Class KeplerianPropagatorBuilder

    • Constructor Detail

      • KeplerianPropagatorBuilder

        public KeplerianPropagatorBuilder​(Orbit templateOrbit,
                                          PositionAngleType positionAngleType,
                                          double positionScale)
        Build a new instance.

        The template orbit is used as a model to create initial orbit. It defines the inertial frame, the central attraction coefficient, the orbit type, and is also used together with the positionScale to convert from the normalized parameters used by the callers of this builder to the real orbital parameters. The default attitude provider is aligned with the orbit's inertial frame.

        templateOrbit - reference orbit from which real orbits will be built
        positionAngleType - position angle type to use
        positionScale - scaling factor used for orbital parameters normalization (typically set to the expected standard deviation of the position)
        See Also:
        KeplerianPropagatorBuilder(Orbit, PositionAngleType, double, AttitudeProvider)
      • KeplerianPropagatorBuilder

        public KeplerianPropagatorBuilder​(Orbit templateOrbit,
                                          PositionAngleType positionAngleType,
                                          double positionScale,
                                          AttitudeProvider attitudeProvider)
        Build a new instance.

        The template orbit is used as a model to create initial orbit. It defines the inertial frame, the central attraction coefficient, the orbit type, and is also used together with the positionScale to convert from the normalized parameters used by the callers of this builder to the real orbital parameters.

        templateOrbit - reference orbit from which real orbits will be built
        positionAngleType - position angle type to use
        positionScale - scaling factor used for orbital parameters normalization (typically set to the expected standard deviation of the position)
        attitudeProvider - attitude law to use.
    • Method Detail

      • buildPropagator

        public Propagator buildPropagator​(double[] normalizedParameters)
        Build a propagator.
        normalizedParameters - normalized values for the selected parameters
        an initialized propagator