Uses of Package
Packages that use org.orekit.bodies Package Description org.orekit.attitudes This package provides classes to represent simple This package provides interface to represent the position and geometry of space objects such as stars, planets or This package provide base classes for exploring the configured data directory tree and read external data that can be used by the The measurements package defines everything that is related to orbit determination This package contains definitions for CCSDS objects (frames, time systems...).org.orekit.files.ccsds.ndm.odm.ocm This package contains class managing CCSDS Orbit Comprehensive This package contains utilities for CCSDS messages lexical This package provides interfaces for orbit file representations and corresponding This package provides all gravity-related This package provides all radiation pressure related This package provides classes to handle frames and transforms between This package provides classes for representing a spacecraft sensor Field Of This package provides classes related to GNSS This package provides models that simulate certain physical phenomena of Earth and the near-Earth This package provides the atmosphere model interface and several This package provides models computing reference points displacements on Earth This package provides models that simulate the impact of the This package provides classes for implementing NeQuick ionosphere This package provides ways to do tessellation and sampling of zones of interest over an ellipsoid This package provides models that simulate the impact of the This package contains class for the troposphere model OTU-4 This package provides models that simulate global weather conditions on This package provides classes to represent This package provides interfaces and classes dealing with events occurring during Top level package for CR3BP Models used with a numerical This package provides force models for Draper Semi-analytical Satellite Theory (DSST).org.orekit.utils This package provides useful objects. -
Classes in org.orekit.bodies used by org.orekit.attitudes Class Description BodyShape Interface representing the rigid surface shape of a natural body.Ellipsoid Modeling of a general three-axes ellipsoid.GeodeticPoint Point location relative to a 2D body surface.OneAxisEllipsoid Modeling of a one-axis ellipsoid. -
Classes in org.orekit.bodies used by org.orekit.bodies Class Description BodyShape Interface representing the rigid surface shape of a natural body.CelestialBodies Commonly used celestial bodies.CelestialBody Interface for celestial bodies like Sun, Moon or solar system planets.CelestialBodyLoader Interface for loading celestial bodies.CR3BPSystem Class creating, from two different celestial bodies, the corresponding system with respect to the Circular Restricted Three Body problem hypotheses.Ellipse Model of a 2D ellipse in 3D space.Ellipsoid Modeling of a general three-axes ellipsoid.FieldEllipse Model of a 2D ellipse in 3D space.FieldGeodeticPoint Point location relative to a 2D body surface, usingCalculusFieldElement
.GeodeticPoint Point location relative to a 2D body surface.JPLEphemeridesLoader.EphemerisType List of supported ephemerides types.LazyLoadedCelestialBodies This class lazily loads auxiliary data when it is needed by a requested body.Loxodrome Perform calculations on a loxodrome (commonly, a rhumb line) on an ellipsoid.OneAxisEllipsoid Modeling of a one-axis ellipsoid. -
Classes in org.orekit.bodies used by Class Description CelestialBodies Commonly used celestial bodies.LazyLoadedCelestialBodies This class lazily loads auxiliary data when it is needed by a requested body. -
Classes in org.orekit.bodies used by org.orekit.estimation.measurements Class Description FieldGeodeticPoint Point location relative to a 2D body surface, usingCalculusFieldElement
.GeodeticPoint Point location relative to a 2D body surface. -
Classes in org.orekit.bodies used by org.orekit.files.ccsds.definitions Class Description CelestialBodies Commonly used celestial bodies.CelestialBody Interface for celestial bodies like Sun, Moon or solar system planets. -
Classes in org.orekit.bodies used by org.orekit.files.ccsds.ndm.odm.ocm Class Description CelestialBodies Commonly used celestial bodies.OneAxisEllipsoid Modeling of a one-axis ellipsoid. -
