian
- // Cartesian coordinates
- // remaining spherical coordinates
- // intermediate variables
- final T xPos = position.getX();
- final T yPos = position.getY();
- final T zPos = position.getZ();
- final T rho2Pos = x.square().add(y.square());
- final T rhoPos = rho2.sqrt();
- final T r2Pos = rho2.add(z.square());
- final T rPos = r2Pos.sqrt();
- final T[][] jacobianPos = MathArrays.buildArray(zero.getField(), 3, 3);
- // row representing the gradient of r
- jacobianPos[0][0] = xPos.divide(rPos);
- jacobianPos[0][1] = yPos.divide(rPos);
- jacobianPos[0][2] = zPos.divide(rPos);
- // row representing the gradient of theta
- jacobianPos[1][0] = yPos.negate().divide(rho2Pos);
- jacobianPos[1][1] = xPos.divide(rho2Pos);
- // jacobian[1][2] is already set to 0 at allocation time
- // row representing the gradient of phi
- final T rhoPosTimesR2Pos = rhoPos.multiply(r2Pos);
- jacobianPos[2][0] = xPos.multiply(zPos).divide(rhoPosTimesR2Pos);
- jacobianPos[2][1] = yPos.multiply(zPos).divide(rhoPosTimesR2Pos);
- jacobianPos[2][2] = rhoPos.negate().divide(r2Pos);
- final T[] cartGradPos = MathArrays.buildArray(zero.getField(), 3);
- cartGradPos[0] = gradient[0].multiply(jacobianPos[0][0]).add(gradient[1].multiply(jacobianPos[1][0])).add(gradient[2].multiply(jacobianPos[2][0]));
- cartGradPos[1] = gradient[0].multiply(jacobianPos[0][1]).add(gradient[1].multiply(jacobianPos[1][1])).add(gradient[2].multiply(jacobianPos[2][1]));
- cartGradPos[2] = gradient[0].multiply(jacobianPos[0][2]) .add(gradient[2].multiply(jacobianPos[2][2]));
- return cartGradPos;
- }
- /** Compute both the gradient and the hessian of the non-central part of the gravity field.
- * @param date current date
- * @param position position at which gravity field is desired in body frame
- * @param mu central attraction coefficient to use
- * @return gradient and hessian of the non-central part of the gravity field
- */
- private GradientHessian gradientHessian(final AbsoluteDate date, final Vector3D position, final double mu) {
- final int degree = provider.getMaxDegree();
- final int order = provider.getMaxOrder();
- final NormalizedSphericalHarmonics harmonics = provider.onDate(date);
- // allocate the columns for recursion
- double[] pnm0Plus2 = new double[degree + 1];
- double[] pnm0Plus1 = new double[degree + 1];
- double[] pnm0 = new double[degree + 1];
- double[] pnm1Plus1 = new double[degree + 1];
- double[] pnm1 = new double[degree + 1];
- final double[] pnm2 = new double[degree + 1];
- // compute polar coordinates
- final double x = position.getX();
- final double y = position.getY();
- final double z = position.getZ();
- final double x2 = x * x;
- final double y2 = y * y;
- final double z2 = z * z;
- final double rho2 = x2 + y2;
- final double rho = FastMath.sqrt(rho2);
- final double r2 = rho2 + z2;
- final double r = FastMath.sqrt(r2);
- final double t = z / r; // cos(theta), where theta is the polar angle
- final double u = rho / r; // sin(theta), where theta is the polar angle
- final double tOu = z / rho;
- // compute distance powers
- final double[] aOrN = createDistancePowersArray(provider.getAe() / r);
- // compute longitude cosines/sines
- final double[][] cosSinLambda = createCosSinArrays(x / rho, y / rho);
- // outer summation over order
- int index = 0;
- double value = 0;
- final double[] gradient = new double[3];
- final double[][] hessian = new double[3][3];
- for (int m = degree; m >= 0; --m) {
- // compute tesseral terms
- index = computeTesseral(m, degree, index, t, u, tOu,
- pnm0Plus2, pnm0Plus1, pnm1Plus1, pnm0, pnm1, pnm2);
- if (m <= order) {
- // compute contribution of current order to field (equation 5 of the paper)
