Package org.orekit.control.indirect

This package provides routines to perform so-called indirect optimal control within the frame of orbital mechanics.
Indirect means that optimality conditions are obtained first, before attempting to solve them, usually numerically by way of some discretization. A common theorem to derive such conditions for optimality is the Pontryagin's Maximum Principle and its variants. It introduces so-called adjoint variables which are closely linked to the optimal solution. This is in contrast with direct methods, which consist in performing discretization first, before resorting to finite-dimension, local optimization techniques.

Some references:
  • CERF, Max. Optimization Techniques II: Discrete and Functional Optimization. In : Optimization Techniques II. EDP Sciences, 2023.
  • TRÉLAT, Emmanuel. Optimal control and applications to aerospace: some results and challenges. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 2012, vol. 154, p. 713-758.
  • COLASURDO, Guido and CASALINO, Lorenzo. Indirect methods for the optimization of spacecraft trajectories. Modeling and Optimization in Space Engineering, 2013, p. 141-158.
  • MAREC, Jean-Pierre. Optimal space trajectories. Elsevier, 2012.
Romain Serra