Class DateBasedManeuverTriggers

    • Constructor Detail

      • DateBasedManeuverTriggers

        public DateBasedManeuverTriggers​(AbsoluteDate date,
                                         double duration)
        Simple constructor.
        date - start (or end) data of the maneuver
        duration - maneuver duration (if positive, maneuver is from date to date + duration, if negative, maneuver will be from date - duration to date)
      • DateBasedManeuverTriggers

        public DateBasedManeuverTriggers​(String name,
                                         AbsoluteDate date,
                                         double duration)
        Simple constructor.
        name - name of the trigger (used as prefix for start and stop parameters drivers)
        date - start (or end) data of the maneuver
        duration - maneuver duration (if positive, maneuver is from date to date + duration, if negative, maneuver will be from date - duration to date)
      • DateBasedManeuverTriggers

        public DateBasedManeuverTriggers​(String name,
                                         AbsoluteDate date,
                                         double duration,
                                         EventDetectionSettings detectionSettings)
        Simple constructor.
        name - name of the trigger (used as prefix for start and stop parameters drivers)
        date - start (or end) data of the maneuver
        duration - maneuver duration (if positive, maneuver is from date to date + duration, if negative, maneuver will be from date - duration to date)
        detectionSettings - date detection settings (warning: choose with care, as poor settings might miss the maneuver)
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public String getName()
        Get the maneuver name.
        the maneuver name
      • getStartDate

        public AbsoluteDate getStartDate()
        Get the start date.
        the start date
      • getEndDate

        public AbsoluteDate getEndDate()
        Get the end date.
        the end date
      • getDuration

        public double getDuration()
        Get the duration of the maneuver (s). duration = endDate - startDate
        the duration of the maneuver (s)
      • convertIntervalDetector

        protected <D extends FieldAbstractDetector<D,​S>,​S extends CalculusFieldElement<S>> FieldAbstractDetector<D,​S> convertIntervalDetector​(Field<S> field,
                                                                                                                                                                ParameterDrivenDateIntervalDetector detector)
        Convert a primitive firing intervals detector into a field firing intervals detector.

        There is not need to set up withMaxCheck, withThreshold, or withHandler in the converted detector, this will be done by caller.

        A skeleton implementation of this method to convert some XyzDetector into FieldXyzDetector, considering these detectors are created from a date and a number parameter is:

             protected <D extends FieldEventDetector<S>, S extends CalculusFieldElement<S>>
                 FieldAbstractDetector<D, S> convertIntervalDetector(final Field<S> field, final XyzDetector detector) {
                 final FieldAbsoluteDate<S> date  = new FieldAbsoluteDate<>(field, detector.getDate());
                 final S                    param = field.getZero().newInstance(detector.getParam());
                 final FieldAbstractDetector<D, S> converted = (FieldAbstractDetector<D, S>) new FieldXyzDetector<>(date, param);
                 return converted;
        Specified by:
        convertIntervalDetector in class IntervalEventTrigger<ParameterDrivenDateIntervalDetector>
        Type Parameters:
        D - type of the event detector
        S - type of the field elements
        field - field to which the state belongs
        detector - primitive firing intervals detector to convert
        converted firing intervals detector
      • getParametersDrivers

        public List<ParameterDriver> getParametersDrivers()
        Get the drivers for parameters.
        drivers for parameters