- /* Copyright 2002-2024 CS GROUP
- * Licensed to CS GROUP (CS) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * CS licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- package org.orekit.models.earth.displacement;
- import org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D;
- import org.hipparchus.util.FastMath;
- import org.orekit.data.BodiesElements;
- import org.orekit.data.PoissonSeries.CompiledSeries;
- import org.orekit.frames.Frame;
- import org.orekit.time.AbsoluteDate;
- import org.orekit.utils.IERSConventions;
- import org.orekit.utils.PVCoordinatesProvider;
- /**
- * Modeling of displacement of reference points due to tidal effects.
- * <p>
- * This class implements displacement of reference point (i.e.
- * {@link org.orekit.estimation.measurements.GroundStation ground stations})
- * due to tidal effects, as per IERS conventions.
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * Displacement can be computed with respect to either <em>conventional tide free</em>
- * or <em>mean tide</em> coordinates. The difference between the two systems is
- * about -12cm at poles and +6cm at equator. Selecting one system or the other
- * depends on how the station coordinates have been computed (i.e. it depends
- * whether the coordinates already include the permanent deformation or not).
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * Instances of this class are guaranteed to be immutable
- * </p>
- * @see org.orekit.estimation.measurements.GroundStation
- * @since 9.1
- * @author Luc Maisonobe
- */
- public class TidalDisplacement implements StationDisplacement {
- /** Sun motion model. */
- private final PVCoordinatesProvider sun;
- /** Moon motion model. */
- private final PVCoordinatesProvider moon;
- /** Flag for permanent deformation. */
- private final boolean removePermanentDeformation;
- /** Ratio for degree 2 tide generated by Sun. */
- private final double ratio2S;
- /** Ratio for degree 3 tide generated by Sun. */
- private final double ratio3S;
- /** Ratio for degree 2 tide generated by Moon. */
- private final double ratio2M;
- /** Ratio for degree 3 tide generated by Moon. */
- private final double ratio3M;
- /** Displacement Shida number h⁽⁰⁾. */
- private final double hSup0;
- /** Displacement Shida number h⁽²⁾. */
- private final double hSup2;
- /** Displacement Shida number h₃. */
- private final double h3;
- /** Displacement Shida number hI diurnal. */
- private final double hIDiurnal;
- /** Displacement Shida number hI semi-diurnal. */
- private final double hISemiDiurnal;
- /** Displacement Love number l⁽⁰⁾. */
- private final double lSup0;
- /** Displacement Love number l⁽¹⁾ diurnal. */
- private final double lSup1Diurnal;
- /** Displacement Love number l⁽¹⁾ semi-diurnal. */
- private final double lSup1SemiDiurnal;
- /** Displacement Love number l⁽²⁾. */
- private final double lSup2;
- /** Displacement Love number l₃. */
- private final double l3;
- /** Displacement Love number lI diurnal. */
- private final double lIDiurnal;
- /** Displacement Love number lI semi-diurnal. */
- private final double lISemiDiurnal;
- /** Permanent deformation amplitude. */
- private final double h0Permanent;
- /** Function computing corrections in the frequency domain for diurnal tides.
- * <ul>
- * <li>f[0]: radial correction, longitude cosine part</li>
- * <li>f[1]: radial correction, longitude sine part</li>
- * <li>f[2]: North correction, longitude cosine part</li>
- * <li>f[3]: North correction, longitude sine part</li>
- * <li>f[4]: East correction, longitude cosine part</li>
- * <li>f[5]: East correction, longitude sine part</li>
- * </ul>
- */
- private final CompiledSeries frequencyCorrectionDiurnal;
- /** Function computing corrections in the frequency domain for zonal tides.
- * <ul>
- * <li>f[0]: radial correction</li>
- * <li>f[1]: North correction, longitude cosine part</li>
- * </ul>
- */
- private final CompiledSeries frequencyCorrectionZonal;
- /** Simple constructor.
