Class StreamingCpfWriter

  • public class StreamingCpfWriter
    extends Object
    A writer for CPF files.

    Each instance corresponds to a single CPF file.

    This class can be used as a step handler for a Propagator. The following example shows its use as a step handler.

    Note: By default, only required header keys are wrote (H1 and H2). Furthermore, only position data can be written. Other keys (optionals) are simply ignored. Contributions are welcome to support more fields in the format.

    Bryan Cazabonne
    • Constructor Detail

      • StreamingCpfWriter

        public StreamingCpfWriter​(Appendable writer,
                                  TimeScale timeScale,
                                  CPFHeader header,
                                  boolean velocityFlag)
        Create a CPF writer than streams data to the given output stream.
        writer - the output stream for the CPF file.
        timeScale - for all times in the CPF
        header - container for header data
        velocityFlag - true if velocity must be written
    • Method Detail

      • writeHeader

        public void writeHeader()
                         throws IOException
        Writes the CPF header for the file.
        IOException - if the stream cannot write to stream
      • writeEndOfFile

        public void writeEndOfFile()
                            throws IOException
        Write end of file.
        IOException - if the stream cannot write to stream
      • newSegment

        public StreamingCpfWriter.Segment newSegment​(Frame frame)
        Create a writer for a new CPF ephemeris segment.

        The returned writer can only write a single ephemeris segment in a CPF.

        frame - the reference frame to use for the segment.
        a new CPF segment, ready for writing.