- // inner summation over degree, for fixed order
- double sumDegreeS = 0;
- double sumDegreeC = 0;
- double dSumDegreeSdR = 0;
- double dSumDegreeCdR = 0;
- double dSumDegreeSdTheta = 0;
- double dSumDegreeCdTheta = 0;
- double d2SumDegreeSdRdR = 0;
- double d2SumDegreeSdRdTheta = 0;
- double d2SumDegreeSdThetadTheta = 0;
- double d2SumDegreeCdRdR = 0;
- double d2SumDegreeCdRdTheta = 0;
- double d2SumDegreeCdThetadTheta = 0;
- for (int n = FastMath.max(2, m); n <= degree; ++n) {
- final double qSnm = aOrN[n] * harmonics.getNormalizedSnm(n, m);
- final double qCnm = aOrN[n] * harmonics.getNormalizedCnm(n, m);
- final double nOr = n / r;
- final double nnP1Or2 = nOr * (n + 1) / r;
- final double s0 = pnm0[n] * qSnm;
- final double c0 = pnm0[n] * qCnm;
- final double s1 = pnm1[n] * qSnm;
- final double c1 = pnm1[n] * qCnm;
- final double s2 = pnm2[n] * qSnm;
- final double c2 = pnm2[n] * qCnm;
- sumDegreeS += s0;
- sumDegreeC += c0;
- dSumDegreeSdR -= nOr * s0;
- dSumDegreeCdR -= nOr * c0;
- dSumDegreeSdTheta += s1;
- dSumDegreeCdTheta += c1;
- d2SumDegreeSdRdR += nnP1Or2 * s0;
- d2SumDegreeSdRdTheta -= nOr * s1;
- d2SumDegreeSdThetadTheta += s2;
- d2SumDegreeCdRdR += nnP1Or2 * c0;
- d2SumDegreeCdRdTheta -= nOr * c1;
- d2SumDegreeCdThetadTheta += c2;
- }
- // contribution to outer summation over order
- final double sML = cosSinLambda[1][m];
- final double cML = cosSinLambda[0][m];
- value = value * u + sML * sumDegreeS + cML * sumDegreeC;
- gradient[0] = gradient[0] * u + sML * dSumDegreeSdR + cML * dSumDegreeCdR;
- gradient[1] = gradient[1] * u + m * (cML * sumDegreeS - sML * sumDegreeC);
- gradient[2] = gradient[2] * u + sML * dSumDegreeSdTheta + cML * dSumDegreeCdTheta;
- hessian[0][0] = hessian[0][0] * u + sML * d2SumDegreeSdRdR + cML * d2SumDegreeCdRdR;
- hessian[1][0] = hessian[1][0] * u + m * (cML * dSumDegreeSdR - sML * dSumDegreeCdR);
- hessian[2][0] = hessian[2][0] * u + sML * d2SumDegreeSdRdTheta + cML * d2SumDegreeCdRdTheta;
- hessian[1][1] = hessian[1][1] * u - m * m * (sML * sumDegreeS + cML * sumDegreeC);
- hessian[2][1] = hessian[2][1] * u + m * (cML * dSumDegreeSdTheta - sML * dSumDegreeCdTheta);
- hessian[2][2] = hessian[2][2] * u + sML * d2SumDegreeSdThetadTheta + cML * d2SumDegreeCdThetadTheta;
- }
- // rotate the recursion arrays
- final double[] tmp0 = pnm0Plus2;
- pnm0Plus2 = pnm0Plus1;
- pnm0Plus1 = pnm0;
- pnm0 = tmp0;
- final double[] tmp1 = pnm1Plus1;
- pnm1Plus1 = pnm1;
- pnm1 = tmp1;
- }
- // scale back
- value = FastMath.scalb(value, SCALING);
- for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
- gradient[i] = FastMath.scalb(gradient[i], SCALING);
- for (int j = 0; j <= i; ++j) {
- hessian[i][j] = FastMath.scalb(hessian[i][j], SCALING);
- }
- }
- // apply the global mu/r factor
- final double muOr = mu / r;
- value *= muOr;
- gradient[0] = muOr * gradient[0] - value / r;
- gradient[1] *= muOr;
- gradient[2] *= muOr;
- hessian[0][0] = muOr * hessian[0][0] - 2 * gradient[0] / r;
- hessian[1][0] = muOr * hessian[1][0] - gradient[1] / r;
- hessian[2][0] = muOr * hessian[2][0] - gradient[2] / r;
- hessian[1][1] *= muOr;
- hessian[2][1] *= muOr;
- hessian[2][2] *= muOr;
- // convert gradient and Hessian from spherical to Cartesian
- final SphericalCoordinates sc = new SphericalCoordinates(position);
- return new GradientHessian(sc.toCartesianGradient(gradient),
- sc.toCartesianHessian(hessian, gradient));
- }
- /** Container for gradient and Hessian. */
- private static class GradientHessian {
- /** Gradient. */
- private final double[] gradient;
- /** Hessian. */
- private final double[][] hessian;
- /** Simple constructor.
