- /* Copyright 2002-2024 CS GROUP
- * Licensed to CS GROUP (CS) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * CS licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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- * limitations under the License.
- */
- package org.orekit.bodies;
- import org.hipparchus.analysis.UnivariateFunction;
- import org.hipparchus.analysis.solvers.AllowedSolution;
- import org.hipparchus.analysis.solvers.BracketingNthOrderBrentSolver;
- import org.hipparchus.analysis.solvers.UnivariateSolverUtils;
- import org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D;
- import org.hipparchus.util.FastMath;
- import org.orekit.frames.CR3BPRotatingFrame;
- import org.orekit.frames.Frame;
- import org.orekit.frames.Transform;
- import org.orekit.time.AbsoluteDate;
- import org.orekit.utils.AbsolutePVCoordinates;
- import org.orekit.utils.LagrangianPoints;
- import org.orekit.utils.PVCoordinates;
- /**
- * Class creating, from two different celestial bodies, the corresponding system
- * with respect to the Circular Restricted Three Body problem hypotheses.
- * @see "Dynamical systems, the three-body problem, and space mission design, Koon, Lo, Marsden, Ross"
- * @author Vincent Mouraux
- * @author William Desprats
- * @since 10.2
- */
- public class CR3BPSystem {
- /** Relative accuracy on position for solver. */
- private static final double RELATIVE_ACCURACY = 1e-14;
- /** Absolute accuracy on position for solver (1mm). */
- private static final double ABSOLUTE_ACCURACY = 1e-3;
- /** Function value accuracy for solver (set to 0 so we rely only on position for convergence). */
- private static final double FUNCTION_ACCURACY = 0;
- /** Maximal order for solver. */
- private static final int MAX_ORDER = 5;
- /** Maximal number of evaluations for solver. */
- private static final int MAX_EVALUATIONS = 10000;
- /** Mass ratio. */
- private final double mu;
- /** Distance between the two primaries, meters. */
- private final double dDim;
- /** Orbital Velocity of m1, m/s. */
- private final double vDim;
- /** Orbital Period of m1 and m2, seconds. */
- private final double tDim;
- /** CR3BP System name. */
- private final String name;
- /** Rotating Frame for the system. */
- private final Frame rotatingFrame;
- /** Primary body. */
- private final CelestialBody primaryBody;
- /** Secondary body. */
- private final CelestialBody secondaryBody;
- /** L1 Point position in the rotating frame. */
- private Vector3D l1Position;
- /** L2 Point position in the rotating frame. */
- private Vector3D l2Position;
- /** L3 Point position in the rotating frame. */
- private Vector3D l3Position;
- /** L4 Point position in the rotating frame. */
- private Vector3D l4Position;
- /** L5 Point position in the rotating frame. */
- private Vector3D l5Position;
- /** Distance between a L1 and the secondaryBody. */
- private final double gamma1;
- /** Distance between a L2 and the secondaryBody. */
- private final double gamma2;
- /** Distance between a L3 and the primaryBody. */
- private final double gamma3;
- /**
- * Simple constructor.
- * <p>
- * Standard constructor to use to define a CR3BP System. Mass ratio is
- * calculated from JPL data.
- * </p>
- * @param primaryBody Primary Body in the CR3BP System
- * @param secondaryBody Secondary Body in the CR3BP System
- * @param a Semi-Major Axis of the secondary body
- */
- public CR3BPSystem(final CelestialBody primaryBody, final CelestialBody secondaryBody, final double a) {
- this(primaryBody, secondaryBody, a, secondaryBody.getGM() / (secondaryBody.getGM() + primaryBody.getGM()));
- }
- /**
- * Simple constructor.
- * <p>
- * This constructor can be used to define a CR3BP System if the user wants
- * to use a specified mass ratio.
- * </p>
- * @param primaryBody Primary Body in the CR3BP System
- * @param secondaryBody Secondary Body in the CR3BP System
- * @param a Semi-Major Axis of the secondary body
- * @param mu Mass ratio of the CR3BPSystem
- */
- public CR3BPSystem(final CelestialBody primaryBody, final CelestialBody secondaryBody, final double a, final double mu) {
- this.primaryBody = primaryBody;
- this.secondaryBody = secondaryBody;
- = primaryBody.getName() + "_" + secondaryBody.getName();
- final double mu1 = primaryBody.getGM();
- = mu;
- this.dDim = a;
- this.vDim = FastMath.sqrt(mu1 / dDim);
- this.tDim = 2 * FastMath.PI * dDim / vDim;
- this.rotatingFrame = new CR3BPRotatingFrame(mu, primaryBody, secondaryBody);
- computeLagrangianPointsPosition();
- // Calculation of collinear points gamma
- // L1 Gamma
- final double x1 = l1Position.getX();
- final double dCP1 = 1 - mu;
- this.gamma1 = dCP1 - x1;
- // L2 Gamma
- final double x2 = l2Position.getX();
- final double dCP2 = 1 - mu;
- this.gamma2 = x2 - dCP2;
- // L3 Gamma
- final double x3 = l3Position.getX();
- final double dCP3 = -mu;
- this.gamma3 = dCP3 - x3;
- }
- /** Calculation of Lagrangian Points position using CR3BP equations.
