- /* Copyright 2002-2024 CS GROUP
- * Licensed to CS GROUP (CS) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * CS licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- package org.orekit.propagation.numerical;
- import org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D;
- import org.hipparchus.ode.ODEIntegrator;
- import org.hipparchus.ode.nonstiff.ClassicalRungeKuttaIntegrator;
- import org.hipparchus.util.FastMath;
- import org.hipparchus.util.MathUtils;
- import org.hipparchus.util.SinCos;
- import org.orekit.attitudes.Attitude;
- import org.orekit.attitudes.AttitudeProvider;
- import;
- import org.orekit.errors.OrekitException;
- import org.orekit.errors.OrekitMessages;
- import org.orekit.frames.Frame;
- import org.orekit.orbits.CartesianOrbit;
- import org.orekit.orbits.Orbit;
- import org.orekit.orbits.OrbitType;
- import org.orekit.orbits.PositionAngleType;
- import org.orekit.propagation.PropagationType;
- import org.orekit.propagation.SpacecraftState;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import org.orekit.propagation.integration.AbstractIntegratedPropagator;
- import org.orekit.propagation.integration.StateMapper;
- import org.orekit.time.AbsoluteDate;
- import org.orekit.time.GLONASSDate;
- import org.orekit.utils.AbsolutePVCoordinates;
- import org.orekit.utils.Constants;
- import org.orekit.utils.IERSConventions;
- import org.orekit.utils.PVCoordinates;
- import org.orekit.utils.TimeStampedPVCoordinates;
- import java.util.Arrays;
- /**
- * This class propagates GLONASS orbits using numerical integration.
- * <p>
- * As recommended by the GLONASS Interface Control Document (ICD),
- * a {@link ClassicalRungeKuttaIntegrator 4th order Runge-Kutta technique}
- * shall be used to integrate the equations.
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * Classical used of this orbit propagator is to compute GLONASS satellite
- * coordinates from the navigation message.
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * If the projections of luni-solar accelerations to axes of
- * Greenwich geocentric coordinates {@link GLONASSOrbitalElements#getXDotDot() X''(tb)},
- * {@link GLONASSOrbitalElements#getYDotDot() Y''(tb)} and {@link GLONASSOrbitalElements#getZDotDot() Z''(tb)}
- * are available in the navigation message; a transformation is performed to convert these
- * accelerations into the correct coordinate system. In the case where they are not
- * available into the navigation message, these accelerations are computed.
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * <b>Caution:</b> The Glonass numerical propagator can only be used with {@link GLONASSNavigationMessage}.
- * Using this propagator with a {@link GLONASSAlmanac} is prone to error.
- * </p>
- *
- * @see <a href="">
- * GLONASS Interface Control Document</a>
- *
- * @author Bryan Cazabonne
- *
- */
- public class GLONASSNumericalPropagator extends AbstractIntegratedPropagator {
- /** Second degree coefficient of normal potential. */
- private static final double GLONASS_J20 = 1.08262575e-3;
- /** Equatorial radius of Earth (m). */
- private static final double GLONASS_EARTH_EQUATORIAL_RADIUS = 6378136;
- /** Value of the Earth's rotation rate in rad/s (See Ref). */
- private static final double GLONASS_AV = 7.2921151467e-5;
- // Data used to solve Kepler's equation
- /** First coefficient to compute Kepler equation solver starter. */
- private static final double A;
- /** Second coefficient to compute Kepler equation solver starter. */
- private static final double B;
- static {
- final double k1 = 3 * FastMath.PI + 2;
- final double k2 = FastMath.PI - 1;
- final double k3 = 6 * FastMath.PI - 1;
- A = 3 * k2 * k2 / k1;
- B = k3 * k3 / (6 * k1);
- }
- /** The GLONASS orbital elements used. */
- private final GLONASSOrbitalElements glonassOrbit;
- /** Initial date in GLONASS form. */
- private final GLONASSDate initDate;
- /** The spacecraft mass (kg). */
- private final double mass;
- /** The ECI frame used for GLONASS propagation. */
- private final Frame eci;
- /** Direction cosines and distance of perturbing body: Moon.