- * <p>
- * A reference to the arrays is stored, they are <strong>not</strong> cloned.
- * </p>
- * @param gradient gradient
- * @param hessian hessian
- */
- GradientHessian(final double[] gradient, final double[][] hessian) {
- this.gradient = gradient;
- this.hessian = hessian;
- }
- /** Get a reference to the gradient.
- * @return gradient (a reference to the internal array is returned)
- */
- public double[] getGradient() {
- return gradient;
- }
- /** Get a reference to the Hessian.
- * @return Hessian (a reference to the internal array is returned)
- */
- public double[][] getHessian() {
- return hessian;
- }
- }
- /** Compute a/r powers array.
- * @param aOr a/r
- * @return array containing (a/r)<sup>n</sup>
- */
- private double[] createDistancePowersArray(final double aOr) {
- // initialize array
- final double[] aOrN = new double[provider.getMaxDegree() + 1];
- aOrN[0] = 1;
- if (provider.getMaxDegree() > 0) {
- aOrN[1] = aOr;
- }
- // fill up array
- for (int n = 2; n < aOrN.length; ++n) {
- final int p = n / 2;
- final int q = n - p;
- aOrN[n] = aOrN[p] * aOrN[q];
- }
- return aOrN;
- }
- /** Compute a/r powers array.
- * @param aOr a/r
- * @param <T> type of field used
- * @return array containing (a/r)<sup>n</sup>
- */
- private <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> T[] createDistancePowersArray(final T aOr) {
- // initialize array
- final T[] aOrN = MathArrays.buildArray(aOr.getField(), provider.getMaxDegree() + 1);
- aOrN[0] = aOr.getField().getOne();
- if (provider.getMaxDegree() > 0) {
- aOrN[1] = aOr;
- }
- // fill up array
- for (int n = 2; n < aOrN.length; ++n) {
- final int p = n / 2;
- final int q = n - p;
- aOrN[n] = aOrN[p].multiply(aOrN[q]);
- }
- return aOrN;
- }
- /** Compute longitude cosines and sines.
- * @param cosLambda cos(λ)
- * @param sinLambda sin(λ)
- * @return array containing cos(m × λ) in row 0
- * and sin(m × λ) in row 1
- */
- private double[][] createCosSinArrays(final double cosLambda, final double sinLambda) {
- // initialize arrays
- final double[][] cosSin = new double[2][provider.getMaxOrder() + 1];
- cosSin[0][0] = 1;
- cosSin[1][0] = 0;
- if (provider.getMaxOrder() > 0) {
- cosSin[0][1] = cosLambda;
- cosSin[1][1] = sinLambda;
- // fill up array
- for (int m = 2; m < cosSin[0].length; ++m) {
- // m * lambda is split as p * lambda + q * lambda, trying to avoid
- // p or q being much larger than the other. This reduces the number of
- // intermediate results reused to compute each value, and hence should limit
- // as much as possible roundoff error accumulation
- // (this does not change the number of floating point operations)
- final int p = m / 2;
- final int q = m - p;
- cosSin[0][m] = cosSin[0][p] * cosSin[0][q] - cosSin[1][p] * cosSin[1][q];
- cosSin[1][m] = cosSin[1][p] * cosSin[0][q] + cosSin[0][p] * cosSin[1][q];
- }
- }
- return cosSin;
- }
- /** Compute longitude cosines and sines.
