Class SolidTides

    • Field Detail


        public static final double DEFAULT_STEP
        Default step for tides field sampling (seconds).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int DEFAULT_POINTS
        Default number of points tides field sampling.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • SolidTides

        public SolidTides​(Frame centralBodyFrame,
                          double ae,
                          double mu,
                          TideSystem centralTideSystem,
                          boolean poleTide,
                          double step,
                          int nbPoints,
                          IERSConventions conventions,
                          UT1Scale ut1,
                          CelestialBody... bodies)
        Simple constructor.
        centralBodyFrame - rotating body frame
        ae - central body reference radius
        mu - central body attraction coefficient
        centralTideSystem - tide system used in the central attraction model
        poleTide - if true, pole tide is computed
        step - time step between sample points for interpolation
        nbPoints - number of points to use for interpolation, if less than 2 then no interpolation is performed (thus greatly increasing computation cost)
        conventions - IERS conventions used for loading Love numbers
        ut1 - UT1 time scale
        bodies - tide generating bodies (typically Sun and Moon)