- * <p>
- * <ul>
- * <li>double[0] = ξ<sub>m</sub></li>
- * <li>double[1] = η<sub>m</sub></li>
- * <li>double[2] = ψ<sub>m</sub></li>
- * <li>double[3] = r<sub>m</sub></li>
- * </ul>
- * </p>
- */
- private double[] moonElements;
- /** Direction cosines and distance of perturbing body: Sun.
- * <p>
- * <ul>
- * <li>double[0] = ξ<sub>s</sub></li>
- * <li>double[1] = η<sub>s</sub></li>
- * <li>double[2] = ψ<sub>s</sub></li>
- * <li>double[3] = r<sub>s</sub></li>
- * </ul>
- * </p>
- */
- private double[] sunElements;
- /** Flag for availability of projections of acceleration transmitted within the navigation message. */
- private final boolean isAccAvailable;
- /** Data context used for propagation. */
- private final DataContext dataContext;
- /**
- * Private constructor.
- * @param integrator Runge-Kutta integrator
- * @param glonassOrbit Glonass orbital elements
- * @param eci Earth Centered Inertial frame
- * @param provider Attitude provider
- * @param mass Satellite mass (kg)
- * @param context Data context
- * @param isAccAvailable true if the acceleration is transmitted within the navigation message
- */
- public GLONASSNumericalPropagator(final ClassicalRungeKuttaIntegrator integrator,
- final GLONASSOrbitalElements glonassOrbit,
- final Frame eci, final AttitudeProvider provider,
- final double mass, final DataContext context,
- final boolean isAccAvailable) {
- super(integrator, PropagationType.OSCULATING);
- this.dataContext = context;
- this.isAccAvailable = isAccAvailable;
- // Stores the GLONASS orbital elements
- this.glonassOrbit = glonassOrbit;
- // Sets the Earth Centered Inertial frame
- this.eci = eci;
- // Sets the mass
- this.mass = mass;
- this.initDate = new GLONASSDate(
- glonassOrbit.getDate(),
- dataContext.getTimeScales().getGLONASS());
- // Initialize state mapper
- initMapper();
- setInitialState();
- setAttitudeProvider(provider);
- setOrbitType(OrbitType.CARTESIAN);
- // It is not meaningful for propagation in Cartesian parameters
- setPositionAngleType(PositionAngleType.TRUE);
- setMu(GNSSConstants.GLONASS_MU);
- // As recommended by GLONASS ICD (2016), the direction cosines and distance
- // of perturbing body are calculated one time (at tb).
- if (!isAccAvailable) {
- computeMoonElements(initDate);
- computeSunElements(initDate);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Gets the underlying GLONASS orbital elements.
- *
- * @return the underlying GLONASS orbital elements
- */
- public GLONASSOrbitalElements getGLONASSOrbitalElements() {
- return glonassOrbit;
- }
- /** {@inheritDoc} */
- @Override
- public SpacecraftState propagate(final AbsoluteDate date) {
- // Spacecraft state in inertial frame
- final SpacecraftState stateInInertial = super.propagate(date);
- // Build the spacecraft state in inertial frame
- final PVCoordinates pvInPZ90 = getPVInPZ90(stateInInertial);
- final AbsolutePVCoordinates absPV = new AbsolutePVCoordinates(
- dataContext.getFrames().getPZ9011(IERSConventions.IERS_2010, true),
- stateInInertial.getDate(), pvInPZ90);
- final TimeStampedPVCoordinates pvInInertial = absPV.getPVCoordinates(eci);
- return new SpacecraftState(new CartesianOrbit(pvInInertial, eci, pvInInertial.getDate(), GNSSConstants.GLONASS_MU),
- stateInInertial.getAttitude(),
- stateInInertial.getMass(),
- stateInInertial.getAdditionalStatesValues(),
- stateInInertial.getAdditionalStatesDerivatives());
- }
- /**
- * Set the initial state.
- * <p>
- * The initial conditions on position and velocity are in the ECEF coordinate system PZ-90.
- * Previous to orbit integration, they must be transformed to an absolute inertial coordinate system.
- * </p>
- */
- private void setInitialState() {
- // Transform initial PV coordinates to an absolute inertial coordinate system.
