Class CanonicalSaastamoinenModel

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    TroposphericModel, ParameterDriversProvider

    public class CanonicalSaastamoinenModel
    extends Object
    implements TroposphericModel
    The canonical Saastamoinen model.

    Estimates the path delay imposed to electro-magnetic signals by the troposphere according to the formula: \delta = \frac{0.002277}{\cos z (1 - 0.00266\cos 2\varphi - 0.00028 h})} \left[P+(\frac{1255}{T}+0.005)e - B(h) \tan^2 z\right] with the following input data provided to the model:

    • z: zenith angle
    • P: atmospheric pressure
    • T: temperature
    • e: partial pressure of water vapor
    Luc Maisonobe
    See Also:
    "J Saastamoinen, Atmospheric Correction for the Troposphere and Stratosphere in Radio Ranging of Satellites"