
  1. /* Copyright 2002-2024 CS GROUP
  2.  * Licensed to CS GROUP (CS) under one or more
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  4.  * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
  5.  * CS licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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  16.  */
  17. package org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst.utilities.hansen;

  18. import org.hipparchus.analysis.polynomials.PolynomialFunction;
  19. import org.hipparchus.util.FastMath;

  20. /**
  21.  * Hansen coefficients K(t,n,s) for t=0 and n > 0.
  22.  * <p>
  23.  * Implements Collins 4-254 or Danielson 2.7.3-(7) for Hansen Coefficients and
  24.  * Danielson 3.2-(3) for derivatives. The recursions are transformed into
  25.  * composition of linear transformations to obtain the associated polynomials
  26.  * for coefficients and their derivatives - see Petre's paper
  27.  *
  28.  * @author Petre Bazavan
  29.  * @author Lucian Barbulescu
  30.  */
  31. public class HansenThirdBodyLinear {

  32.     /** The number of coefficients that will be computed with a set of roots. */
  33.     private  static final int SLICE = 10;

  34.     /**
  35.      * The first vector of polynomials associated to Hansen coefficients and
  36.      * derivatives.
  37.      */
  38.     private final PolynomialFunction[][] mpvec;

  39.     /** The second vector of polynomials associated only to derivatives. */
  40.     private final PolynomialFunction[][] mpvecDeriv;

  41.     /** The Hansen coefficients used as roots. */
  42.     private final double[][] hansenRoot;

  43.     /** The derivatives of the Hansen coefficients used as roots. */
  44.     private final double[][] hansenDerivRoot;

  45.     /** The number of slices needed to compute the coefficients. */
  46.     private final int numSlices;

  47.     /** The s index. */
  48.     private final int s;

  49.     /** (-1)<sup>s</sup> * (2*s + 1)!! / (s+1)!  */
  50.     private double twosp1dfosp1f;

  51.     /** (-1)<sup>s</sup> * (2*s + 1)!! / (s+2)!  */
  52.     private final double twosp1dfosp2f;

  53.     /** (-1)<sup>s</sup> * 2 * (2*s + 1)!! / (s+2)!  */
  54.     private final double two2sp1dfosp2f;

  55.     /** (2*s + 3). */
  56.     private final double twosp3;

  57.     /**
  58.      * Constructor.
  59.      *
  60.      * @param nMax the maximum value of n
  61.      * @param s the value of s
  62.      */
  63.     public HansenThirdBodyLinear(final int nMax, final int s) {

  64.         // initialise fields
  65.         this.s = s;

  66.         //Compute the fields that will be used to determine the initial values for the coefficients
  67.         this.twosp1dfosp1f = (s % 2 == 0) ? 1.0 : -1.0;
  68.         for (int i = s; i >= 1; i--) {
  69.             this.twosp1dfosp1f *= (2.0 * i + 1.0) / (i + 1.0);
  70.         }

  71.         this.twosp1dfosp2f = this.twosp1dfosp1f / (s + 2.);
  72.         this.twosp3 = 2 * s + 3;
  73.         this.two2sp1dfosp2f = 2 * this.twosp1dfosp2f;

  74.         // initialization of structures for stored data
  75.         mpvec = new PolynomialFunction[nMax + 1][];
  76.         mpvecDeriv = new PolynomialFunction[nMax + 1][];

  77.         this.numSlices  = FastMath.max(1, (nMax - s + SLICE - 2) / SLICE);
  78.         hansenRoot      = new double[numSlices][2];
  79.         hansenDerivRoot = new double[numSlices][2];

  80.         // Prepare the database of the associated polynomials
  81.         HansenUtilities.generateThirdBodyPolynomials(s, nMax, SLICE, s,
  82.                                                      mpvec, mpvecDeriv);

  83.     }

  84.     /**
  85.      * Compute the initial values (see Collins, 4-255, 4-256 and 4.259)
  86.      * <p>
  87.      * K₀<sup>s, s</sup> = (-1)<sup>s</sup> * ( (2*s+1)!! / (s+1)! )
  88.      * </p>
  89.      * <p>
  90.      * K₀<sup>s+1, s</sup> = (-1)<sup>s</sup> * ( (2*s+1)!! / (s+2)!
  91.      * ) * (2*s+3 - χ<sup>-2</sup>)
  92.      * </p>
  93.      * <p>
  94.      * dK₀<sup>s+1, s</sup> / dχ = = (-1)<sup>s</sup> * 2 * (
  95.      * (2*s+1)!! / (s+2)! ) * χ<sup>-3</sup>
  96.      * </p>
  97.      * @param chitm1 sqrt(1 - e²)
  98.      * @param chitm2 sqrt(1 - e²)²
  99.      * @param chitm3 sqrt(1 - e²)³
  100.      */
  101.     public void computeInitValues(final double chitm1, final double chitm2, final double chitm3) {
  102.         this.hansenRoot[0][0] = this.twosp1dfosp1f;
  103.         this.hansenRoot[0][1] = this.twosp1dfosp2f * (this.twosp3 - chitm2);
  104.         this.hansenDerivRoot[0][0] = 0;
  105.         this.hansenDerivRoot[0][1] = this.two2sp1dfosp2f * chitm3;

