Class AngularTroposphericDelayModifier

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    EstimationModifier<AngularAzEl>, ParameterDriversProvider

    public class AngularTroposphericDelayModifier
    extends Object
    implements EstimationModifier<AngularAzEl>
    as of 12.1, AngularRadioRefractionModifier shall be used to handle tropospheric effect on angular measurements
    Class modifying theoretical angular measurement with tropospheric delay.

    The effect of tropospheric correction on the angular is computed through the computation of the tropospheric delay.The spacecraft state is shifted by the computed delay time and elevation and azimuth are computed again with the new spacecraft state.

    In general, for GNSS, VLBI, ... there is hardly any frequency dependence in the delay. For SLR techniques however, the frequency dependence is sensitive.

    Thierry Ceolin