Class SHAFormatReader

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class SHAFormatReader
    extends PotentialCoefficientsReader
    Reader for the SHA gravity field format.

    This format is used by some lunar gravity models distributed by NASA's Planetary Geology, Geophysics and Geochemistry Laboratory such as GRGM1200B and GRGM1200L. It is a simple ASCII format, described in the GRGM1200B model product site. The first line contains 4 constants: model GM, mean radius, maximum degree and maximum order. All other lines contain 6 entries: degree, order, Clm, Slm, sigma Clm and sigma Slm (formal errors of Clm and Slm).

    The proper way to use this class is to call the GravityFieldFactory which will determine which reader to use with the selected gravity field file.

    Rafael Ayala
    See Also:
    • Constructor Detail

      • SHAFormatReader

        public SHAFormatReader​(String supportedNames,
                               boolean missingCoefficientsAllowed)
        Simple constructor.
        supportedNames - regular expression for supported files names
        missingCoefficientsAllowed - if true, allows missing coefficients in the input data