/* Copyright 2002-2024 CS GROUP
 * Licensed to CS GROUP (CS) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * CS licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.hipparchus.geometry.enclosing.EnclosingBall;
import org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D;
import org.hipparchus.geometry.spherical.twod.Edge;
import org.hipparchus.geometry.spherical.twod.S2Point;
import org.hipparchus.geometry.spherical.twod.Sphere2D;
import org.hipparchus.geometry.spherical.twod.SphericalPolygonsSet;
import org.hipparchus.geometry.spherical.twod.Vertex;
import org.hipparchus.util.FastMath;
import org.hipparchus.util.SinCos;
import org.orekit.bodies.BodyShape;
import org.orekit.bodies.GeodeticPoint;
import org.orekit.bodies.OneAxisEllipsoid;
import org.orekit.frames.StaticTransform;
import org.orekit.geometry.fov.FieldOfView;
import org.orekit.propagation.SpacecraftState;

/** Detector triggered by geographical region entering/leaving a spacecraft sensor
 * {@link FieldOfView Field Of View}.
 * <p>
 * This detector is a mix between to {@link FieldOfViewDetector} and {@link
 * GeographicZoneDetector}. Similar to the first detector above, it triggers events
 * related to entry/exit of targets in a Field Of View, taking attitude into account.
 * Similar to the second detector above, its target is an entire geographic region
 * (which can even be split in several non-connected patches and can have holes).
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * This detector is typically used for ground observation missions with agile
 * satellites than can look away from nadir.
 * </p>
 * <p>The default implementation behavior is to {@link Action#CONTINUE continue}
 * propagation at FOV entry and to {@link Action#STOP stop} propagation
 * at FOV exit. This can be changed by calling
 * {@link #withHandler(EventHandler)} after construction.</p>
 * @see org.orekit.propagation.Propagator#addEventDetector(EventDetector)
 * @see FieldOfViewDetector
 * @see GeographicZoneDetector
 * @author Luc Maisonobe
 * @since 7.1
public class FootprintOverlapDetector extends AbstractDetector<FootprintOverlapDetector> {

    /** Field of view. */
    private final FieldOfView fov;

    /** Body on which the geographic zone is defined. */
    private final OneAxisEllipsoid body;

    /** Geographic zone to consider. */
    private final SphericalPolygonsSet zone;

    /** Linear step used for sampling the geographic zone. */
    private final double samplingStep;

    /** Sampling of the geographic zone. */
    private final List<SamplingPoint> sampledZone;

    /** Center of the spherical cap surrounding the zone. */
    private final Vector3D capCenter;

    /** Cosine of the radius of the spherical cap surrounding the zone. */
    private final double capCos;

    /** Sine of the radius of the spherical cap surrounding the zone. */
    private final double capSin;

    /** Build a new instance.
     * <p>The maximal interval between distance to FOV boundary checks should
     * be smaller than the half duration of the minimal pass to handle,
     * otherwise some short passes could be missed.</p>
     * @param fov sensor field of view
     * @param body body on which the geographic zone is defined
     * @param zone geographic zone to consider
     * @param samplingStep linear step used for sampling the geographic zone (in meters)
     * @since 10.1
    public FootprintOverlapDetector(final FieldOfView fov,
                                    final OneAxisEllipsoid body,
                                    final SphericalPolygonsSet zone,
                                    final double samplingStep) {
             new StopOnIncreasing(),
             fov, body, zone, samplingStep, sample(body, zone, samplingStep));

    /** Protected constructor with full parameters.
     * <p>
     * This constructor is not public as users are expected to use the builder
     * API with the various {@code withXxx()} methods to set up the instance
     * in a readable manner without using a huge amount of parameters.
     * </p>
     * @param maxCheck maximum checking interval
     * @param threshold convergence threshold (s)
     * @param maxIter maximum number of iterations in the event time search
     * @param handler event handler to call at event occurrences
     * @param body body on which the geographic zone is defined
     * @param zone geographic zone to consider
     * @param fov sensor field of view
     * @param sampledZone sampling of the geographic zone
     * @param samplingStep linear step used for sampling the geographic zone (in meters)
    protected FootprintOverlapDetector(final AdaptableInterval maxCheck, final double threshold,
                                       final int maxIter, final EventHandler handler,
                                       final FieldOfView fov,
                                       final OneAxisEllipsoid body,
                                       final SphericalPolygonsSet zone,
                                       final double samplingStep,
                                       final List<SamplingPoint> sampledZone) {

        super(maxCheck, threshold, maxIter, handler);
        this.fov          = fov;
        this.body         = body;
        this.samplingStep = samplingStep;         = zone;
        this.sampledZone  = sampledZone;

        final EnclosingBall<Sphere2D, S2Point> cap = zone.getEnclosingCap();
        final SinCos sc = FastMath.sinCos(cap.getRadius());
        this.capCenter    = cap.getCenter().getVector();
        this.capCos       = sc.cos();
        this.capSin       = sc.sin();


    /** Sample the region.
     * @param body body on which the geographic zone is defined
     * @param zone geographic zone to consider
     * @param samplingStep  linear step used for sampling the geographic zone (in meters)
     * @return sampling points
    private static List<SamplingPoint> sample(final OneAxisEllipsoid body,
                                              final SphericalPolygonsSet zone,
                                              final double samplingStep) {

        final List<SamplingPoint> sampledZone = new ArrayList<SamplingPoint>();