- * @param rEarth Earth equatorial radius (from gravity field model)
- * @param sunEarthSystemMassRatio Sun/(Earth + Moon) mass ratio
- * (typically {@link org.orekit.utils.Constants#JPL_SSD_SUN_EARTH_PLUS_MOON_MASS_RATIO Constants.JPL_SSD_SUN_EARTH_PLUS_MOON_MASS_RATIO})
- * @param earthMoonMassRatio Earth/Moon mass ratio
- * (typically {@link org.orekit.utils.Constants#JPL_SSD_EARTH_MOON_MASS_RATIO Constants.JPL_SSD_EARTH_MOON_MASS_RATIO})
- * @param sun Sun model
- * @param moon Moon model
- * @param conventions IERS conventions to use
- * @param removePermanentDeformation if true, the station coordinates are
- * considered <em>mean tide</em> and already include the permanent deformation, hence
- * it should be removed from the displacement to avoid considering it twice;
- * if false, the station coordinates are considered <em>conventional tide free</em>
- * so the permanent deformation must be included in the displacement
- * @see org.orekit.frames.FramesFactory#getITRF(IERSConventions, boolean)
- * @see org.orekit.frames.FramesFactory#getEOPHistory(IERSConventions, boolean)
- * @see org.orekit.utils.Constants#JPL_SSD_SUN_EARTH_PLUS_MOON_MASS_RATIO
- * @see org.orekit.utils.Constants#JPL_SSD_EARTH_MOON_MASS_RATIO
- */
- public TidalDisplacement(final double rEarth,
- final double sunEarthSystemMassRatio,
- final double earthMoonMassRatio,
- final PVCoordinatesProvider sun, final PVCoordinatesProvider moon,
- final IERSConventions conventions,
- final boolean removePermanentDeformation) {
- final double sunEarthMassRatio = sunEarthSystemMassRatio * (1 + 1 / earthMoonMassRatio);
- final double moonEarthMassRatio = 1.0 / earthMoonMassRatio;
- this.sun = sun;
- this.moon = moon;
- this.removePermanentDeformation = removePermanentDeformation;
- final double r2 = rEarth * rEarth;
- final double r4 = r2 * r2;
- this.ratio2S = r4 * sunEarthMassRatio;
- this.ratio3S = ratio2S * rEarth;
- this.ratio2M = r4 * moonEarthMassRatio;
- this.ratio3M = ratio2M * rEarth;
- // Get the nominal values for the Love and Shiva numbers
- final double[] hl = conventions.getNominalTidalDisplacement();
- hSup0 = hl[ 0];
- hSup2 = hl[ 1];
- h3 = hl[ 2];
- hIDiurnal = hl[ 3];
- hISemiDiurnal = hl[ 4];
- lSup0 = hl[ 5];
- lSup1Diurnal = hl[ 6];
- lSup1SemiDiurnal = hl[ 7];
- lSup2 = hl[ 8];
- l3 = hl[ 9];
- lIDiurnal = hl[10];
- lISemiDiurnal = hl[11];
- h0Permanent = hl[12];
- this.frequencyCorrectionDiurnal = conventions.getTidalDisplacementFrequencyCorrectionDiurnal();
- this.frequencyCorrectionZonal = conventions.getTidalDisplacementFrequencyCorrectionZonal();
- }
- /** {@inheritDoc} */
- @Override
- public Vector3D displacement(final BodiesElements elements, final Frame earthFrame, final Vector3D referencePoint) {
- final AbsoluteDate date = elements.getDate();
- // preliminary computation (we hold everything in local variables so method is thread-safe)
- final PointData pointData = new PointData(referencePoint);
- final Vector3D sunPosition = sun.getPosition(date, earthFrame);
- final BodyData sunData = new BodyData(sunPosition, ratio2S, ratio3S, pointData);
- final Vector3D moonPosition = moon.getPosition(date, earthFrame);
- final BodyData moonData = new BodyData(moonPosition, ratio2M, ratio3M, pointData);
- // step 1 in IERS procedure: corrections in the time domain
- Vector3D displacement = timeDomainCorrection(pointData, sunData, moonData);
- // step 2 in IERS procedure: corrections in the frequency domain
- displacement = displacement.add(frequencyDomainCorrection(elements, pointData));
- if (removePermanentDeformation) {
- // the station coordinates already include permanent deformation,
- // so it should not be included in the displacement that will be
- // added to these coordinates to avoid considering this deformation twice
- // as step 1 did include permanent deformation, we remove it here
- displacement = displacement.subtract(permanentDeformation(pointData));
- }
- return displacement;
- }
- /** Compute the corrections in the time domain (step 1 in IERS procedure).
