
/* Copyright 2002-2024 CS GROUP
 * Licensed to CS GROUP (CS) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * CS licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.orekit.models.earth.weather;

import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;

import org.hipparchus.CalculusFieldElement;
import org.hipparchus.util.FastMath;
import org.orekit.bodies.FieldGeodeticPoint;
import org.orekit.bodies.GeodeticPoint;
import org.orekit.data.DataSource;
import org.orekit.models.earth.troposphere.AzimuthalGradientCoefficients;
import org.orekit.models.earth.troposphere.AzimuthalGradientProvider;
import org.orekit.models.earth.troposphere.FieldAzimuthalGradientCoefficients;
import org.orekit.models.earth.troposphere.FieldViennaACoefficients;
import org.orekit.models.earth.troposphere.TroposphericModelUtils;
import org.orekit.models.earth.troposphere.ViennaACoefficients;
import org.orekit.models.earth.troposphere.ViennaAProvider;
import org.orekit.time.AbsoluteDate;
import org.orekit.time.FieldAbsoluteDate;
import org.orekit.time.TimeScale;
import org.orekit.utils.Constants;

/** Base class for Global Pressure and Temperature 2, 2w and 3 models.
 * These models are empirical models that provide the temperature, the pressure and the water vapor pressure
 * of a site depending its latitude and  longitude. These models also {@link ViennaACoefficients provide}
 * the a<sub>h</sub> and a<sub>w</sub> coefficients for Vienna models.
 * <p>
 * The requisite coefficients for the computation of the weather parameters are provided by the
 * Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation of the Vienna University. They are based on an
 * external grid file like "gpt2_1.grd" (1° x 1°), "gpt2_5.grd" (5° x 5°), "gpt2_1w.grd" (1° x 1°),
 * "gpt2_5w.grd" (5° x 5°), "gpt3_1.grd" (1° x 1°), or "gpt3_5.grd" (5° x 5°) available at:
 * <a href="https://vmf.geo.tuwien.ac.at/codes/"> link</a>
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * A bilinear interpolation is performed in order to obtained the correct values of the weather parameters.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * The format is always the same, with and example shown below for the pressure and the temperature.
 * The "GPT2w" model (w stands for wet) also provide humidity parameters and the "GPT3" model also
 * provides horizontal gradient, so the number of columns vary depending on the model.
 * <p>
 * Example:
 * </p>
 * <pre>
 * %  lat    lon   p:a0    A1   B1   A2   B2  T:a0    A1   B1   A2   B2
 *   87.5    2.5 101421    21  409 -217 -122 259.2 -13.2 -6.1  2.6  0.3
 *   87.5    7.5 101416    21  411 -213 -120 259.3 -13.1 -6.1  2.6  0.3
 *   87.5   12.5 101411    22  413 -209 -118 259.3 -13.1 -6.1  2.6  0.3
 *   87.5   17.5 101407    23  415 -205 -116 259.4 -13.0 -6.1  2.6  0.3
 *   ...
 * </pre>
 * @see "K. Lagler, M. Schindelegger, J. Böhm, H. Krasna, T. Nilsson (2013),
 * GPT2: empirical slant delay model for radio space geodetic techniques. Geophys
 * Res Lett 40(6):1069–1073. doi:10.1002/grl.50288"
 * @author Bryan Cazabonne
 * @author Luc Maisonobe
 * @since 12.1
public class AbstractGlobalPressureTemperature
    implements ViennaAProvider, AzimuthalGradientProvider, PressureTemperatureHumidityProvider {

    /** Standard gravity constant [m/s²]. */
    private static final double G = Constants.G0_STANDARD_GRAVITY;

    /** Ideal gas constant for dry air [J/kg/K]. */
    private static final double R = 287.0;

    /** Loaded grid. */
    private final Grid grid;

    /** UTC time scale. */
    private final TimeScale utc;

     * Constructor with source of GPTn auxiliary data given by user.
     * @param source grid data source
     * @param utc UTC time scale.
     * @param expected expected seasonal models types
     * @exception IOException if grid data cannot be read
    protected AbstractGlobalPressureTemperature(final DataSource source, final TimeScale utc,
                                                final SeasonalModelType... expected)
        throws IOException {
        this.utc = utc;

        // load the grid data
        try (InputStream         is     = source.getOpener().openStreamOnce();
             BufferedInputStream bis    = new BufferedInputStream(is)) {
            final GptNParser     parser = new GptNParser(expected);
            parser.loadData(bis, source.getName());
            grid = parser.getGrid();