  106.         for (int i = 1; i < numSlices; i++) {
  107.             for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
  108.                 // Get the required polynomials
  109.                 final PolynomialFunction[] mv = mpvec[s + (i * SLICE) + j];
  110.                 final PolynomialFunction[] sv = mpvecDeriv[s + (i * SLICE) + j];

  111.                 //Compute the root derivatives
  112.                 hansenDerivRoot[i][j] = mv[1].value(chitm1) * hansenDerivRoot[i - 1][1] +
  113.                                         mv[0].value(chitm1) * hansenDerivRoot[i - 1][0] +
  114.                                         sv[1].value(chitm1) * hansenRoot[i - 1][1] +
  115.                                         sv[0].value(chitm1) * hansenRoot[i - 1][0];

  116.                 //Compute the root Hansen coefficients
  117.                 hansenRoot[i][j] =  mv[1].value(chitm1) * hansenRoot[i - 1][1] +
  118.                                     mv[0].value(chitm1) * hansenRoot[i - 1][0];
  119.             }
  120.         }
  121.     }

  122.     /**
  123.      * Compute the value of the Hansen coefficient K₀<sup>n, s</sup>.
  124.      *
  125.      * @param n n value
  126.      * @param chitm1 χ<sup>-1</sup>
  127.      * @return the coefficient K₀<sup>n, s</sup>
  128.      */
  129.     public double getValue(final int n, final double chitm1) {
  130.         //Compute the potential slice
  131.         int sliceNo = (n - s) / SLICE;
  132.         if (sliceNo < numSlices) {
  133.             //Compute the index within the slice
  134.             final int indexInSlice = (n - s) % SLICE;

  135.             //Check if a root must be returned
  136.             if (indexInSlice <= 1) {
  137.                 return hansenRoot[sliceNo][indexInSlice];
  138.             }
  139.         } else {
  140.             //the value was a potential root for a slice, but that slice was not required
  141.             //Decrease the slice number
  142.             sliceNo--;
  143.         }

  144.         // Danielson 2.7.3-(6c)/Collins 4-242 and Petre's paper
  145.         final PolynomialFunction[] v = mpvec[n];
  146.         double ret = v[1].value(chitm1) * hansenRoot[sliceNo][1];
  147.         if (hansenRoot[sliceNo][0] != 0) {
  148.             ret += v[0].value(chitm1) * hansenRoot[sliceNo][0];
  149.         }

  150.         return ret;

  151.     }

  152.     /**
  153.      * Compute the value of the Hansen coefficient dK₀<sup>n, s</sup> / d&Chi;.
  154.      *
  155.      * @param n n value
  156.      * @param chitm1 χ<sup>-1</sup>
  157.      * @return the coefficient dK₀<sup>n, s</sup> / d&Chi;
  158.      */
  159.     public double getDerivative(final int n, final double chitm1) {
  160.         //Compute the potential slice
  161.         int sliceNo = (n - s) / SLICE;
  162.         if (sliceNo < numSlices) {
  163.             //Compute the index within the slice
  164.             final int indexInSlice = (n - s) % SLICE;

  165.             //Check if a root must be returned
  166.             if (indexInSlice <= 1) {
  167.                 return hansenDerivRoot[sliceNo][indexInSlice];
  168.             }
  169.         } else {
  170.             //the value was a potential root for a slice, but that slice was not required
  171.             //Decrease the slice number
  172.             sliceNo--;
  173.         }

  174.         final PolynomialFunction[] v = mpvec[n];
  175.         double ret = v[1].value(chitm1) * hansenDerivRoot[sliceNo][1];
  176.         if (hansenDerivRoot[sliceNo][0] != 0) {
  177.             ret += v[0].value(chitm1) * hansenDerivRoot[sliceNo][0];
  178.         }

  179.         // Danielson 2.7.3-(7c)/Collins 4-254 and Petre's paper
  180.         final PolynomialFunction[] v1 = mpvecDeriv[n];
  181.         ret += v1[1].value(chitm1) * hansenRoot[sliceNo][1];
  182.         if (hansenRoot[sliceNo][0] != 0) {
  183.             ret += v1[0].value(chitm1) * hansenRoot[sliceNo][0];
  184.         }
  185.         return ret;

  186.     }

  187. }