Class SingleParameterFitter

    • Field Detail


        public static final double SUN_PULSATION
        Sun pulsation, one year period.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final double MOON_DRACONIC_PULSATION
        Moon pulsation (one Moon draconic period).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • fit

        public SecularAndHarmonic fit​(EOPHistory rawHistory,
                                      ToDoubleFunction<EOPEntry> extractor)
        Perform secular and harmonic fitting.
        rawHistory - EOP history to fit
        extractor - extractor for Earth Orientation Parameter
        configured fitter
      • createDefaultDut1FitterShortTermPrediction

        public static SingleParameterFitter createDefaultDut1FitterShortTermPrediction()
        Create fitter with default parameters adapted for fitting orientation parameters dUT1 and LOD for short term prediction.

        The main difference between these settings and the settings for long prediction is the much smaller ττ. This means more weight is set to the points at the end of the history, hence forcing the fitted prediction model to be closer to these points, hence the prediction error to be smaller just after raw history end. On the other hand, this implies that the model will diverge on long term. These settings are intended when prediction is used for at most 5 days after raw EOP end.

        fitter with default configuration for orientation parameters dUT1 and LOD
        See Also:
      • createDefaultDut1FitterLongTermPrediction

        public static SingleParameterFitter createDefaultDut1FitterLongTermPrediction()
        Create fitter with default parameters adapted for fitting orientation parameters dUT1 and LOD for long term prediction.

        The main difference between these settings and the settings for short prediction is the much larger ττ. This means weight is spread throughout history, hence forcing the fitted prediction model to be remain very stable on the long term. On the other hand, this implies that the model will start with already a much larger error just after raw history end. These settings are intended when prediction is used for 5 days after raw EOP end or more.

        fitter with default configuration for orientation parameters dUT1 and LOD
        See Also:
      • createDefaultPoleFitterShortTermPrediction

        public static SingleParameterFitter createDefaultPoleFitterShortTermPrediction()
        Create fitter with default parameters adapted for fitting pole parameters Xp and Yp for long term prediction.

        The main difference between these settings and the settings for long prediction is the much smaller ττ. This means more weight is set to the points at the end of the history, hence forcing the fitted prediction model to be closer to these points, hence the prediction error to be smaller just after raw history end. On the other hand, this implies that the model will diverge on long term. These settings are intended when prediction is used for at most 5 days after raw EOP end.

        fitter with default configuration for pole parameters Xp and Yp
      • createDefaultPoleFitterLongTermPrediction

        public static SingleParameterFitter createDefaultPoleFitterLongTermPrediction()
        Create fitter with default parameters adapted for fitting pole parameters Xp and Yp for long term prediction.

        The main difference between these settings and the settings for short prediction is the much larger ττ. This means weight is spread throughout history, hence forcing the fitted prediction model to be remain very stable on the long term. On the other hand, this implies that the model will start with already a much larger error just after raw history end. These settings are intended when prediction is used for 5 days after raw EOP end or more.

        fitter with default configuration for pole parameters Xp and Yp
      • createDefaultNutationFitterShortTermPrediction

        public static SingleParameterFitter createDefaultNutationFitterShortTermPrediction()
        Create fitter with default parameters adapted for fitting nutation parameters dx and dy for long term prediction.

        The main difference between these settings and the settings for long prediction is the much smaller ττ. This means more weight is set to the points at the end of the history, hence forcing the fitted prediction model to be closer to these points, hence the prediction error to be smaller just after raw history end. On the other hand, this implies that the model will diverge on long term. These settings are intended when prediction is used for at most 5 days after raw EOP end.

        fitter with default configuration for pole nutation parameters dx and dy
      • createDefaultNutationFitterLongTermPrediction

        public static SingleParameterFitter createDefaultNutationFitterLongTermPrediction()
        Create fitter with default parameters adapted for fitting nutation parameters dx and dy for long term prediction.

        The main difference between these settings and the settings for short prediction is the much larger ττ. This means weight is spread throughout history, hence forcing the fitted prediction model to be remain very stable on the long term. On the other hand, this implies that the model will start with already a much larger error just after raw history end. These settings are intended when prediction is used for 5 days after raw EOP end or more.

        fitter with default configuration for pole nutation parameters dx and dy