- final PVCoordinates pvInInertial = getPVInInertial(initDate);
- // Create a new orbit
- final Orbit orbit = new CartesianOrbit(pvInInertial,
- eci, initDate.getDate(),
- GNSSConstants.GLONASS_MU);
- // Reset the initial state to apply the transformation
- resetInitialState(new SpacecraftState(orbit, mass));
- }
- /**
- * This method computes the direction cosines and the distance used to
- * compute the gravitational perturbations of the Moon.
- *
- * @param date the computation date in GLONASS scale
- */
- private void computeMoonElements(final GLONASSDate date) {
- moonElements = new double[4];
- // Constants
- // Semi-major axis of the Moon's orbit (m)
- final double am = 3.84385243e8;
- // The Moon's orbit eccentricity
- final double em = 0.054900489;
- // Mean inclination of the Moon's orbit to the ecliptic (rad)
- final double im = 0.0898041080;
- // Computed parameters
- // Time from epoch 2000 to the instant tb of GLONASS ephemeris broadcast
- final double dtoJD = (glonassOrbit.getTime() - 10800.) / Constants.JULIAN_DAY;
- final double t = (date.getJD0() + dtoJD - 2451545.0) / 36525;
- final double t2 = t * t;
- // Mean inclination of Earth equator to ecliptic (rad)
- final double eps = 0.4090926006 - 0.0002270711 * t;
- // Mean longitude of the Moon's orbit perigee (rad)
- final double gammaM = 1.4547885346 + 71.0176852437 * t - 0.0001801481 * t2;
- // Mean longitude of the ascending node of the Moon (rad)
- final double omegaM = 2.1824391966 - 33.7570459536 * t + 0.0000362262 * t2;
- // Mean anomaly of the Moon (rad)
- final double qm = 2.3555557435 + 8328.6914257190 * t + 0.0001545547 * t2;
- // Commons parameters
- final SinCos scOm = FastMath.sinCos(omegaM);
- final SinCos scIm = FastMath.sinCos(im);
- final SinCos scEs = FastMath.sinCos(eps);
- final SinCos scGm = FastMath.sinCos(gammaM);
- final double cosOm = scOm.cos();
- final double sinOm = scOm.sin();
- final double cosIm = scIm.cos();
- final double sinIm = scIm.sin();
- final double cosEs = scEs.cos();
- final double sinEs = scEs.sin();
- final double cosGm = scGm.cos();
- final double sinGm = scGm.sin();
- // Intermediate parameters
- final double psiStar = cosOm * sinIm;
- final double etaStar = sinOm * sinIm;
- final double epsStar = 1. - cosOm * cosOm * (1. - cosIm);
- final double eps11 = sinOm * cosOm * (1. - cosIm);
- final double eps12 = 1. - sinOm * sinOm * (1. - cosIm);
- final double eta11 = epsStar * cosEs - psiStar * sinEs;
- final double eta12 = eps11 * cosEs + etaStar * sinEs;
- final double psi11 = epsStar * sinEs + psiStar * cosEs;
- final double psi12 = eps11 * sinEs - etaStar * cosEs;
- // Eccentric Anomaly
- final double ek = getEccentricAnomaly(qm, em);
- // True Anomaly
- final double vk = getTrueAnomaly(ek, em);
- final SinCos scVk = FastMath.sinCos(vk);
- final double sinVk = scVk.sin();
- final double cosVk = scVk.cos();
- // Direction cosine
- final double epsM = eps11 * (sinVk * cosGm + cosVk * sinGm) + eps12 * (cosVk * cosGm - sinVk * sinGm);
- final double etaM = eta11 * (sinVk * cosGm + cosVk * sinGm) + eta12 * (cosVk * cosGm - sinVk * sinGm);
- final double psiM = psi11 * (sinVk * cosGm + cosVk * sinGm) + psi12 * (cosVk * cosGm - sinVk * sinGm);
- // Distance
- final double rm = am * (1. - em * FastMath.cos(ek));
- moonElements[0] = epsM;
- moonElements[1] = etaM;
- moonElements[2] = psiM;
- moonElements[3] = rm;
- }
- /**
- * This method computes the direction cosines and the distance used to
- * compute the gravitational perturbations of the Sun.