- */
- private void computeLagrangianPointsPosition() {
- // Calculation of Lagrangian Points position using CR3BP equations
- // L1
- final BracketingNthOrderBrentSolver solver =
- new BracketingNthOrderBrentSolver(RELATIVE_ACCURACY,
- final double baseR1 = 1 - FastMath.cbrt(mu / 3);
- final UnivariateFunction l1Equation = x -> {
- final double leq1 =
- x * (x + mu) * (x + mu) * (x + mu - 1) * (x + mu - 1);
- final double leq2 = (1 - mu) * (x + mu - 1) * (x + mu - 1);
- final double leq3 = mu * (x + mu) * (x + mu);
- return leq1 - leq2 + leq3;
- };
- final double[] searchInterval1 =
- UnivariateSolverUtils.bracket(l1Equation, baseR1, -mu,
- 1 - mu, 1E-6, 1,
- final double r1 =
- solver.solve(MAX_EVALUATIONS, l1Equation, searchInterval1[0],
- searchInterval1[1], AllowedSolution.ANY_SIDE);
- this.l1Position = new Vector3D(r1, 0.0, 0.0);
- // L2
- final double baseR2 = 1 + FastMath.cbrt(mu / 3);
- final UnivariateFunction l2Equation = x -> {
- final double leq21 =
- x * (x + mu) * (x + mu) * (x + mu - 1) * (x + mu - 1);
- final double leq22 = (1 - mu) * (x + mu - 1) * (x + mu - 1);
- final double leq23 = mu * (x + mu) * (x + mu);
- return leq21 - leq22 - leq23;
- };
- final double[] searchInterval2 =
- UnivariateSolverUtils.bracket(l2Equation, baseR2, 1 - mu, 2, 1E-6,
- final double r2 =
- solver.solve(MAX_EVALUATIONS, l2Equation, searchInterval2[0],
- searchInterval2[1], AllowedSolution.ANY_SIDE);
- this.l2Position = new Vector3D(r2, 0.0, 0.0);
- // L3
- final double baseR3 = -(1 + 5 * mu / 12);
- final UnivariateFunction l3Equation = x -> {
- final double leq31 =
- x * (x + mu) * (x + mu) * (x + mu - 1) * (x + mu - 1);
- final double leq32 = (1 - mu) * (x + mu - 1) * (x + mu - 1);
- final double leq33 = mu * (x + mu) * (x + mu);
- return leq31 + leq32 + leq33;
- };
- final double[] searchInterval3 =
- UnivariateSolverUtils.bracket(l3Equation, baseR3, -2, -mu, 1E-6, 1,
- final double r3 =
- solver.solve(MAX_EVALUATIONS, l3Equation, searchInterval3[0],
- searchInterval3[1], AllowedSolution.ANY_SIDE);
- this.l3Position = new Vector3D(r3, 0.0, 0.0);
- // L4
- this.l4Position = new Vector3D(0.5 - mu, FastMath.sqrt(3) / 2, 0);
- // L5
- this.l5Position = new Vector3D(0.5 - mu, -FastMath.sqrt(3) / 2, 0);
- }
- /** Get the CR3BP mass ratio of the system mu2/(mu1+mu2).
- * @return CR3BP mass ratio of the system mu2/(mu1+mu2)
- */
- public double getMassRatio() {
- return mu;
- }
- /** Get the CR3BP distance between the two bodies.
- * @return CR3BP distance between the two bodies(m)
- */
- public double getDdim() {
- return dDim;
- }
- /** Get the CR3BP orbital velocity of m2.
- * @return CR3BP orbital velocity of m2(m/s)
- */
- public double getVdim() {
- return vDim;
- }
- /** Get the CR3BP orbital period of m2 around m1.
- * @return CR3BP orbital period of m2 around m1(s)
- */
- public double getTdim() {
- return tDim;
- }
- /** Get the name of the CR3BP system.
- * @return name of the CR3BP system
- */
- public String getName() {
- return name;
- }
- /** Get the primary CelestialBody.
