Interface IonosphericModel

    • Method Detail

      • pathDelay

        double pathDelay​(SpacecraftState state,
                         TopocentricFrame baseFrame,
                         double frequency,
                         double[] parameters)
        Calculates the ionospheric path delay for the signal path from a ground station to a satellite.

        This method is intended to be used for orbit determination issues. In that respect, if the elevation is below 0° the path delay will be equal to zero.

        For individual use of the ionospheric model (i.e. not for orbit determination), another method signature can be implemented to compute the path delay for any elevation angle.

        state - spacecraft state
        baseFrame - base frame associated with the station
        frequency - frequency of the signal in Hz
        parameters - ionospheric model parameters at state date
        the path delay due to the ionosphere in m
      • pathDelay

        <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> T pathDelay​(FieldSpacecraftState<T> state,
                                                        TopocentricFrame baseFrame,
                                                        double frequency,
                                                        T[] parameters)
        Calculates the ionospheric path delay for the signal path from a ground station to a satellite.

        This method is intended to be used for orbit determination issues. In that respect, if the elevation is below 0° the path delay will be equal to zero.

        For individual use of the ionospheric model (i.e. not for orbit determination), another method signature can be implemented to compute the path delay for any elevation angle.

        Type Parameters:
        T - type of the elements
        state - spacecraft state
        baseFrame - base frame associated with the station
        frequency - frequency of the signal in Hz
        parameters - ionospheric model parameters at state date
        the path delay due to the ionosphere in m