- *
- * @param date the computation date in GLONASS scale
- */
- private void computeSunElements(final GLONASSDate date) {
- sunElements = new double[4];
- // Constants
- // Major semi-axis of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun (m)
- final double as = 1.49598e11;
- // The eccentricity of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun
- final double es = 0.016719;
- // Computed parameters
- // Time from epoch 2000 to the instant tb of GLONASS ephemeris broadcast
- final double dtoJD = (glonassOrbit.getTime() - 10800.) / Constants.JULIAN_DAY;
- final double t = (date.getJD0() + dtoJD - 2451545.0) / 36525;
- final double t2 = t * t;
- // Mean inclination of Earth equator to ecliptic (rad)
- final double eps = 0.4090926006 - 0.0002270711 * t;
- // Mean tropic longitude of the Sun orbit perigee (rad)
- final double ws = -7.6281824375 + 0.0300101976 * t + 0.0000079741 * t2;
- // Mean anomaly of the Sun (rad)
- final double qs = 6.2400601269 + 628.3019551714 * t - 0.0000026820 * t2;
- // Eccentric Anomaly
- final double ek = getEccentricAnomaly(qs, es);
- // True Anomaly
- final double vk = getTrueAnomaly(ek, es);
- final SinCos scVk = FastMath.sinCos(vk);
- final double sinVk = scVk.sin();
- final double cosVk = scVk.cos();
- // Commons parameters
- final SinCos scWs = FastMath.sinCos(ws);
- final SinCos scEs = FastMath.sinCos(eps);
- final double cosWs = scWs.cos();
- final double sinWs = scWs.sin();
- final double cosEs = scEs.cos();
- final double sinEs = scEs.sin();
- // Direction cosine
- final double epsS = cosVk * cosWs - sinVk * sinWs;
- final double etaS = cosEs * (sinVk * cosWs + cosVk * sinWs);
- final double psiS = sinEs * (sinVk * cosWs + cosVk * sinWs);
- // Distance
- final double rs = as * (1. - es * FastMath.cos(ek));
- sunElements[0] = epsS;
- sunElements[1] = etaS;
- sunElements[2] = psiS;
- sunElements[3] = rs;
- }
- /**
- * Computes the elliptic eccentric anomaly from the mean anomaly.
- * <p>
- * The algorithm used here for solving Kepler equation has been published
- * in: "Procedures for solving Kepler's Equation", A. W. Odell and
- * R. H. Gooding, Celestial Mechanics 38 (1986) 307-334
- * </p>
- * <p>It has been copied from the OREKIT library (KeplerianOrbit class).</p>
- *
- * @param M mean anomaly (rad)
- * @param e eccentricity
- * @return E the eccentric anomaly
- */
- private double getEccentricAnomaly(final double M, final double e) {
- // reduce M to [-PI PI) interval
- final double reducedM = MathUtils.normalizeAngle(M, 0.0);
- // compute start value according to A. W. Odell and R. H. Gooding S12 starter
- double E;
- if (FastMath.abs(reducedM) < 1.0 / 6.0) {
- E = reducedM + e * (FastMath.cbrt(6 * reducedM) - reducedM);
- } else {
- if (reducedM < 0) {
- final double w = FastMath.PI + reducedM;
- E = reducedM + e * (A * w / (B - w) - FastMath.PI - reducedM);
- } else {
- final double w = FastMath.PI - reducedM;
- E = reducedM + e * (FastMath.PI - A * w / (B - w) - reducedM);
- }
- }
- final double e1 = 1 - e;
- final boolean noCancellationRisk = (e1 + E * E / 6) >= 0.1;
- // perform two iterations, each consisting of one Halley step and one Newton-Raphson step
- for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) {
- final double f;
- double fd;
- final SinCos scE = FastMath.sinCos(E);
- final double fdd = e * scE.sin();
- final double fddd = e * scE.cos();
- if (noCancellationRisk) {
- f = (E - fdd) - reducedM;
- fd = 1 - fddd;
- } else {
- f = eMeSinE(E, e) - reducedM;
- final double s = FastMath.sin(0.5 * E);
- fd = e1 + 2 * e * s * s;
- }
- final double dee = f * fd / (0.5 * f * fdd - fd * fd);
- // update eccentric anomaly, using expressions that limit underflow problems
- final double w = fd + 0.5 * dee * (fdd + dee * fddd / 3);
- fd += dee * (fdd + 0.5 * dee * fddd);
- E -= (f - dee * (fd - w)) / fd;
- }
- // expand the result back to original range
- E += M - reducedM;
- return E;
- }
- /**
- * Accurate computation of E - e sin(E).