- * @return primary CelestialBody
- */
- public CelestialBody getPrimary() {
- return primaryBody;
- }
- /** Get the secondary CelestialBody.
- * @return secondary CelestialBody
- */
- public CelestialBody getSecondary() {
- return secondaryBody;
- }
- /** Get the CR3BP Rotating Frame.
- * @return CR3BP Rotating Frame
- */
- public Frame getRotatingFrame() {
- return rotatingFrame;
- }
- /** Get the position of the Lagrangian point in the CR3BP Rotating frame.
- * @param lagrangianPoint Lagrangian Point to consider
- * @return position of the Lagrangian point in the CR3BP Rotating frame (-)
- */
- public Vector3D getLPosition(final LagrangianPoints lagrangianPoint) {
- final Vector3D lPosition;
- switch (lagrangianPoint) {
- case L1:
- lPosition = l1Position;
- break;
- case L3:
- lPosition = l3Position;
- break;
- case L4:
- lPosition = l4Position;
- break;
- case L5:
- lPosition = l5Position;
- break;
- default:
- lPosition = l2Position;
- break;
- }
- return lPosition;
- }
- /**
- * Get the position of the Lagrangian point in the CR3BP Rotating frame.
- * @param lagrangianPoint Lagrangian Point to consider
- * @return Distance between a Lagrangian Point and its closest primary.
- */
- public double getGamma(final LagrangianPoints lagrangianPoint) {
- final double gamma;
- switch (lagrangianPoint) {
- case L1:
- gamma = gamma1;
- break;
- case L2:
- gamma = gamma2;
- break;
- case L3:
- gamma = gamma3;
- break;
- default:
- gamma = 0;
- }
- return gamma;
- }
- /** Get the PVCoordinates from normalized units to standard units in an output frame.
- * @param pv0 Normalized PVCoordinates in the rotating frame
- * @param date Date of the transform
- * @param outputFrame Frame in which the output PVCoordinates will be
- * @return PVCoordinates in the output frame [m,m/s]
- */
- private PVCoordinates getRealPV(final PVCoordinates pv0, final AbsoluteDate date, final Frame outputFrame) {
- // 1. Dimensionalize the primary-centered rotating state using the instantaneously
- // defined characteristic quantities
- // 2. Apply the transformation to primary inertial frame
- // 3. Apply the transformation to output frame
- final Frame primaryInertialFrame = primaryBody.getInertiallyOrientedFrame();
- final Vector3D pv21 = secondaryBody.getPosition(date, primaryInertialFrame);
- // Distance and Velocity to dimensionalize the state vector
- final double dist12 = pv21.getNorm();
- final double vCircular = FastMath.sqrt(primaryBody.getGM() / dist12);
- // Dimensionalized state vector centered on primary body
- final PVCoordinates pvDim = new PVCoordinates(pv0.getPosition().scalarMultiply(dist12),
- pv0.getVelocity().scalarMultiply(vCircular));
- // Transformation between rotating frame and the primary inertial
- final Transform rotatingToPrimaryInertial = rotatingFrame.getTransformTo(primaryInertialFrame, date);
- // State vector in the primary inertial frame
- final PVCoordinates pv2 = rotatingToPrimaryInertial.transformPVCoordinates(pvDim);
- // Transformation between primary inertial frame and the output frame
- final Transform primaryInertialToOutputFrame = primaryInertialFrame.getTransformTo(outputFrame, date);
- return primaryInertialToOutputFrame.transformPVCoordinates(pv2);
- }
- /** Get the AbsolutePVCoordinates from normalized units to standard units in an output frame.
- * This method ensure the constituency of the date of returned AbsolutePVCoordinate, especially
- * when apv0 is the result of a propagation in CR3BP normalized model.
- * @param apv0 Normalized AbsolutePVCoordinates in the rotating frame
- * @param initialDate Date of the at the beginning of the propagation
- * @param outputFrame Frame in which the output AbsolutePVCoordinates will be
- * @return AbsolutePVCoordinates in the output frame [m,m/s]
- */
- public AbsolutePVCoordinates getRealAPV(final AbsolutePVCoordinates apv0, final AbsoluteDate initialDate, final Frame outputFrame) {
- final double duration = apv0.getDate().durationFrom(initialDate) * tDim / (2 * FastMath.PI);
- final AbsoluteDate date = initialDate.shiftedBy(duration);
- // PVCoordinate in the output frame
- final PVCoordinates pv3 = getRealPV(apv0.getPVCoordinates(), date, outputFrame);
- return new AbsolutePVCoordinates(outputFrame, date, pv3);
- }
- }