- * @param pointData reference point data
- * @param sunData Sun data
- * @param moonData Moon data
- * @return displacement of the reference point
- */
- private Vector3D timeDomainCorrection(final PointData pointData,
- final BodyData sunData, final BodyData moonData) {
- final double h2 = hSup0 + hSup2 * pointData.f;
- final double l2 = lSup0 + lSup2 * pointData.f;
- // in-phase, degree 2 (equation 7.5 in IERS conventions 2010)
- final double s2R = sunData.factor2 * 3.0 * l2 * sunData.dot;
- final double s2r = sunData.factor2 * 0.5 * h2 * (3 * sunData.dot2 - 1) - s2R * sunData.dot;
- final double m2R = moonData.factor2 * 3.0 * l2 * moonData.dot;
- final double m2r = moonData.factor2 * 0.5 * h2 * (3 * moonData.dot2 - 1) - m2R * moonData.dot;
- // in-phase, degree 3 (equation 7.6 in IERS conventions 2010)
- final double s3R = sunData.factor3 * l3 * (7.5 * sunData.dot2 - 1.5);
- final double s3r = sunData.factor3 * h3 * sunData.dot * (2.5 * sunData.dot2 - 1.5) - s3R * sunData.dot;
- final double m3R = moonData.factor3 * l3 * (7.5 * moonData.dot2 - 1.5);
- final double m3r = moonData.factor3 * h3 * moonData.dot * (2.5 * moonData.dot2 - 1.5) - m3R * moonData.dot;
- // combine contributions along radial, Sun and Moon directions
- final Vector3D inPhaseDisplacement = new Vector3D(s2r + m2r + s3r + m3r, pointData.radial,
- (s2R + s3R) / sunData.r, sunData.position,
- (m2R + m3R) / moonData.r, moonData.position);
- // out-of-phase, degree 2, diurnal tides (equations 7.10a and 7.10b in IERS conventions 2010)
- final double drOd = -0.75 * hIDiurnal * pointData.sin2Phi *
- (sunData.factor2 * sunData.sin2Phi * sunData.sinDeltaLambda +
- moonData.factor2 * moonData.sin2Phi * moonData.sinDeltaLambda);
- final double dnOd = -1.5 * lIDiurnal * pointData.cos2Phi *
- (sunData.factor2 * sunData.sin2Phi * sunData.sinDeltaLambda +
- moonData.factor2 * moonData.sin2Phi * moonData.sinDeltaLambda);
- final double deOd = -1.5 * lIDiurnal * pointData.sinPhi *
- (sunData.factor2 * sunData.sin2Phi * sunData.cosDeltaLambda +
- moonData.factor2 * moonData.sin2Phi * moonData.cosDeltaLambda);
- // out-of-phase, degree 2, semi-diurnal tides (equation 7.11 in IERS conventions 2010)
- final double drOsd = -0.75 * hISemiDiurnal * pointData.cosPhi2 *
- (sunData.factor2 * sunData.cosPhi2 * sunData.sin2DeltaLambda +
- moonData.factor2 * moonData.cosPhi2 * moonData.sin2DeltaLambda);
- final double dnOsd = 0.75 * lISemiDiurnal * pointData.sin2Phi *
- (sunData.factor2 * sunData.cosPhi2 * sunData.sin2DeltaLambda +
- moonData.factor2 * moonData.cosPhi2 * moonData.sin2DeltaLambda);
- final double deOsd = -1.5 * lISemiDiurnal * pointData.cosPhi *
- (sunData.factor2 * sunData.cosPhi2 * sunData.cos2DeltaLambda +
- moonData.factor2 * moonData.cosPhi2 * moonData.cos2DeltaLambda);
- // latitude dependency, diurnal tides (equation 7.8 in IERS conventions 2010)
- final double dnLd = -lSup1Diurnal * pointData.sinPhi2 *
- (sunData.factor2 * sunData.p21 * sunData.cosDeltaLambda +
- moonData.factor2 * moonData.p21 * moonData.cosDeltaLambda);
- final double deLd = lSup1Diurnal * pointData.sinPhi * pointData.cos2Phi *
- (sunData.factor2 * sunData.p21 * sunData.sinDeltaLambda +
- moonData.factor2 * moonData.p21 * moonData.sinDeltaLambda);
- // latitude dependency, semi-diurnal tides (equation 7.9 in IERS conventions 2010)
- final double dnLsd = -0.25 * lSup1SemiDiurnal * pointData.sin2Phi *
- (sunData.factor2 * sunData.p22 * sunData.cos2DeltaLambda +
- moonData.factor2 * moonData.p22 * moonData.cos2DeltaLambda);
- final double deLsd = -0.25 * lSup1SemiDiurnal * pointData.sin2Phi * pointData.sinPhi *
- (sunData.factor2 * sunData.p22 * sunData.sin2DeltaLambda +
- moonData.factor2 * moonData.p22 * moonData.sin2DeltaLambda);
- // combine diurnal and semi-diurnal tides
- final Vector3D outOfPhaseDisplacement = new Vector3D(drOd + drOsd, pointData.radial,
- dnOd + dnOsd + dnLd + dnLsd, pointData.north,
- deOd + deOsd + deLd + deLsd, pointData.east);
- return inPhaseDisplacement.add(outOfPhaseDisplacement);
- }
- /** Compute the corrections in the frequency domain (step 2 in IERS procedure).