        // sample the zone boundary
        final List<Vertex> boundary = zone.getBoundaryLoops();
        for (final Vertex loopStart : boundary) {
            int count = 0;
            for (Vertex v = loopStart; count == 0 || v != loopStart; v = v.getOutgoing().getEnd()) {
                final Edge edge = v.getOutgoing();
                final int n = (int) FastMath.ceil(edge.getLength() * body.getEquatorialRadius() / samplingStep);
                for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
                    final S2Point intermediate = new S2Point(edge.getPointAt(i * edge.getLength() / n));
                    final GeodeticPoint gp = new GeodeticPoint(0.5 * FastMath.PI - intermediate.getPhi(),
                                                               intermediate.getTheta(), 0.0);
                    sampledZone.add(new SamplingPoint(body.transform(gp), gp.getZenith()));

        // sample the zone interior
        final EllipsoidTessellator tessellator =
                        new EllipsoidTessellator(body, new DivertedSingularityAiming(zone), 1);
        final List<List<GeodeticPoint>> gpSample = tessellator.sample(zone, samplingStep, samplingStep);
        for (final List<GeodeticPoint> list : gpSample) {
            for (final GeodeticPoint gp : list) {
                sampledZone.add(new SamplingPoint(body.transform(gp), gp.getZenith()));

        return sampledZone;


    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    protected FootprintOverlapDetector create(final AdaptableInterval newMaxCheck, final double newThreshold,
                                              final int newMaxIter,
                                              final EventHandler newHandler) {
        return new FootprintOverlapDetector(newMaxCheck, newThreshold, newMaxIter, newHandler,
                                            fov, body, zone, samplingStep, sampledZone);

    /** Get the geographic zone triggering the events.
     * <p>
     * The zone is mapped on the unit sphere
     * </p>
     * @return geographic zone triggering the events
    public SphericalPolygonsSet getZone() {
        return zone;

    /** Get the Field Of View.
     * @return Field Of View
     * @since 10.1
    public FieldOfView getFOV() {
        return fov;

    /** Get the body on which the geographic zone is defined.
     * @return body on which the geographic zone is defined
    public BodyShape getBody() {
        return body;

    /** {@inheritDoc}
     * <p>
     * The g function value is the minimum offset among the region points
     * with respect to the Field Of View boundary. It is positive if all region
     * points are outside of the Field Of View, and negative if at least some
     * of the region points are inside of the Field Of View. The minimum is
     * computed by sampling the region, considering only the points for which
     * the spacecraft is above the horizon. The accuracy of the detection
     * depends on the linear sampling step set at detector construction. If
     * the spacecraft is below horizon for all region points, an arbitrary
     * positive value is returned.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * As per the previous definition, when the region enters the Field Of
     * View, a decreasing event is generated, and when the region leaves
     * the Field Of View, an increasing event is generated.
     * </p>
    public double g(final SpacecraftState s) {

        // initial arbitrary positive value
        double value = FastMath.PI;

        // get spacecraft position in body frame
        final Vector3D      scBody      = s.getPosition(body.getBodyFrame());

        // map the point to a sphere
        final GeodeticPoint gp          = body.transform(scBody, body.getBodyFrame(), s.getDate());
        final S2Point       s2p         = new S2Point(gp.getLongitude(), 0.5 * FastMath.PI - gp.getLatitude());

        // for faster computation, we start using only the surrounding cap, to filter out
        // far away points (which correspond to most of the points if the zone is small)
        final Vector3D p   = s2p.getVector();
        final double   dot = Vector3D.dotProduct(p, capCenter);
        if (dot < capCos) {
            // the spacecraft is outside of the cap, look for the closest cap point
            final Vector3D t     = p.subtract(dot, capCenter).normalize();
            final Vector3D close = new Vector3D(capCos, capCenter, capSin, t);
            if (Vector3D.dotProduct(p, close) < -0.01) {
                // the spacecraft is not visible from the cap edge,
                // even taking some margin into account for sphere/ellipsoid different shapes
                // this induces no points in the zone can see the spacecraft,
                // we can return the arbitrary initial positive value without performing further computation
                return value;

        // the spacecraft may be visible from some points in the zone, check them all
        final StaticTransform bodyToSc = StaticTransform.compose(
                body.getBodyFrame().getStaticTransformTo(s.getFrame(), s.getDate()),
        for (final SamplingPoint point : sampledZone) {
            final Vector3D lineOfSightBody = point.getPosition().subtract(scBody);
            if (Vector3D.dotProduct(lineOfSightBody, point.getZenith()) <= 0) {
                // spacecraft is above this sample point local horizon
                // get line of sight in spacecraft frame
                final double offset = fov.offsetFromBoundary(bodyToSc.transformVector(lineOfSightBody),
                                                             0.0, VisibilityTrigger.VISIBLE_ONLY_WHEN_FULLY_IN_FOV);
                value = FastMath.min(value, offset);

        return value;


    /** Container for sampling points. */
    private static class SamplingPoint {

        /** Position of the point. */
        private final Vector3D position;

        /** Zenith vector of the point. */
        private final Vector3D zenith;

        /** Simple constructor.
         * @param position position of the point
         * @param zenith zenith vector of the point
        SamplingPoint(final Vector3D position, final Vector3D zenith) {
            this.position = position;
            this.zenith   = zenith;

        /** Get the point position.
         * @return point position
        public Vector3D getPosition() {
            return position;

        /** Get the point zenith vector.
         * @return point zenith vector
        public Vector3D getZenith() {
            return zenith;

