Class StreamingOemWriter.Segment

    • Method Detail

      • writeMetadata

        public void writeMetadata()
                           throws IOException
        Write the ephemeris segment metadata.

        See StreamingOemWriter for a description of how the metadata is set.

        IOException - if the output stream throws one while writing.
      • writeEphemerisLine

        public void writeEphemerisLine​(TimeStampedPVCoordinates pv)
                                throws IOException
        Write a single ephemeris line according to section 5.2.4. This method does not write the optional acceleration terms.
        pv - the time, position, and velocity to write.
        IOException - if the output stream throws one while writing.
      • init

        public void init​(SpacecraftState s0,
                         AbsoluteDate t,
                         double step)
        Initialize step handler at the start of a propagation.

        This method is called once at the start of the propagation. It may be used by the step handler to initialize some internal data if needed.

        The default implementation currently calls the deprecated OrekitFixedStepHandler.init(SpacecraftState, AbsoluteDate) which does nothing by default. When that method is removed the default implementation will do nothing.

        Sets the Keyword.START_TIME and Keyword.STOP_TIME in this segment's metadata if not already set by the user. Then calls writeMetadata() to start the segment.

        Specified by:
        init in interface OrekitFixedStepHandler
        s0 - initial state
        t - target time for the integration
        step - the duration in seconds of the fixed step. This value is positive even if propagation is backwards.