- * @param cosLambda cos(λ)
- * @param sinLambda sin(λ)
- * @param <T> type of field used
- * @return array containing cos(m × λ) in row 0
- * and sin(m × λ) in row 1
- */
- private <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> T[][] createCosSinArrays(final T cosLambda, final T sinLambda) {
- final T one = cosLambda.getField().getOne();
- final T zero = cosLambda.getField().getZero();
- // initialize arrays
- final T[][] cosSin = MathArrays.buildArray(one.getField(), 2, provider.getMaxOrder() + 1);
- cosSin[0][0] = one;
- cosSin[1][0] = zero;
- if (provider.getMaxOrder() > 0) {
- cosSin[0][1] = cosLambda;
- cosSin[1][1] = sinLambda;
- // fill up array
- for (int m = 2; m < cosSin[0].length; ++m) {
- // m * lambda is split as p * lambda + q * lambda, trying to avoid
- // p or q being much larger than the other. This reduces the number of
- // intermediate results reused to compute each value, and hence should limit
- // as much as possible roundoff error accumulation
- // (this does not change the number of floating point operations)
- final int p = m / 2;
- final int q = m - p;
- cosSin[0][m] = cosSin[0][p].multiply(cosSin[0][q]).subtract(cosSin[1][p].multiply(cosSin[1][q]));
- cosSin[1][m] = cosSin[1][p].multiply(cosSin[0][q]).add(cosSin[0][p].multiply(cosSin[1][q]));
- }
- }
- return cosSin;
- }
- /** Compute one order of tesseral terms.
- * <p>
- * This corresponds to equations 27 and 30 of the paper.
- * </p>
- * @param m current order
- * @param degree max degree
- * @param index index in the flattened array
- * @param t cos(θ), where θ is the polar angle
- * @param u sin(θ), where θ is the polar angle
- * @param tOu t/u
- * @param pnm0Plus2 array containing scaled P<sub>n,m+2</sub>/u<sup>m+2</sup>
- * @param pnm0Plus1 array containing scaled P<sub>n,m+1</sub>/u<sup>m+1</sup>
- * @param pnm1Plus1 array containing scaled dP<sub>n,m+1</sub>/u<sup>m+1</sup>
- * (may be null if second derivatives are not needed)
- * @param pnm0 array to fill with scaled P<sub>n,m</sub>/u<sup>m</sup>
- * @param pnm1 array to fill with scaled dP<sub>n,m</sub>/u<sup>m</sup>
- * (may be null if first derivatives are not needed)
- * @param pnm2 array to fill with scaled d²P<sub>n,m</sub>/u<sup>m</sup>
- * (may be null if second derivatives are not needed)
- * @return new value for index
- */
- private int computeTesseral(final int m, final int degree, final int index,
- final double t, final double u, final double tOu,
- final double[] pnm0Plus2, final double[] pnm0Plus1, final double[] pnm1Plus1,
- final double[] pnm0, final double[] pnm1, final double[] pnm2) {
- final double u2 = u * u;
- // initialize recursion from sectorial terms
- int n = FastMath.max(2, m);
- if (n == m) {
- pnm0[n] = sectorial[n];
- ++n;
- }
- // compute tesseral values
- int localIndex = index;
- while (n <= degree) {
- // value (equation 27 of the paper)
- pnm0[n] = gnmOj[localIndex] * t * pnm0Plus1[n] - hnmOj[localIndex] * u2 * pnm0Plus2[n];
- ++localIndex;
- ++n;
- }
- if (pnm1 != null) {
- // initialize recursion from sectorial terms
- n = FastMath.max(2, m);
- if (n == m) {
- pnm1[n] = m * tOu * pnm0[n];
- ++n;
- }
- // compute tesseral values and derivatives with respect to polar angle
- localIndex = index;
- while (n <= degree) {
- // first derivative (equation 30 of the paper)
- pnm1[n] = m * tOu * pnm0[n] - enm[localIndex] * u * pnm0Plus1[n];
- ++localIndex;
- ++n;
- }
- if (pnm2 != null) {
- // initialize recursion from sectorial terms
- n = FastMath.max(2, m);
- if (n == m) {
- pnm2[n] = m * (tOu * pnm1[n] - pnm0[n] / u2);
- ++n;
- }
- // compute tesseral values and derivatives with respect to polar angle
- localIndex = index;
- while (n <= degree) {
- // second derivative (differential of equation 30 with respect to theta)
- pnm2[n] = m * (tOu * pnm1[n] - pnm0[n] / u2) - enm[localIndex] * u * pnm1Plus1[n];
- ++localIndex;
- ++n;
- }
- }
- }
- return localIndex;
- }
- /** Compute one order of tesseral terms.
