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package org.orekit.estimation.iod;

import org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D;
import org.hipparchus.util.FastMath;
import org.orekit.frames.Frame;
import org.orekit.orbits.KeplerianOrbit;
import org.orekit.time.AbsoluteDate;
import org.orekit.utils.PVCoordinates;

 * Lambert initial orbit determination, assuming Keplerian motion.
 * An orbit is determined from two position vectors.
 * References:
 *  Battin, R.H., An Introduction to the Mathematics and Methods of Astrodynamics, AIAA Education, 1999.
 *  Lancaster, E.R. and Blanchard, R.C., A Unified Form of Lambert’s Theorem, Goddard Space Flight Center, 1968.
 * @author Joris Olympio
 * @since 8.0
public class IodLambert {

    /** gravitational constant. */
    private final double mu;

    /** Creator.
     * @param mu gravitational constant
    public IodLambert(final double mu) { = mu;

    /** Estimate an keplerian orbit given two position vector and a duration.
     * @param frame     frame
     * @param posigrade flag indicating the direction of motion
     * @param nRev      number of revolutions
     * @param P1        position vector 1
     * @param T1        date of observation 1
     * @param P2        position vector 2
     * @param T2        date of observation 2
     * @return  an initial keplerian orbit estimate
    public KeplerianOrbit estimate(final Frame frame, final boolean posigrade,
                                   final int nRev,
                                   final Vector3D P1, final AbsoluteDate T1,
                                   final Vector3D P2, final AbsoluteDate T2) {

        final double r1 = P1.getNorm();
        final double r2 = P2.getNorm();
        final double tau = T2.durationFrom(T1); // in seconds

        // normalizing constants
        final double R = FastMath.max(r1, r2); // in m
        final double V = FastMath.sqrt(mu / R);  // in m/s
        final double T = R / V; // in seconds

        // sweep angle
        final Vector3D P12 = P1.crossProduct(P2);
        double dth = FastMath.atan2(P12.getNorm(), P1.dotProduct(P2));
        // compute the number of revolutions
        if (!posigrade) {
            dth = FastMath.PI - dth;
        dth = dth + nRev * FastMath.PI;

        // velocity vectors in the orbital plane, in the R-T frame
        final double[] Vdep = new double[2];

        // call Lambert's problem solver
        final boolean exitflag = solveLambertPb(r1 / R, r2 / R, dth,
                                          tau / T,

        if (exitflag) {
            // basis vectors
            final Vector3D Pn = P1.crossProduct(P2);    // normal to the orbital arc plane
            final Vector3D Pt = Pn.crossProduct(P1);    // perpendicular to the radius vector, in the orbital arc plane

            // tangential velocity norm
            double RT = Pt.getNorm();
            if (!posigrade) {
                RT = -RT;

            // velocity vector at P1
            final Vector3D Vel1 = P1.scalarMultiply(V * Vdep[0] / r1)
                            .add(Pt.scalarMultiply(V * Vdep[1] / RT));

            // compile a new middle point with position, velocity
            final PVCoordinates pv = new PVCoordinates(P1, Vel1);

            // compute the equivalent keplerian orbit
            return new KeplerianOrbit(pv, frame, T1, mu);

        return null;

    /** Lambert's solver.
    * Assume mu=1.
    * @param r1 radius 1
    * @param r2  radius 2
    * @param dth sweep angle
    * @param tau time of flight
    * @param mRev number of revs
    * @param V1 velocity at departure in (T,N) basis
    * @return something
    public boolean solveLambertPb(final double r1, final double r2, final double dth, final double tau,
                                  final int mRev, final double[] V1) {
       // decide whether to use the left or right branch (for multi-revolution
       // problems), and the long- or short way.
        final boolean leftbranch = FastMath.signum(mRev) > 0;
        int longway = 0;
        if (tau > 0) {
            longway = 1;

        final int m = FastMath.abs(mRev);
        final double rtof = FastMath.abs(tau);
        double theta = dth;
        if (longway < 0) {
            theta = 2 * FastMath.PI - dth;

        // non-dimensional chord ||r2-r1||
        final double chord = FastMath.sqrt(r1 * r1 + r2 * r2 - 2 * r1 * r2 * FastMath.cos(theta));

        // non-dimensional semi-perimeter of the triangle
        final double speri = 0.5 * (r1 + r2 + chord);

        // minimum energy ellipse semi-major axis
        final double minSma = speri / 2.;

        // lambda parameter (Eq 7.6)
        final double lambda = FastMath.sqrt(1 - chord / speri);

        // reference tof value for the Newton solver
        final double logt = FastMath.log(rtof);

        // initialisation of the iterative root finding process (secant method)
        // initial values
        //  -1 < x < 1  =>  Elliptical orbits
        //  x = 1           Parabolic orbit
        //  x > 1           Hyperbolic orbits
        final double in1;
        final double in2;
        double x1;
        double x2;
        if (m == 0) {
            // one revolution, one solution. Define the left and right asymptotes.
            in1 = -0.6523333;
            in2 = 0.6523333;
            x1   = FastMath.log(1 + in1);
            x2   = FastMath.log(1 + in2);
        } else {
            // select initial values, depending on the branch
            if (!leftbranch) {
                in1 = -0.523334;
                in2 = -0.223334;
            } else {
                in1 = 0.723334;
                in2 = 0.523334;
            x1 = FastMath.tan(in1 * 0.5 * FastMath.PI);
            x2 = FastMath.tan(in2 * 0.5 * FastMath.PI);