- *
- * @param E eccentric anomaly
- * @param e eccentricity
- * @return E - e sin(E)
- */
- private static double eMeSinE(final double E, final double e) {
- double x = (1 - e) * FastMath.sin(E);
- final double mE2 = -E * E;
- double term = E;
- double d = 0;
- // the inequality test below IS intentional and should NOT be replaced by a check with a small tolerance
- for (double x0 = Double.NaN; !Double.valueOf(x).equals(x0);) {
- d += 2;
- term *= mE2 / (d * (d + 1));
- x0 = x;
- x = x - term;
- }
- return x;
- }
- /**
- * Get true anomaly from eccentric anomaly and eccentricity.
- *
- * @param ek the eccentric anomaly (rad)
- * @param ecc the eccentricity
- * @return the true anomaly (rad)
- */
- private double getTrueAnomaly(final double ek, final double ecc) {
- final SinCos scek = FastMath.sinCos(ek);
- final double svk = FastMath.sqrt(1. - ecc * ecc) * scek.sin();
- final double cvk = scek.cos() - ecc;
- return FastMath.atan2(svk, cvk);
- }
- /**
- * This method transforms the PV coordinates obtained after the numerical
- * integration in the ECEF PZ-90.
- *
- * @param state spacecraft state after integration
- * @return the PV coordinates in the ECEF PZ-90.
- */
- private PVCoordinates getPVInPZ90(final SpacecraftState state) {
- // Compute time difference between start date and end date
- final double dt = state.getDate().durationFrom(initDate.getDate());
- // Position and velocity vectors
- final PVCoordinates pv = state.getPVCoordinates();
- final Vector3D pos = pv.getPosition();
- final Vector3D vel = pv.getVelocity();
- // Components of position and velocity vectors
- final double x0 = pos.getX();
- final double y0 = pos.getY();
- final double z0 = pos.getZ();
- final double vx0 = vel.getX();
- final double vy0 = vel.getY();
- final double vz0 = vel.getZ();
- // Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time (GMST)
- final GLONASSDate gloDate = new GLONASSDate(
- state.getDate(),
- dataContext.getTimeScales().getGLONASS());
- final double gmst = gloDate.getGMST();
- final double ti = glonassOrbit.getTime() + dt;
- // We use the GMST instead of the GMT as it is recommended into GLONASS ICD (2016)
- final double s = gmst + GLONASS_AV * (ti - 10800.);
- // Commons Parameters
- final SinCos scS = FastMath.sinCos(s);
- final double cosS = scS.cos();
- final double sinS = scS.sin();
- // Transformed coordinates
- final double x = x0 * cosS + y0 * sinS;
- final double y = -x0 * sinS + y0 * cosS;
- final double z = z0;
- final double vx = vx0 * cosS + vy0 * sinS + GLONASS_AV * y;
- final double vy = -vx0 * sinS + vy0 * cosS - GLONASS_AV * x;
- final double vz = vz0;
- // Transformed orbit
- return new PVCoordinates(new Vector3D(x, y, z),
- new Vector3D(vx, vy, vz));
- }
- /**
- * This method computes the PV coordinates of the spacecraft center of mass.
- * The returned PV are expressed in inertial coordinates system at the instant tb.