- * <p>
- * This corresponds to equations 27 and 30 of the paper.
- * </p>
- * @param m current order
- * @param degree max degree
- * @param index index in the flattened array
- * @param t cos(θ), where θ is the polar angle
- * @param u sin(θ), where θ is the polar angle
- * @param tOu t/u
- * @param pnm0Plus2 array containing scaled P<sub>n,m+2</sub>/u<sup>m+2</sup>
- * @param pnm0Plus1 array containing scaled P<sub>n,m+1</sub>/u<sup>m+1</sup>
- * @param pnm1Plus1 array containing scaled dP<sub>n,m+1</sub>/u<sup>m+1</sup>
- * (may be null if second derivatives are not needed)
- * @param pnm0 array to fill with scaled P<sub>n,m</sub>/u<sup>m</sup>
- * @param pnm1 array to fill with scaled dP<sub>n,m</sub>/u<sup>m</sup>
- * (may be null if first derivatives are not needed)
- * @param pnm2 array to fill with scaled d²P<sub>n,m</sub>/u<sup>m</sup>
- * (may be null if second derivatives are not needed)
- * @param <T> instance of field element
- * @return new value for index
- */
- private <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> int computeTesseral(final int m, final int degree, final int index,
- final T t, final T u, final T tOu,
- final T[] pnm0Plus2, final T[] pnm0Plus1, final T[] pnm1Plus1,
- final T[] pnm0, final T[] pnm1, final T[] pnm2) {
- final T u2 = u.square();
- final T zero = u.getField().getZero();
- // initialize recursion from sectorial terms
- int n = FastMath.max(2, m);
- if (n == m) {
- pnm0[n] = zero.newInstance(sectorial[n]);
- ++n;
- }
- // compute tesseral values
- int localIndex = index;
- while (n <= degree) {
- // value (equation 27 of the paper)
- pnm0[n] = t.multiply(gnmOj[localIndex]).multiply(pnm0Plus1[n]).subtract(u2.multiply(pnm0Plus2[n]).multiply(hnmOj[localIndex]));
- ++localIndex;
- ++n;
- }
- if (pnm1 != null) {
- // initialize recursion from sectorial terms
- n = FastMath.max(2, m);
- if (n == m) {
- pnm1[n] = tOu.multiply(m).multiply(pnm0[n]);
- ++n;
- }
- // compute tesseral values and derivatives with respect to polar angle
- localIndex = index;
- while (n <= degree) {
- // first derivative (equation 30 of the paper)
- pnm1[n] = tOu.multiply(m).multiply(pnm0[n]).subtract(u.multiply(enm[localIndex]).multiply(pnm0Plus1[n]));
- ++localIndex;
- ++n;
- }
- if (pnm2 != null) {
- // initialize recursion from sectorial terms
- n = FastMath.max(2, m);
- if (n == m) {
- pnm2[n] = tOu.multiply(pnm1[n]).subtract(pnm0[n].divide(u2)).multiply(m);
- ++n;
- }
- // compute tesseral values and derivatives with respect to polar angle
- localIndex = index;
- while (n <= degree) {
- // second derivative (differential of equation 30 with respect to theta)
- pnm2[n] = tOu.multiply(pnm1[n]).subtract(pnm0[n].divide(u2)).multiply(m).subtract(u.multiply(pnm1Plus1[n]).multiply(enm[localIndex]));
- ++localIndex;
- ++n;
- }
- }
- }
- return localIndex;
- }
- /** {@inheritDoc} */
- @Override
- public Vector3D acceleration(final SpacecraftState s, final double[] parameters) {
- final double mu = parameters[0];
- // get the position in body frame