        // initial estimates for the tof
        final double tof1 = timeOfFlight(in1, longway, m, minSma, speri, chord);
        final double tof2 = timeOfFlight(in2, longway, m, minSma, speri, chord);

        // initial bounds for y
        double y1;
        double y2;
        if (m == 0) {
            y1 = FastMath.log(tof1) - logt;
            y2 = FastMath.log(tof2) - logt;
        } else {
            y1 = tof1 - rtof;
            y2 = tof2 - rtof;

        // Solve for x with the secant method
        double err = 1e20;
        int iterations = 0;
        final double tol = 1e-13;
        final int maxiter = 50;
        double xnew = 0;
        while ((err > tol) && (iterations < maxiter)) {
            // new x
            xnew = (x1 * y2 - y1 * x2) / (y2 - y1);

            // evaluate new time of flight
            final double x;
            if (m == 0) {
                x = FastMath.exp(xnew) - 1;
            } else {
                x = FastMath.atan(xnew) * 2 / FastMath.PI;

            final double tof = timeOfFlight(x, longway, m, minSma, speri, chord);

            // new value of y
            final double ynew;
            if (m == 0) {
                ynew = FastMath.log(tof) - logt;
            } else {
                ynew = tof - rtof;

            // save previous and current values for the next iteration
            x1 = x2;
            x2 = xnew;
            y1 = y2;
            y2 = ynew;

            // update error
            err = FastMath.abs(x1 - xnew);

            // increment number of iterations

        // failure to converge
        if (err > tol) {
            return false;

        // convert converged value of x
        final double x;
        if (m == 0) {
            x = FastMath.exp(xnew) - 1;
        } else {
            x = FastMath.atan(xnew) * 2 / FastMath.PI;

        // Solution for the semi-major axis (Eq. 7.20)
        final double sma = minSma / (1 - x * x);

        // compute velocities
        final double eta;
        if (x < 1) {
            // ellipse, Eqs. 7.7, 7.17
            final double alfa = 2 * FastMath.acos(x);
            final double beta = longway * 2 * FastMath.asin(FastMath.sqrt((speri - chord) / (2. * sma)));
            final double psi  = (alfa - beta) / 2;
            // Eq. 7.21
            final double etaSq = 2 * sma * FastMath.pow(FastMath.sin(psi), 2) / speri;
            eta  = FastMath.sqrt(etaSq);
        } else {
            // hyperbola
            final double gamma = 2 * FastMath.acosh(x);
            final double delta = longway * 2 * FastMath.asinh(FastMath.sqrt((chord - speri) / (2 * sma)));
            final double psi  = (gamma - delta) / 2.;
            final double etaSq = -2 * sma * FastMath.pow(FastMath.sinh(psi), 2) / speri;
            eta  = FastMath.sqrt(etaSq);

        // radial and tangential directions for departure velocity (Eq. 7.36)
        final double VR1 = (1. / eta) * FastMath.sqrt(1. / minSma) * (2 * lambda * minSma / r1 - (lambda + x * eta));
        final double VT1 = (1. / eta) * FastMath.sqrt(1. / minSma) * FastMath.sqrt(r2 / r1) * FastMath.sin(dth / 2);
        V1[0] = VR1;
        V1[1] = VT1;

        return true;

    /** Compute the time of flight of a given arc of orbit.
     * The time of flight is evaluated via the Lagrange expression.
     * @param x          x
     * @param longway    solution number; the long way or the short war
     * @param mrev       number of revolutions of the arc of orbit
     * @param minSma     minimum possible semi-major axis
     * @param speri      semi-parameter of the arc of orbit
     * @param chord      chord of the arc of orbit
     * @return the time of flight for the given arc of orbit
    private double timeOfFlight(final double x, final int longway, final int mrev, final double minSma,
                                final double speri, final double chord) {

        final double a = minSma / (1 - x * x);

        final double tof;
        if (FastMath.abs(x) < 1) {
            // Lagrange form of the time of flight equation Eq. (7.9)
            // elliptical orbit (note: mu = 1)
            final double beta = longway * 2 * FastMath.asin(FastMath.sqrt((speri - chord) / (2. * a)));
            final double alfa = 2 * FastMath.acos(x);
            tof = a * FastMath.sqrt(a) * ((alfa - FastMath.sin(alfa)) - (beta - FastMath.sin(beta)) + 2 * FastMath.PI * mrev);
        } else {
            // hyperbolic orbit
            final double alfa = 2 * FastMath.acosh(x);
            final double beta = longway * 2 * FastMath.asinh(FastMath.sqrt((speri - chord) / (-2. * a)));
            tof = -a * FastMath.sqrt(-a) * ((FastMath.sinh(alfa) - alfa) - (FastMath.sinh(beta) - beta));

        return tof;