Class FieldDataDictionary.Entry

    • Method Detail

      • getKey

        public String getKey()
        Get the entry key.
        entry key
      • getValue

        public Object getValue()
        Get the value.
        a copy of the value (independent from internal array if it is a double array)
      • scaledIncrement

        public void scaledIncrement​(double factor,
                                    FieldArrayDictionary.Entry raw)
        Increment the value with another scaled entry.

        Each component value[i] will be replaced by value[i] + factor * raw.value[i].

        For the sake of performance, no checks are done on arguments.

        factor - multiplicative factor for increment
        raw - raw increment to be multiplied by factor and then added
      • scaledIncrement

        public void scaledIncrement​(T factor,
                                    FieldArrayDictionary.Entry raw)
        Increment the value with another scaled entry.

        Each component value[i] will be replaced by value[i] + factor * raw.value[i].

        For the sake of performance, no checks are done on arguments.

        factor - multiplicative factor for increment
        raw - raw increment to be multiplied by factor and then added