- *
- * @param date the computation date in GLONASS scale
- * @return the PV Coordinates in inertial coordinates system
- */
- private PVCoordinates getPVInInertial(final GLONASSDate date) {
- // Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time (GMST)
- final double gmst = date.getGMST();
- final double time = glonassOrbit.getTime();
- final double dt = time - 10800.;
- // We use the GMST instead of the GMT as it is recommended into GLONASS ICD (2016)
- final double s = gmst + GLONASS_AV * dt;
- // Commons Parameters
- final SinCos scS = FastMath.sinCos(s);
- final double cosS = scS.cos();
- final double sinS = scS.sin();
- // PV coordinates in inertial frame
- final double x0 = glonassOrbit.getX() * cosS - glonassOrbit.getY() * sinS;
- final double y0 = glonassOrbit.getX() * sinS + glonassOrbit.getY() * cosS;
- final double z0 = glonassOrbit.getZ();
- final double vx0 = glonassOrbit.getXDot() * cosS - glonassOrbit.getYDot() * sinS - GLONASS_AV * y0;
- final double vy0 = glonassOrbit.getXDot() * sinS + glonassOrbit.getYDot() * cosS + GLONASS_AV * x0;
- final double vz0 = glonassOrbit.getZDot();
- return new PVCoordinates(new Vector3D(x0, y0, z0),
- new Vector3D(vx0, vy0, vz0));
- }
- @Override
- protected StateMapper createMapper(final AbsoluteDate referenceDate, final double mu,
- final OrbitType orbitType, final PositionAngleType positionAngleType,
- final AttitudeProvider attitudeProvider, final Frame frame) {
- return new Mapper(referenceDate, mu, orbitType, positionAngleType, attitudeProvider, frame);
- }
- /** Internal mapper. */
- private static class Mapper extends StateMapper {
- /**
- * Simple constructor.
- *
- * @param referenceDate reference date
- * @param mu central attraction coefficient (m³/s²)
- * @param orbitType orbit type to use for mapping
- * @param positionAngleType angle type to use for propagation
- * @param attitudeProvider attitude provider
- * @param frame inertial frame
- */
- Mapper(final AbsoluteDate referenceDate, final double mu,
- final OrbitType orbitType, final PositionAngleType positionAngleType,
- final AttitudeProvider attitudeProvider, final Frame frame) {
- super(referenceDate, mu, orbitType, positionAngleType, attitudeProvider, frame);
- }
- @Override
- public SpacecraftState mapArrayToState(final AbsoluteDate date, final double[] y,
- final double[] yDot, final PropagationType type) {
- // The parameter meanOnly is ignored for the GLONASS Propagator
- final double mass = y[6];
- if (mass <= 0.0) {
- throw new OrekitException(OrekitMessages.NOT_POSITIVE_SPACECRAFT_MASS, mass);
- }
- final Orbit orbit = getOrbitType().mapArrayToOrbit(y, yDot, getPositionAngleType(), date, getMu(), getFrame());
- final Attitude attitude = getAttitudeProvider().getAttitude(orbit, date, getFrame());
- return new SpacecraftState(orbit, attitude, mass);
- }
- @Override
- public void mapStateToArray(final SpacecraftState state, final double[] y,
- final double[] yDot) {
- getOrbitType().mapOrbitToArray(state.getOrbit(), getPositionAngleType(), y, yDot);
- y[6] = state.getMass();
- }
- }
- @Override
- protected MainStateEquations getMainStateEquations(final ODEIntegrator integ) {
- return new Main();
- }
- /** Internal class for orbital parameters integration. */
- private class Main implements MainStateEquations {
- /** Derivatives array. */
- private final double[] yDot;
- /**
- * Simple constructor.