     * Constructor with already loaded grid.
     * @param grid loaded grid
     * @param utc UTC time scale.
     * @deprecated as of 12.1 used only by {@link GlobalPressureTemperature2Model}
    protected AbstractGlobalPressureTemperature(final Grid grid, final TimeScale utc) {
        this.grid = grid;
        this.utc  = utc;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public ViennaACoefficients getA(final GeodeticPoint location, final AbsoluteDate date) {

        // set up interpolation parameters
        final CellInterpolator interpolator = grid.getInterpolator(location.getLatitude(), location.getLongitude());
        final int dayOfYear = date.getComponents(utc).getDate().getDayOfYear();

        // ah and aw coefficients
        return new ViennaACoefficients(interpolator.interpolate(e -> e.getModel(SeasonalModelType.AH).evaluate(dayOfYear)) * 0.001,
                                       interpolator.interpolate(e -> e.getModel(SeasonalModelType.AW).evaluate(dayOfYear)) * 0.001);


    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public PressureTemperatureHumidity getWeatherParamerers(final GeodeticPoint location, final AbsoluteDate date) {

        // set up interpolation parameters
        final CellInterpolator interpolator = grid.getInterpolator(location.getLatitude(), location.getLongitude());
        final int dayOfYear = date.getComponents(utc).getDate().getDayOfYear();

        // Corrected height (can be negative)
        final double undu            = interpolator.interpolate(e -> e.getUndulation());
        final double correctedheight = location.getAltitude() - undu - interpolator.interpolate(e -> e.getHs());

        // Temperature gradient [K/m]
        final double dTdH = interpolator.interpolate(e -> e.getModel(SeasonalModelType.DT).evaluate(dayOfYear)) * 0.001;

        // Specific humidity
        final double qv = interpolator.interpolate(e -> e.getModel(SeasonalModelType.QV).evaluate(dayOfYear)) * 0.001;

        // For the computation of the temperature and the pressure, we use
        // the standard ICAO atmosphere formulas.

        // Temperature [K]
        final double t0 = interpolator.interpolate(e -> e.getModel(SeasonalModelType.TEMPERATURE).evaluate(dayOfYear));
        final double temperature = t0 + dTdH * correctedheight;

        // Pressure [hPa]
        final double p0       = interpolator.interpolate(e -> e.getModel(SeasonalModelType.PRESSURE).evaluate(dayOfYear));
        final double exponent = G / (dTdH * R);
        final double pressure = p0 * FastMath.pow(1 - (dTdH / t0) * correctedheight, exponent) * 0.01;

        // Water vapor pressure [hPa]
        final double e0 = qv * pressure / (0.622 + 0.378 * qv);

        // mean temperature weighted with water vapor pressure
        final double tm = grid.hasModels(SeasonalModelType.TM) ?
                          interpolator.interpolate(e -> e.getModel(SeasonalModelType.TM).evaluate(dayOfYear)) :

        // water vapor decrease factor
        final double lambda = grid.hasModels(SeasonalModelType.LAMBDA) ?
                              interpolator.interpolate(e -> e.getModel(SeasonalModelType.LAMBDA).evaluate(dayOfYear)) :

        return new PressureTemperatureHumidity(location.getAltitude(),


    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public AzimuthalGradientCoefficients getGradientCoefficients(final GeodeticPoint location, final AbsoluteDate date) {

        if (grid.hasModels(SeasonalModelType.GN_H, SeasonalModelType.GE_H, SeasonalModelType.GN_W, SeasonalModelType.GE_W)) {
            // set up interpolation parameters
            final CellInterpolator interpolator = grid.getInterpolator(location.getLatitude(), location.getLongitude());
            final int              dayOfYear    = date.getComponents(utc).getDate().getDayOfYear();

            return new AzimuthalGradientCoefficients(interpolator.interpolate(e -> e.getModel(SeasonalModelType.GN_H).evaluate(dayOfYear)),
                                                     interpolator.interpolate(e -> e.getModel(SeasonalModelType.GE_H).evaluate(dayOfYear)),
                                                     interpolator.interpolate(e -> e.getModel(SeasonalModelType.GN_W).evaluate(dayOfYear)),
                                                     interpolator.interpolate(e -> e.getModel(SeasonalModelType.GE_W).evaluate(dayOfYear)));
        } else {
            return null;


