Class CartesianCovariance

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Data, Section

    public class CartesianCovariance
    extends CommentsContainer
    implements Data
    Container for OPM/OMM/OCM Cartesian covariance matrix.

    Beware that the Orekit getters and setters all rely on SI units. The parsers and writers take care of converting these SI units into CCSDS mandatory units. The Unit class provides useful fromSi and toSI methods in case the callers already use CCSDS units instead of the API SI units. The general-purpose Unit class (without an 's') and the CCSDS-specific Units class (with an 's') also provide some predefined units. These predefined units and the fromSi and toSI conversion methods are indeed what the parsers and writers use for the conversions.

    • Constructor Detail

      • CartesianCovariance

        public CartesianCovariance​(Supplier<FrameFacade> defaultFrameSupplier)
        Create an empty data set.
        defaultFrameSupplier - supplier for default reference frame if no frame is specified in the CCSDS message
    • Method Detail

      • validate

        public void validate​(double version)
        Check is all mandatory entries have been initialized.

        This method should throw an exception if some mandatory entries are missing or not compatible with version number.

        Specified by:
        validate in interface Section
        validate in class CommentsContainer
        version - format version
      • getEpoch

        public AbsoluteDate getEpoch()
        Get matrix epoch.
        matrix epoch
      • setEpoch

        public void setEpoch​(AbsoluteDate epoch)
        Set matrix epoch.
        epoch - matrix epoch
      • getReferenceFrame

        public FrameFacade getReferenceFrame()
        Get the reference frame.
        The reference frame specified by the COV_REF_FRAME keyword or inherited from metadata
      • setReferenceFrame

        public void setReferenceFrame​(FrameFacade referenceFrame)
        Set the reference frame in which data are given.
        referenceFrame - the reference frame to be set
      • getCovarianceMatrix

        public RealMatrix getCovarianceMatrix()
        Get the Position/Velocity covariance matrix.
        the Position/Velocity covariance matrix
      • setCovarianceMatrixEntry

        public void setCovarianceMatrixEntry​(int j,
                                             int k,
                                             double entry)
        Set an entry in the Position/Velocity covariance matrix.

        Both m(j, k) and m(k, j) are set.

        j - row index (must be between 0 and 5 (inclusive)
        k - column index (must be between 0 and 5 (inclusive)
        entry - value of the matrix entry