- * @param elements elements affecting Earth orientation
- * @param pointData reference point data
- * @return displacement of the reference point
- */
- private Vector3D frequencyDomainCorrection(final BodiesElements elements, final PointData pointData) {
- // corrections due to diurnal tides
- final double[] cD = frequencyCorrectionDiurnal.value(elements);
- final double drD = pointData.sin2Phi * (cD[0] * pointData.cosLambda + cD[1] * pointData.sinLambda);
- final double dnD = pointData.cos2Phi * (cD[2] * pointData.cosLambda + cD[3] * pointData.sinLambda);
- final double deD = pointData.sinPhi * (cD[4] * pointData.cosLambda + cD[5] * pointData.sinLambda);
- // corrections due to zonal long period tides
- final double[] cZ = frequencyCorrectionZonal.value(elements);
- final double drZ = (1.5 * pointData.sinPhi2 - 0.5) * cZ[0];
- final double dnZ = pointData.sin2Phi * cZ[1];
- return new Vector3D(drD + drZ, pointData.radial,
- dnD + dnZ, pointData.north,
- deD, pointData.east);
- }
- /** Compute the permanent part of the deformation.
- * @param pointData reference point data
- * @return displacement of the reference point
- */
- private Vector3D permanentDeformation(final PointData pointData) {
- final double h2 = hSup0 + hSup2 * pointData.f;
- final double l2 = lSup0 + lSup2 * pointData.f;
- // permanent deformation, which depend only on latitude
- final double factor = FastMath.sqrt(1.25 / FastMath.PI);
- final double dr = factor * h2 * h0Permanent * pointData.f;
- final double dn = factor * 1.5 * l2 * h0Permanent * pointData.sin2Phi;
- return new Vector3D(dr, pointData.radial,
- dn, pointData.north);
- }
- /** Holder for various intermediate data related to reference point. */
- private static class PointData {
- /** Reference point position in {@link #getEarthFrame() Earth frame}. */
- private final Vector3D position;
- /** Distance to geocenter. */
- private final double r;
- /** Sine of geocentric latitude (NOT geodetic latitude). */
- private final double sinPhi;
- /** Cosine of geocentric latitude (NOT geodetic latitude). */
- private final double cosPhi;
- /** Square of the sine of the geocentric latitude (NOT geodetic latitude). */
- private final double sinPhi2;
- /** Square of the cosine of the geocentric latitude (NOT geodetic latitude). */
- private final double cosPhi2;
- /** Sine of twice the geocentric latitude (NOT geodetic latitude). */
- private final double sin2Phi;
- /** Cosine of twice the geocentric latitude (NOT geodetic latitude). */
- private final double cos2Phi;
- /** Sine of longitude. */
- private final double sinLambda;
- /** Cosine of longitude. */
- private final double cosLambda;
- /** Unit radial vector (NOT zenith as it starts from geocenter). */
- private final Vector3D radial;
- /** Unit vector in North direction. */
- private final Vector3D north;
- /** Unit vector in East direction. */
- private final Vector3D east;
- /** (3 sin²φ - 1) / 2 where φ is geoCENTRIC latitude of the reference point (NOT geodetic latitude). */
- private final double f;
- /** Simple constructor.