    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> FieldViennaACoefficients<T> getA(final FieldGeodeticPoint<T> location,
                                                                                final FieldAbsoluteDate<T> date) {

        // set up interpolation parameters
        final FieldCellInterpolator<T> interpolator = grid.getInterpolator(location.getLatitude(), location.getLongitude());
        final int dayOfYear = date.getComponents(utc).getDate().getDayOfYear();

        // ah and aw coefficients
        return new FieldViennaACoefficients<>(interpolator.interpolate(e -> e.getModel(SeasonalModelType.AH).evaluate(dayOfYear)).multiply(0.001),
                                              interpolator.interpolate(e -> e.getModel(SeasonalModelType.AW).evaluate(dayOfYear)).multiply(0.001));


    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> FieldPressureTemperatureHumidity<T> getWeatherParamerers(final FieldGeodeticPoint<T> location,
                                                                                                        final FieldAbsoluteDate<T> date) {

        // set up interpolation parameters
        final FieldCellInterpolator<T> interpolator = grid.getInterpolator(location.getLatitude(), location.getLongitude());
        final int dayOfYear = date.getComponents(utc).getDate().getDayOfYear();

        // Corrected height (can be negative)
        final T undu            = interpolator.interpolate(e -> e.getUndulation());
        final T correctedheight = location.getAltitude().subtract(undu).subtract(interpolator.interpolate(e -> e.getHs()));

        // Temperature gradient [K/m]
        final T dTdH = interpolator.interpolate(e -> e.getModel(SeasonalModelType.DT).evaluate(dayOfYear)).multiply(0.001);

        // Specific humidity
        final T qv = interpolator.interpolate(e -> e.getModel(SeasonalModelType.QV).evaluate(dayOfYear)).multiply(0.001);

        // For the computation of the temperature and the pressure, we use
        // the standard ICAO atmosphere formulas.

        // Temperature [K]
        final T t0 = interpolator.interpolate(e -> e.getModel(SeasonalModelType.TEMPERATURE).evaluate(dayOfYear));
        final T temperature = correctedheight.multiply(dTdH).add(t0);

        // Pressure [hPa]
        final T p0       = interpolator.interpolate(e -> e.getModel(SeasonalModelType.PRESSURE).evaluate(dayOfYear));
        final T exponent = dTdH.multiply(R).reciprocal().multiply(G);
        final T pressure = FastMath.pow(correctedheight.multiply(dTdH.negate().divide(t0)).add(1), exponent).multiply(p0.multiply(0.01));

        // Water vapor pressure [hPa]
        final T e0 = pressure.multiply(qv.divide(qv.multiply(0.378).add(0.622 )));

        // mean temperature weighted with water vapor pressure
        final T tm = grid.hasModels(SeasonalModelType.TM) ?
                     interpolator.interpolate(e -> e.getModel(SeasonalModelType.TM).evaluate(dayOfYear)) :

        // water vapor decrease factor
        final T lambda = grid.hasModels(SeasonalModelType.LAMBDA) ?
                         interpolator.interpolate(e -> e.getModel(SeasonalModelType.LAMBDA).evaluate(dayOfYear)) :

        return new FieldPressureTemperatureHumidity<>(location.getAltitude(),


    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> FieldAzimuthalGradientCoefficients<T> getGradientCoefficients(final FieldGeodeticPoint<T> location,
                                                                                                             final FieldAbsoluteDate<T> date) {

        if (grid.hasModels(SeasonalModelType.GN_H, SeasonalModelType.GE_H, SeasonalModelType.GN_W, SeasonalModelType.GE_W)) {
            // set up interpolation parameters
            final FieldCellInterpolator<T> interpolator = grid.getInterpolator(location.getLatitude(), location.getLongitude());
            final int                      dayOfYear    = date.getComponents(utc).getDate().getDayOfYear();

            return new FieldAzimuthalGradientCoefficients<>(interpolator.interpolate(e -> e.getModel(SeasonalModelType.GN_H).evaluate(dayOfYear)),
                                                            interpolator.interpolate(e -> e.getModel(SeasonalModelType.GE_H).evaluate(dayOfYear)),
                                                            interpolator.interpolate(e -> e.getModel(SeasonalModelType.GN_W).evaluate(dayOfYear)),
                                                            interpolator.interpolate(e -> e.getModel(SeasonalModelType.GE_W).evaluate(dayOfYear)));
        } else {
            return null;