- final AbsoluteDate date = s.getDate();
- final StaticTransform fromBodyFrame = bodyFrame.getStaticTransformTo(s.getFrame(), date);
- final StaticTransform toBodyFrame = fromBodyFrame.getInverse();
- final Vector3D position = toBodyFrame.transformPosition(s.getPosition());
- // gradient of the non-central part of the gravity field
- return fromBodyFrame.transformVector(new Vector3D(gradient(date, position, mu)));
- }
- /** {@inheritDoc} */
- public <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> FieldVector3D<T> acceleration(final FieldSpacecraftState<T> s,
- final T[] parameters) {
- final T mu = parameters[0];
- // check for faster computation dedicated to derivatives with respect to state
- if (isGradientStateDerivative(s)) {
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- final FieldVector3D<Gradient> p = (FieldVector3D<Gradient>) s.getPosition();
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- final FieldVector3D<T> a = (FieldVector3D<T>) accelerationWrtState(s.getDate().toAbsoluteDate(),
- s.getFrame(), p,
- (Gradient) mu);
- return a;
- } else if (isDSStateDerivative(s)) {
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- final FieldVector3D<DerivativeStructure> p = (FieldVector3D<DerivativeStructure>) s.getPosition();
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- final FieldVector3D<T> a = (FieldVector3D<T>) accelerationWrtState(s.getDate().toAbsoluteDate(),
- s.getFrame(), p,
- (DerivativeStructure) mu);
- return a;
- }
- // get the position in body frame
- final FieldAbsoluteDate<T> date = s.getDate();
- final FieldStaticTransform<T> fromBodyFrame = bodyFrame.getStaticTransformTo(s.getFrame(), date);
- final FieldStaticTransform<T> toBodyFrame = fromBodyFrame.getInverse();
- final FieldVector3D<T> position = toBodyFrame.transformPosition(s.getPosition());
- // gradient of the non-central part of the gravity field
- return fromBodyFrame.transformVector(new FieldVector3D<>(gradient(date, position, mu)));
- }
- /** Check if a field state corresponds to derivatives with respect to state.
- * @param state state to check
- * @param <T> type of the filed elements
- * @return true if state corresponds to derivatives with respect to state
- * @since 9.0
- */
- private <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> boolean isDSStateDerivative(final FieldSpacecraftState<T> state) {
- try {
- final DerivativeStructure dsMass = (DerivativeStructure) state.getMass();
- final int o = dsMass.getOrder();
- final int p = dsMass.getFreeParameters();
- if (o != 1 || p < 3) {
- return false;
- }
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- final FieldPVCoordinates<DerivativeStructure> pv = (FieldPVCoordinates<DerivativeStructure>) state.getPVCoordinates();
- return isVariable(pv.getPosition().getX(), 0) &&
- isVariable(pv.getPosition().getY(), 1) &&
- isVariable(pv.getPosition().getZ(), 2);
- } catch (ClassCastException cce) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- /** Check if a field state corresponds to derivatives with respect to state.
