See: Description
Interface | Description |
DataFilter |
Interface for filtering data (typically uncompressing it) in
data providers
before passing it to data loaders . |
DataLoader |
Interface for loading data files from
data providers . |
DataProvider |
Interface for providing data files to
file loaders . |
NamedData.StreamOpener |
Interface for lazy-opening a stream.
PoissonSeries.CompiledSeries |
This interface represents a fast evaluator for Poisson series.
SimpleTimeStampedTableParser.RowConverter<S extends TimeStamped> |
Interface for converting a table row into time-stamped data.
Class | Description |
BodiesElements |
Elements of the bodies having an effect on nutation.
ClasspathCrawler |
Provider for data files stored as resources in the classpath.
DataProvidersManager |
Singleton class managing all supported
data providers . |
DelaunayArguments |
Delaunay arguments used for nutation or tides.
DirectoryCrawler |
Provider for data files stored in a directories tree on filesystem.
FieldBodiesElements<T extends RealFieldElement<T>> |
Elements of the bodies having an effect on nutation.
FieldDelaunayArguments<T extends RealFieldElement<T>> |
Delaunay arguments used for nutation or tides.
FundamentalNutationArguments |
Class computing the fundamental arguments for nutation and tides.
GzipFilter |
Filter for gzip compressed data.
NamedData |
Container for holding named data that can be
filtered . |
NetworkCrawler |
Provider for data files directly fetched from network.
PoissonSeries |
Class representing a Poisson series for nutation or ephemeris computations.
PoissonSeriesParser |
Parser for
Poisson series files. |
PolynomialNutation |
Polynomial nutation function.
PolynomialParser |
Parser for polynomials in IERS tables.
SimpleTimeStampedTableParser<T extends TimeStamped> |
Parser for simple tables containing
time stamped data. |
UnixCompressFilter |
Filter for Unix compressed data.
ZipJarCrawler |
Helper class for loading data files from a zip/jar archive.
Enum | Description |
PolynomialParser.Unit |
Unit for the coefficients.
Typical examples of external data are the Earth Orientation Parameters and the leap seconds history.
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