Class ElevationDetectionAdaptableIntervalFactory

    • Field Detail


        public static final double DEFAULT_ELEVATION_SWITCH
        Default elevation abovde which interval should be switched to fine interval (-5°).
    • Method Detail

      • getAdaptableInterval

        public static AdaptableInterval getAdaptableInterval​(TopocentricFrame topo,
                                                             double elevationSwitch,
                                                             double fineCheckInterval)
        Method providing a candidate AdaptableInterval for arbitrary elevation detection with forward propagation. It uses a Keplerian, eccentric approximation.
        topo - topocentric frame centered at ground interest point
        elevationSwitch - elevation above which interval will switch to fineCheckInterval (typically DEFAULT_ELEVATION_SWITCH which is -5°)
        fineCheckInterval - check interval to use when elevation is above elevationSwitch
        adaptable interval for detection of elevation with respect to topo