Class DSSTTesseral

    • Constructor Detail

      • DSSTTesseral

        public DSSTTesseral​(Frame centralBodyFrame,
                            double centralBodyRotationRate,
                            UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider provider)
        Simple constructor with default reference values.

        When this constructor is used, maximum allowed values are used for the short periodic coefficients:

        • maxDegreeTesseralSP is set to provider.getMaxDegree()
        • maxOrderTesseralSP is set to provider.getMaxOrder().
        • maxEccPowTesseralSP is set to min(4, provider.getMaxOrder())
        • maxFrequencyShortPeriodics is set to min(provider.getMaxDegree() + 4, 12). This parameter should not exceed 12 as higher values will exceed computer capacity
        • maxDegreeMdailyTesseralSP is set to provider.getMaxDegree()
        • maxOrderMdailyTesseralSP is set to provider.getMaxOrder()
        • maxEccPowMdailyTesseralSP is set to min(provider.getMaxDegree() - 2, 4). This parameter should not exceed 4 as higher values will exceed computer capacity
        centralBodyFrame - rotating body frame
        centralBodyRotationRate - central body rotation rate (rad/s)
        provider - provider for spherical harmonics
      • DSSTTesseral

        public DSSTTesseral​(Frame centralBodyFrame,
                            double centralBodyRotationRate,
                            UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider provider,
                            int maxDegreeTesseralSP,
                            int maxOrderTesseralSP,
                            int maxEccPowTesseralSP,
                            int maxFrequencyShortPeriodics,
                            int maxDegreeMdailyTesseralSP,
                            int maxOrderMdailyTesseralSP,
                            int maxEccPowMdailyTesseralSP)
        Simple constructor.
        centralBodyFrame - rotating body frame
        centralBodyRotationRate - central body rotation rate (rad/s)
        provider - provider for spherical harmonics
        maxDegreeTesseralSP - maximal degree to consider for short periodics tesseral harmonics potential (must be between 2 and provider.getMaxDegree())
        maxOrderTesseralSP - maximal order to consider for short periodics tesseral harmonics potential (must be between 0 and provider.getMaxOrder())
        maxEccPowTesseralSP - maximum power of the eccentricity to use in summation over s for short periodic tesseral harmonics (without m-daily), should typically not exceed 4 as higher values will exceed computer capacity (must be between 0 and provider.getMaxOrder() though, however if order = 0 the value can be anything since it won't be used in the code)
        maxFrequencyShortPeriodics - maximum frequency in mean longitude for short periodic computations (typically maxDegreeTesseralSP + maxEccPowTesseralSP and no more than 12)
        maxDegreeMdailyTesseralSP - maximal degree to consider for short periodics m-daily tesseral harmonics potential (must be between 2 and provider.getMaxDegree())
        maxOrderMdailyTesseralSP - maximal order to consider for short periodics m-daily tesseral harmonics potential (must be between 0 and provider.getMaxOrder())
        maxEccPowMdailyTesseralSP - maximum power of the eccentricity to use in summation over s for m-daily tesseral harmonics, (must be between 0 and maxDegreeMdailyTesseralSP - 2, but should typically not exceed 4 as higher values will exceed computer capacity)