- * @param position reference point position in {@link #getEarthFrame() Earth frame}
- */
- PointData(final Vector3D position) {
- this.position = position;
- final double x = position.getX();
- final double y = position.getY();
- final double z = position.getZ();
- final double x2 = x * x;
- final double y2 = y * y;
- final double z2 = z * z;
- // preliminary computation related to station position
- final double rho2 = x2 + y2;
- final double rho = FastMath.sqrt(rho2);
- final double r2 = rho2 + z2;
- r = FastMath.sqrt(r2);
- sinPhi = z / r;
- cosPhi = rho / r;
- sinPhi2 = sinPhi * sinPhi;
- cosPhi2 = cosPhi * cosPhi;
- sin2Phi = 2 * sinPhi * cosPhi;
- cos2Phi = cosPhi2 - sinPhi2;
- if (rho == 0.0) {
- // at pole
- sinLambda = 0.0;
- cosLambda = 1.0;
- } else {
- // regular point
- sinLambda = y / rho;
- cosLambda = x / rho;
- }
- radial = new Vector3D(x / r, y / r, sinPhi);
- north = new Vector3D(-cosLambda * sinPhi, -sinLambda * sinPhi, cosPhi);
- east = new Vector3D(-sinLambda, cosLambda, 0);
- // (3 sin²φ - 1) / 2 where φ is geoCENTRIC latitude of the reference point (NOT geodetic latitude)
- f = (z2 - 0.5 * rho2) / r2;
- }
- }
- /** Holder for various intermediate data related to tide generating body. */
- private static class BodyData {
- /** Body position in Earth frame. */
- private final Vector3D position;
- /** Distance to geocenter. */
- private final double r;
- /** Dot product with reference point direction. */
- private final double dot;
- /** Squared dot product with reference point direction. */
- private final double dot2;
- /** Factor for degree 2 tide. */
- private final double factor2;
- /** Factor for degree 3 tide. */
- private final double factor3;
- /** Square of the cosine of the geocentric latitude (NOT geodetic latitude). */
- private final double cosPhi2;
- /** Sine of twice the geocentric latitude (NOT geodetic latitude). */
- private final double sin2Phi;
- /** Legendre function P₂¹. */
- private final double p21;
- /** Legendre function P₂². */
- private final double p22;
- /** Sine of the longitude difference with reference point. */
- private final double sinDeltaLambda;
- /** Cosine of the longitude difference with reference point. */
- private final double cosDeltaLambda;
- /** Sine of twice the longitude difference with reference point. */
- private final double sin2DeltaLambda;
- /** Cosine of twice the longitude difference with reference point. */
- private final double cos2DeltaLambda;
- /** Simple constructor.
- * @param position body position in Earth frame
- * @param ratio2 ratio for the degree 2 tide generated by this body
- * @param ratio3 ratio for the degree 3 tide generated by this body
- * @param pointData reference point data
- */
- BodyData(final Vector3D position, final double ratio2, final double ratio3,
- final PointData pointData) {
- final double x = position.getX();
- final double y = position.getY();
- final double z = position.getZ();
- final double x2 = x * x;
- final double y2 = y * y;
- final double z2 = z * z;
- this.position = position;
- final double r2 = x2 + y2 + z2;
- r = FastMath.sqrt(r2);
- dot = Vector3D.dotProduct(position, pointData.position) / (r * pointData.r);
- dot2 = dot * dot;
- factor2 = ratio2 / (r2 * r);
- factor3 = ratio3 / (r2 * r2);
- final double rho = FastMath.sqrt(x2 + y2);
- final double sinPhi = z / r;
- final double cosPhi = rho / r;
- final double sinCos = sinPhi * cosPhi;
- cosPhi2 = cosPhi * cosPhi;
- sin2Phi = 2 * sinCos;
- p21 = 3 * sinCos;
- p22 = 3 * cosPhi2;
- final double sinLambda = y / rho;
- final double cosLambda = x / rho;
- sinDeltaLambda = pointData.sinLambda * cosLambda - pointData.cosLambda * sinLambda;
- cosDeltaLambda = pointData.cosLambda * cosLambda + pointData.sinLambda * sinLambda;
- sin2DeltaLambda = 2 * sinDeltaLambda * cosDeltaLambda;
- cos2DeltaLambda = cosDeltaLambda * cosDeltaLambda - sinDeltaLambda * sinDeltaLambda;
- }
- }
- }