- * @param state state to check
- * @param <T> type of the filed elements
- * @return true if state corresponds to derivatives with respect to state
- * @since 10.2
- */
- private <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> boolean isGradientStateDerivative(final FieldSpacecraftState<T> state) {
- try {
- final Gradient gMass = (Gradient) state.getMass();
- final int p = gMass.getFreeParameters();
- if (p < 3) {
- return false;
- }
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- final FieldPVCoordinates<Gradient> pv = (FieldPVCoordinates<Gradient>) state.getPVCoordinates();
- return isVariable(pv.getPosition().getX(), 0) &&
- isVariable(pv.getPosition().getY(), 1) &&
- isVariable(pv.getPosition().getZ(), 2);
- } catch (ClassCastException cce) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- /** Check if a derivative represents a specified variable.
- * @param ds derivative to check
- * @param index index of the variable
- * @return true if the derivative represents a specified variable
- * @since 9.0
- */
- private boolean isVariable(final DerivativeStructure ds, final int index) {
- final double[] derivatives = ds.getAllDerivatives();
- boolean check = true;
- for (int i = 1; i < derivatives.length; ++i) {
- check &= derivatives[i] == ((index + 1 == i) ? 1.0 : 0.0);
- }
- return check;
- }
- /** Check if a derivative represents a specified variable.
- * @param g derivative to check
- * @param index index of the variable
- * @return true if the derivative represents a specified variable
- * @since 10.2
- */
- private boolean isVariable(final Gradient g, final int index) {
- final double[] derivatives = g.getGradient();
- boolean check = true;
- for (int i = 0; i < derivatives.length; ++i) {
- check &= derivatives[i] == ((index == i) ? 1.0 : 0.0);
- }
- return check;
- }
- /** Compute acceleration derivatives with respect to state parameters.
- * <p>
- * From a theoretical point of view, this method computes the same values
- * as {@link #acceleration(FieldSpacecraftState, CalculusFieldElement[])} in the
- * specific case of {@link DerivativeStructure} with respect to state, so
- * it is less general. However, it is *much* faster in this important case.
- * <p>
- * <p>
- * The derivatives should be computed with respect to position. The input
- * parameters already take into account the free parameters (6 or 7 depending
- * on derivation with respect to mass being considered or not) and order
- * (always 1). Free parameters at indices 0, 1 and 2 correspond to derivatives
- * with respect to position. Free parameters at indices 3, 4 and 5 correspond
- * to derivatives with respect to velocity (these derivatives will remain zero
- * as acceleration due to gravity does not depend on velocity). Free parameter
- * at index 6 (if present) corresponds to to derivatives with respect to mass
- * (this derivative will remain zero as acceleration due to gravity does not
- * depend on mass).
- * </p>
- * @param date current date
- * @param frame inertial reference frame for state (both orbit and attitude)
- * @param position position of spacecraft in inertial frame
- * @param mu central attraction coefficient to use
- * @return acceleration with all derivatives specified by the input parameters
- * own derivatives
- * @since 6.0
- */
- private FieldVector3D<DerivativeStructure> accelerationWrtState(final AbsoluteDate date, final Frame frame,
- final FieldVector3D<DerivativeStructure> position,
- final DerivativeStructure mu) {
- // free parameters
- final int freeParameters = mu.getFreeParameters();
- // get the position in body frame
- final StaticTransform fromBodyFrame = bodyFrame.getStaticTransformTo(frame, date);
- final StaticTransform toBodyFrame = fromBodyFrame.getInverse();
- final Vector3D positionBody = toBodyFrame.transformPosition(position.toVector3D());
- // compute gradient and Hessian
- final GradientHessian gh = gradientHessian(date, positionBody, mu.getReal());
- // gradient of the non-central part of the gravity field
- final double[] gInertial = fromBodyFrame.transformVector(new Vector3D(gh.getGradient())).toArray();
- // Hessian of the non-central part of the gravity field
- final RealMatrix hBody = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(gh.getHessian(), false);
- final RealMatrix rot = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(toBodyFrame.getRotation().getMatrix());
- final RealMatrix hInertial = rot.transposeMultiply(hBody).multiply(rot);
- // distribute all partial derivatives in a compact acceleration vector
- final double[] derivatives = new double[freeParameters + 1];
- final DerivativeStructure[] accDer = new DerivativeStructure[3];
- for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
- // first element is value of acceleration (i.e. gradient of field)
- derivatives[0] = gInertial[i];
- // Jacobian of acceleration (i.e. Hessian of field)
- derivatives[1] = hInertial.getEntry(i, 0);
- derivatives[2] = hInertial.getEntry(i, 1);
- derivatives[3] = hInertial.getEntry(i, 2);
- // next element is derivative with respect to parameter mu
- if (derivatives.length > 4 && isVariable(mu, 3)) {
- derivatives[4] = gInertial[i] / mu.getReal();
- }
- accDer[i] = position.getX().getFactory().build(derivatives);
- }
- return new FieldVector3D<>(accDer);
- }
- /** Compute acceleration derivatives with respect to state parameters.
