Uses of Interface
Packages that use GnssSignal Package Description org.orekit.estimation.measurements.gnss This package provides methods to handle GNSS This package provides classes related to station This package provides classes related to GNSS applications. -
Uses of GnssSignal in org.orekit.estimation.measurements.gnss
Methods in org.orekit.estimation.measurements.gnss that return types with arguments of type GnssSignal Modifier and Type Method Description Map<GnssSignal,List<AbsoluteDate>>
CycleSlipDetectorResults. getCycleSlipMap()
Get the cycle slip Map with contains the results.protected List<Map<GnssSignal,org.orekit.estimation.measurements.gnss.AbstractCycleSlipDetector.DataForDetection>>
AbstractCycleSlipDetector. getStuffReference()
Get the stuff (all the things needed for, the detector).Methods in org.orekit.estimation.measurements.gnss with parameters of type GnssSignal Modifier and Type Method Description protected void
AbstractCycleSlipDetector. cycleSlipDataSet(String nameSat, AbsoluteDate date, double value, GnssSignal signal)
Set the data: collect data at the current Date, at the current frequency, for a given satellite, add it within the attributes data and stuff.AbsoluteDate
CycleSlipDetectorResults. getBeginDate(GnssSignal signal)
Return the date of validity beginning of the detector.protected abstract double
AbstractDualFrequencyCombination. getCombinedFrequency(GnssSignal s1, GnssSignal s2)
Get the combined frequency of two measurements.protected double
GeometryFreeCombination. getCombinedFrequency(GnssSignal s1, GnssSignal s2)
Get the combined frequency of two measurements.protected double
IonosphereFreeCombination. getCombinedFrequency(GnssSignal s1, GnssSignal s2)
Get the combined frequency of two measurements.protected double
NarrowLaneCombination. getCombinedFrequency(GnssSignal s1, GnssSignal s2)
Get the combined frequency of two measurements.protected double
WideLaneCombination. getCombinedFrequency(GnssSignal s1, GnssSignal s2)
Get the combined frequency of two measurements.protected abstract double
AbstractDualFrequencyCombination. getCombinedValue(double obs1, GnssSignal s1, double obs2, GnssSignal s2)
Get the combined observed value of two measurements.protected double
GeometryFreeCombination. getCombinedValue(double obs1, GnssSignal s1, double obs2, GnssSignal s2)
Get the combined observed value of two measurements.protected double
IonosphereFreeCombination. getCombinedValue(double obs1, GnssSignal s1, double obs2, GnssSignal s2)
Get the combined observed value of two measurements.protected double
NarrowLaneCombination. getCombinedValue(double obs1, GnssSignal s1, double obs2, GnssSignal s2)
Get the combined observed value of two measurements.protected double
WideLaneCombination. getCombinedValue(double obs1, GnssSignal s1, double obs2, GnssSignal s2)
Get the combined observed value of two measurements.AbsoluteDate
CycleSlipDetectorResults. getEndDate(GnssSignal signal)
Return the end date at the given frequency. -
Uses of GnssSignal in org.orekit.files.sinex
Methods in org.orekit.files.sinex that return types with arguments of type GnssSignal Modifier and Type Method Description Map<GnssSignal,Vector3D>
Station. getPhaseCenters(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the phase centers for the given epoch.TimeSpanMap<Map<GnssSignal,Vector3D>>
Station. getPhaseCentersMap()
Get the TimeSpanMap of phase centers.Map<SatInSystem,Map<GnssSignal,Vector3D>>
Sinex. getSatellitesPhaseCenters()
Get the parsed satellites phase centers.Constructor parameters in org.orekit.files.sinex with type arguments of type GnssSignal Constructor Description Sinex(TimeScales timeScales, AbsoluteDate creationDate, AbsoluteDate startDate, AbsoluteDate endDate, Map<SatInSystem,Map<GnssSignal,Vector3D>> satellitesPhaseCenters, Map<String,Station> stations, Map<AbsoluteDate,SinexEopEntry> eop)
Simple constructor. -
Uses of GnssSignal in org.orekit.gnss
Classes in org.orekit.gnss that implement GnssSignal Modifier and Type Class Description class
Enumerate for GNSS predefined signals.Methods in org.orekit.gnss that return GnssSignal Modifier and Type Method Description GnssSignal
ObservationType. getSignal(SatelliteSystem system)
Get the signal for a specified satellite system.GnssSignal
PredefinedObservationType. getSignal(SatelliteSystem system)
Get the signal for a specified satellite system.