Classes in org.orekit.bodies used by org.orekit.files.ccsds.utils.lexical Class Description CelestialBodies Commonly used celestial bodies. -
Classes in org.orekit.bodies used by org.orekit.files.general Class Description CelestialBody Interface for celestial bodies like Sun, Moon or solar system planets. -
Classes in org.orekit.bodies used by org.orekit.forces.gravity Class Description CelestialBody Interface for celestial bodies like Sun, Moon or solar system planets. -
Classes in org.orekit.bodies used by org.orekit.forces.radiation Class Description OneAxisEllipsoid Modeling of a one-axis ellipsoid. -
Classes in org.orekit.bodies used by org.orekit.frames Class Description BodyShape Interface representing the rigid surface shape of a natural body.CelestialBodies Commonly used celestial bodies.CelestialBody Interface for celestial bodies like Sun, Moon or solar system planets.FieldGeodeticPoint Point location relative to a 2D body surface, usingCalculusFieldElement
.GeodeticPoint Point location relative to a 2D body surface. -
Classes in org.orekit.bodies used by org.orekit.geometry.fov Class Description GeodeticPoint Point location relative to a 2D body surface.OneAxisEllipsoid Modeling of a one-axis ellipsoid. -
Classes in org.orekit.bodies used by org.orekit.gnss Class Description GeodeticPoint Point location relative to a 2D body surface.OneAxisEllipsoid Modeling of a one-axis ellipsoid. -
Classes in org.orekit.bodies used by Class Description BodyShape Interface representing the rigid surface shape of a natural body.Ellipsoid Modeling of a general three-axes ellipsoid.FieldGeodeticPoint Point location relative to a 2D body surface, usingCalculusFieldElement
.GeodeticPoint Point location relative to a 2D body surface.OneAxisEllipsoid Modeling of a one-axis ellipsoid. -
Classes in org.orekit.bodies used by Class Description BodyShape Interface representing the rigid surface shape of a natural body.OneAxisEllipsoid Modeling of a one-axis ellipsoid. -
Classes in org.orekit.bodies used by Class Description GeodeticPoint Point location relative to a 2D body surface.OneAxisEllipsoid Modeling of a one-axis ellipsoid. -
Classes in org.orekit.bodies used by Class Description FieldGeodeticPoint Point location relative to a 2D body surface, usingCalculusFieldElement
.GeodeticPoint Point location relative to a 2D body surface. -
Classes in org.orekit.bodies used by Class Description FieldGeodeticPoint Point location relative to a 2D body surface, usingCalculusFieldElement
.GeodeticPoint Point location relative to a 2D body surface. -
Classes in org.orekit.bodies used by Class Description GeodeticPoint Point location relative to a 2D body surface.OneAxisEllipsoid Modeling of a one-axis ellipsoid. -
Classes in org.orekit.bodies used by Class Description FieldGeodeticPoint Point location relative to a 2D body surface, usingCalculusFieldElement
.GeodeticPoint Point location relative to a 2D body surface. -
Classes in org.orekit.bodies used by Class Description FieldGeodeticPoint Point location relative to a 2D body surface, usingCalculusFieldElement
.GeodeticPoint Point location relative to a 2D body surface. -
Classes in org.orekit.bodies used by Class Description FieldGeodeticPoint Point location relative to a 2D body surface, usingCalculusFieldElement
.GeodeticPoint Point location relative to a 2D body surface. -
Classes in org.orekit.bodies used by org.orekit.orbits Class Description CR3BPSystem Class creating, from two different celestial bodies, the corresponding system with respect to the Circular Restricted Three Body problem hypotheses. -
Classes in org.orekit.bodies used by Class Description BodyShape Interface representing the rigid surface shape of a natural body.OneAxisEllipsoid Modeling of a one-axis ellipsoid. -
Classes in org.orekit.bodies used by org.orekit.propagation.numerical.cr3bp Class Description CR3BPSystem Class creating, from two different celestial bodies, the corresponding system with respect to the Circular Restricted Three Body problem hypotheses. -
Classes in org.orekit.bodies used by org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst.forces Class Description CelestialBody Interface for celestial bodies like Sun, Moon or solar system planets.OneAxisEllipsoid Modeling of a one-axis ellipsoid. -
Classes in org.orekit.bodies used by org.orekit.utils Class Description GeodeticPoint Point location relative to a 2D body surface.OneAxisEllipsoid Modeling of a one-axis ellipsoid.