- * <p>
- * From a theoretical point of view, this method computes the same values
- * as {@link #acceleration(FieldSpacecraftState, CalculusFieldElement[])} in the
- * specific case of {@link DerivativeStructure} with respect to state, so
- * it is less general. However, it is *much* faster in this important case.
- * <p>
- * <p>
- * The derivatives should be computed with respect to position. The input
- * parameters already take into account the free parameters (6 or 7 depending
- * on derivation with respect to mass being considered or not) and order
- * (always 1). Free parameters at indices 0, 1 and 2 correspond to derivatives
- * with respect to position. Free parameters at indices 3, 4 and 5 correspond
- * to derivatives with respect to velocity (these derivatives will remain zero
- * as acceleration due to gravity does not depend on velocity). Free parameter
- * at index 6 (if present) corresponds to to derivatives with respect to mass
- * (this derivative will remain zero as acceleration due to gravity does not
- * depend on mass).
- * </p>
- * @param date current date
- * @param frame inertial reference frame for state (both orbit and attitude)
- * @param position position of spacecraft in inertial frame
- * @param mu central attraction coefficient to use
- * @return acceleration with all derivatives specified by the input parameters
- * own derivatives
- * @since 10.2
- */
- private FieldVector3D<Gradient> accelerationWrtState(final AbsoluteDate date, final Frame frame,
- final FieldVector3D<Gradient> position,
- final Gradient mu) {
- // free parameters
- final int freeParameters = mu.getFreeParameters();
- // get the position in body frame
- final StaticTransform fromBodyFrame = bodyFrame.getStaticTransformTo(frame, date);
- final StaticTransform toBodyFrame = fromBodyFrame.getInverse();
- final Vector3D positionBody = toBodyFrame.transformPosition(position.toVector3D());
- // compute gradient and Hessian
- final GradientHessian gh = gradientHessian(date, positionBody, mu.getReal());
- // gradient of the non-central part of the gravity field
- final double[] gInertial = fromBodyFrame.transformVector(new Vector3D(gh.getGradient())).toArray();
- // Hessian of the non-central part of the gravity field
- final RealMatrix hBody = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(gh.getHessian(), false);
- final RealMatrix rot = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(toBodyFrame.getRotation().getMatrix());
- final RealMatrix hInertial = rot.transposeMultiply(hBody).multiply(rot);
- // distribute all partial derivatives in a compact acceleration vector
- final double[] derivatives = new double[freeParameters];
- final Gradient[] accDer = new Gradient[3];
- for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
- // Jacobian of acceleration (i.e. Hessian of field)
- derivatives[0] = hInertial.getEntry(i, 0);
- derivatives[1] = hInertial.getEntry(i, 1);
- derivatives[2] = hInertial.getEntry(i, 2);
- // next element is derivative with respect to parameter mu
- if (derivatives.length > 3 && isVariable(mu, 3)) {
- derivatives[3] = gInertial[i] / mu.getReal();
- }
- accDer[i] = new Gradient(gInertial[i], derivatives);
- }
- return new FieldVector3D<>(accDer);
- }
- /** {@inheritDoc} */
- public List<ParameterDriver> getParametersDrivers() {
- return Collections.singletonList(gmParameterDriver);
- }
- }