- */
- Main() {
- yDot = new double[7];
- }
- @Override
- public double[] computeDerivatives(final SpacecraftState state) {
- // Date in Glonass form
- final GLONASSDate gloDate = new GLONASSDate(
- state.getDate(),
- dataContext.getTimeScales().getGLONASS());
- // Position and Velocity vectors
- final Vector3D vel = state.getPVCoordinates().getVelocity();
- final Vector3D pos = state.getPosition();
- Arrays.fill(yDot, 0.0);
- // dPos/dt = Vel
- yDot[0] += vel.getX();
- yDot[1] += vel.getY();
- yDot[2] += vel.getZ();
- // Components of position and velocity vectors
- final double x0 = pos.getX();
- final double y0 = pos.getY();
- final double z0 = pos.getZ();
- // Normalized values
- final double r = pos.getNorm();
- final double r2 = r * r;
- final double oor = 1. / r;
- final double oor2 = 1. / r2;
- final double x = x0 * oor;
- final double y = y0 * oor;
- final double z = z0 * oor;
- final double g = GNSSConstants.GLONASS_MU * oor2;
- final double ro = GLONASS_EARTH_EQUATORIAL_RADIUS * oor;
- yDot[3] += x * (-g + (-1.5 * GLONASS_J20 * g * ro * ro * (1. - 5. * z * z)));
- yDot[4] += y * (-g + (-1.5 * GLONASS_J20 * g * ro * ro * (1. - 5. * z * z)));
- yDot[5] += z * (-g + (-1.5 * GLONASS_J20 * g * ro * ro * (3. - 5. * z * z)));
- // Luni-Solar contribution
- final Vector3D acc;
- if (isAccAvailable) {
- acc = getLuniSolarPerturbations(gloDate);
- } else {
- final Vector3D accMoon = computeLuniSolarPerturbations(
- state, moonElements[0], moonElements[1], moonElements[2],
- moonElements[3],
- dataContext.getCelestialBodies().getMoon().getGM());
- final Vector3D accSun = computeLuniSolarPerturbations(
- state,
- sunElements[0], sunElements[1], sunElements[2],
- sunElements[3],
- dataContext.getCelestialBodies().getSun().getGM());
- acc = accMoon.add(accSun);
- }
- yDot[3] += acc.getX();
- yDot[4] += acc.getY();
- yDot[5] += acc.getZ();
- return yDot.clone();
- }
- /**
- * This method computes the accelerations induced by gravitational
- * perturbations of the Sun and the Moon if they are not available into
- * the navigation message data.
- *
- * @param state current state
- * @param eps first direction cosine
- * @param eta second direction cosine
- * @param psi third direction cosine
- * @param r distance of perturbing body
- * @param g body gravitational field constant
- * @return a vector containing the accelerations
- */
- private Vector3D computeLuniSolarPerturbations(final SpacecraftState state, final double eps,
- final double eta, final double psi,
- final double r, final double g) {
- // Current pv coordinates
- final PVCoordinates pv = state.getPVCoordinates();
- final double oor = 1. / r;
- final double oor2 = oor * oor;
- // Normalized variable
- final double x = pv.getPosition().getX() * oor;
- final double y = pv.getPosition().getY() * oor;
- final double z = pv.getPosition().getZ() * oor;
- final double gm = g * oor2;
- final double epsmX = eps - x;
- final double etamY = eta - y;
- final double psimZ = psi - z;
- final Vector3D vector = new Vector3D(epsmX, etamY, psimZ);
- final double d2 = vector.getNormSq();
- final double deltaM = FastMath.sqrt(d2) * d2;
- // Accelerations
- final double accX = gm * ((epsmX / deltaM) - eps);
- final double accY = gm * ((etamY / deltaM) - eta);
- final double accZ = gm * ((psimZ / deltaM) - psi);
- return new Vector3D(accX, accY, accZ);
- }
- /**
- * Get the accelerations induced by gravitational
- * perturbations of the Sun and the Moon in a geocentric
- * coordinate system.
- * <p>
- * The accelerations are obtained using projections of accelerations
- * transmitted within navigation message data.
- * </p>
- *
- * @param date the computation date in GLONASS scale
- * @return a vector containing the sum of both accelerations
- */
- private Vector3D getLuniSolarPerturbations(final GLONASSDate date) {
- // Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time (GMST)
- final double gmst = date.getGMST();
- final double time = glonassOrbit.getTime();
- final double dt = time - 10800.;
- // We use the GMST instead of the GMT as it is recommended into GLONASS ICD (see Ref)
- final double s = gmst + GLONASS_AV * dt;
- // Commons Parameters
- final SinCos scS = FastMath.sinCos(s);
- final double cosS = scS.cos();
- final double sinS = scS.sin();
- // Accelerations
- final double accX = glonassOrbit.getXDotDot() * cosS - glonassOrbit.getYDotDot() * sinS;
- final double accY = glonassOrbit.getXDotDot() * sinS + glonassOrbit.getYDotDot() * cosS;
- final double accZ = glonassOrbit.getZDotDot();
- return new Vector3D(accX, accY, accZ);
- }
- }
- }