Uses of Interface
Packages that use AdditionalDerivativesProvider Package Description org.orekit.control.indirect.adjoint This package provides routines to model the adjoint dynamics as in the Pontryagin Maximum Principle, as used in indirect This package provides routines to model the control cost in adjoint equations as in the Pontryagin Maximum This package provides classes relative to the propagation part of indirect Generators for columns of Jacobian matrices related to maneuver This package provides tools to convert a given propagator or a set ofSpacecraftState
into another Utilities for integration-based propagators (both numerical and semi-analytical).org.orekit.propagation.numerical Top level package for numerical Top level package for CR3BP Models used with a numerical propagator. -
Uses of AdditionalDerivativesProvider in org.orekit.control.indirect.adjoint
Classes in org.orekit.control.indirect.adjoint that implement AdditionalDerivativesProvider Modifier and Type Class Description class
Class defining the adjoint dynamics, as defined in the Pontryagin Maximum Principle, in the case where Cartesian coordinates in an inertial frame are the dependent variable. -
Uses of AdditionalDerivativesProvider in org.orekit.control.indirect.adjoint.cost
Methods in org.orekit.control.indirect.adjoint.cost that return AdditionalDerivativesProvider Modifier and Type Method Description default AdditionalDerivativesProvider
CartesianCost. getCostDerivativeProvider(String name)
Get the derivatives provider to be able to integrate the cost function. -
Uses of AdditionalDerivativesProvider in org.orekit.control.indirect.shooting.propagation
Methods in org.orekit.control.indirect.shooting.propagation that return AdditionalDerivativesProvider Modifier and Type Method Description AdditionalDerivativesProvider
AdjointDynamicsProvider. buildAdditionalDerivativesProvider()
Builds adjoint derivatives provider. -
Uses of AdditionalDerivativesProvider in org.orekit.forces.maneuvers.jacobians
Classes in org.orekit.forces.maneuvers.jacobians that implement AdditionalDerivativesProvider Modifier and Type Class Description class
Generator for effect of delaying mass depletion when delaying a maneuver. -
Uses of AdditionalDerivativesProvider in org.orekit.propagation.conversion
Methods in org.orekit.propagation.conversion that return types with arguments of type AdditionalDerivativesProvider Modifier and Type Method Description protected List<AdditionalDerivativesProvider>
AbstractPropagatorBuilder. getAdditionalDerivativesProviders()
Get the list of additional equations.Methods in org.orekit.propagation.conversion with parameters of type AdditionalDerivativesProvider Modifier and Type Method Description void
AbstractPropagatorBuilder. addAdditionalDerivativesProvider(AdditionalDerivativesProvider provider)
Add a set of user-specified equations to be integrated along with the orbit propagation (author Shiva Iyer). -
Uses of AdditionalDerivativesProvider in org.orekit.propagation.integration
Methods in org.orekit.propagation.integration that return types with arguments of type AdditionalDerivativesProvider Modifier and Type Method Description List<AdditionalDerivativesProvider>
AbstractIntegratedPropagator. getAdditionalDerivativesProviders()
Get an unmodifiable list of providers for additional derivatives.Methods in org.orekit.propagation.integration with parameters of type AdditionalDerivativesProvider Modifier and Type Method Description void
AbstractIntegratedPropagator. addAdditionalDerivativesProvider(AdditionalDerivativesProvider provider)
Add a provider for user-specified state derivatives to be integrated along with the orbit propagation. -
Uses of AdditionalDerivativesProvider in org.orekit.propagation.numerical
Classes in org.orekit.propagation.numerical that implement AdditionalDerivativesProvider Modifier and Type Class Description class
Computes derivatives of the acceleration, including ThirdBodyAttraction. -
Uses of AdditionalDerivativesProvider in org.orekit.propagation.numerical.cr3bp
Classes in org.orekit.propagation.numerical.cr3bp that implement AdditionalDerivativesProvider Modifier and Type Class Description class
Class calculating the state transition matrix coefficient for CR3BP Computation.